Chapter 6 ~EDITED~

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   Zabuza's words echoed in my head. Kuro-Bara? Princess? Annihalation? It's no secret that I was adopted in the old world but if this was all true then I am all alone once again.... Well... no that's not true. I have a Konoha and my team... But if they found out my true nature... How crazy fucked up I am then they may never trust me again.

I shook my head, "I don't care what it is... whether I'm a Kuro-Bara, whatever the fuck that is, or not.... Do NOT call me princess... " I snapped in a growl. I turned my head to glance at my team, they were still in a shocked state. "Heh, sorry about this. I know you have questions and I swear I'll answer everything a give the honest to god truth but we don't have time to worry about that right now. We have this asshole in our hands now." I spoke, keeping my eyes trained on Zabuza.

"Renn-" Kakashi spoke then paused, not knowing my real name... If that was even my real name...

I sighed, "For now, just call me Renee. Where I come from that was my name. I'm not sure now but that really isn't the point is it?" I asked.

Kakashi just nodded. "Renee is right... all of you, as well as you Renee, Manji formation, protect Tazuna." He ordered.

Without any arugment I backed up my Tazuna, standing in my place with my Katana out now. I felt the presence of my other teamates around Tazuna but I kept my eyes trained on Zabuza. I watched as he jump flipped off the tree and pulled his sword with him. Sheathing it behind his back he did hand signs at an incredibly fast speed, slamming his hands into the ground. "Hidden Mist Jutsu!" Zabuza's voice commanded and a pearly white mist filled the air, hindering my sight.

I had to rely on my sense of hearing now. On instinct I crouched on ground, placing my hand and katana in the cold-- now wet- dirt.

"Rennin-- I mean Renee, what are you doing?" Sakura asked as I crouched.

"Shh... I'm listening." I answered lowly. I listened but I only heard the sound of Kakashi and Zabuza fighting. Then all of a sudden it was silent.

My eyes twitched and I snapped up, kicking my leg and flipping my body over. Pressing my hands into the ground, I pivoted my body and kicked the side of Zabuza's sword away from Tazuna as he tried to attack from above. Zabuza chuckled and hid back in the mist around him as I stood back straight, katana in hand again.

"Ha ha ha. Neck, liver, kidney's, heart... What should I choose first?" Zabuza laughed darkly.

I returned the gesture with a dark laugh of my own, grinning blue eyes staring into the mist. "It'll take a lot more than that to scare me, demon.. Afterall, you did mention I was a an assassin." I resonded.

Zabuza chuckled, "Oh you are so much more than that Kira." He said. I frowned.... who is Kira? Is that the 'princess' he thinks I am?

I twisted my head and caught a glimps of Sasuke holding a kunai up to his throat. I flipped around and grabbed the kunai, tearing it away from him. "Don't you fucking dare Sasuke Uchiha. If anything you'll die by my hands, not Zabuza's." I snarled.

"She's right. I would never let my comrades die, Sasuke! Also Renee, don't threaten your teammates." Kakashi said from the mist.

"I don't know about that Kakashi. We all know how you got that Sharingan... Just ask him what happened to his teammates." Zabuza taunted. I frowned, he is really getting fucking annoying.

"Sharingan Sharingan Sharingan! Kuro-Bara Kuro-Bara Kuro-Bara! That is all I hear, what is it?!" Naruto finally snapped.

"The Sharingan is the Uchiha clans Kekkei Genkai. it can copy almost anything. Ninjutsu's, Taijutsu's, Genjutsu's. I just don't know how that bastard of a sensei got it..." Sasuke growled out the explanation.

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