Izuku:those weren't dolls?

Yaga:cursed corpses they're dolls infused with my curse also her name is Cathy, by the way

Then the doll starts rushing towards Izuku and went to punch him but Izuku blocked the attack with his bag

'Izuku:!! Geez its hit was heavy as heck'

Yaga:People are more honest when they're in a pinch until I get a worthy answer she'll keep on attacking

Izuku took steady breaths and rushed towards the doll

Izuku:This request wasn't just "someone else"

Izuku then punches the doll with his strength making it get pushed back

Izuku:it was from my mother's dying wish!

Just then the doll then bounced and pivoted towards Izuku who got hit in the face which caused him to hit the wall

Yaga:A family member is still "someone else"

With that being said Izuku saw the doll dancing which irked him a bit

'Izuku:this doll doesn't feel fear nor pain but what am I suppose to do for me to not get hit by it?'

Yaga:A jujutsu sorcerer is constantly facing death and not just their own death sometimes you must ignite those murdered by a curse to rend the flesh from it...it's an unpleasant job you have to be motivated with a fair share of crazy and you want to do it because someone else asked you to? Dont make me laugh! It would've been better if you'd told me you were doing it jeut to postpone your execution

This got Izuku to narrow his eyes

Izuku:You don't know a damn thing

Yaga:really? Then would it be your mothers fault when you get killed by a curse?

That did it causing Izuku to not think clearly that he almost went after Yaga but he was suddenly stopped

'Sukuna:why must I stop you for doing something like this I wonder?'
'Izuku:then why did you? I'm sure you wouldn't care'
'Sukuna:let's say I want you to stay alive as my vessel and leave it at that'

Izuku who was trying to calm down and looked at Yaga

Izuku:you say some really messed up things I almost lost it

Yaga:education includes helping students make realizations

This got Izuku to listen but also to avoid a punch from the doll

Yaga:it's difficult to say what your heart feels when you're about to die but I can say this for sure...There's no death for a jujutsu sorcerer without regret!so at this rate you might even curse your beloved mother so I'll ask you one last time...why are you here?!

As the doll attempts to hit him everything went in slow motion for Izuku as he was in his thoughts

'Izuku:...I was always better than most in sports and in fights...deposited my lack of quirk and the wya the others judge me...but as the years went by for me there was never a thought for me to say that "this is something only I can do"

Izuku dodges the dolls punch and tackles it while holding it firmly with his strength

Izuku:consuming Sukuna...I know that's something only I can do...even if I could run away form my execution...if I run away from the mission...I'd just be doing nothing but wonder if I made the right choice of letting people fir because of Sukuna, thinking that it doesn't involve me there's no way I can convince myself that it's not my fault

Izuku with a serious look on his face made Gojo smile

Izuku:I can say what I'll be thinking when I die but I know this...I'm not gonna regret the way I live!

That's all it took for Yaga to have a small on his face with him telling Gojo to show Izuku his dorm and explain the security and rules to him

Izuku:wait does that mean

Yaga nodded
Yaga:You pass! Welcome to Jujutsu specialty high

This made Izuku smile and he was to be thank him bit had to block a punch from the doll

Yaga:oops sorry I forgot to stop the incantation

Izuku:its fine

He said this with a smile on his face

'Sukuna:I'll say it again you're really strange Izuku Midoriya'
'Izuku:then I'll take that as a compliment'

Chapter End stay safe and frosty and peace out

IZUKU KING OF CURSESWhere stories live. Discover now