Cassie was interrupted by Lexi coming through the door. 

"Hey guys! Oh-" She stopped

Ashtray and Cassie took a step back from each other. Cassie looked away and Ash nodded, "Sup Lex." He said.

Lexi let a smile curl up on her face. "I got us a spot to see Fez in two weeks." She said happily.

Cassies face lit up, but Ash froze in place, it was almost like the world around him was in slow motion.

Ash snapped back to reality and looked at Lexi, giving her a light, but grateful look. "Thanks Lexi." He said.

She smiled at him, nodding before heading up to her room. Ash could feel Cassie's eyes on him, so he turned around, looking down at her as she gave him a knowing look.

He frowned and looked at his feet. "I'm why he's in there. What if he doesn't want to see me?"

Cassie chuckled lightly, tilting her head. "Ash, don't be silly-"

Ash turned to her quickly, frustration in his voice. "I'm serious Cassie."

She kept her eyes on him, her expression growing more serious. She gulped and stepped forward, putting her hands gently on his arms. 

"Ash. He took that blame so you could have a chance for a better life. Of course he wants to see you, he loves you." She spoke genuinely, in a way that Ashtray never really let anyone talk to him before.

Ashtray started to make that face again, the same confused one from earlier. Cassie of course noticed but didn't pry.

The boy reaches forward and wraps his arms around her. Cassie leans into the hug, holding on to him. Neither of them were crying, or necessarily sad, but they both wanted this.

"Kids, dinner will be- oh!" Suze, Cassie and Ash all jumped, the two pulling apart. She gave the kids a suspicious look and walked off to the kitchen. "Dinner will be done at 7:00." She says.


Today's the day Ashtray got to see Fez. Suze packed up Lexi, Ashtray and Cassie in the van and made an event out of it.

Suze had surprisingly taken a liking to Ashtray, she saw potential in him, something greater than petty drug dealing, no disrespect. Although, she knew with the right care he could get a lot further in life.

She also noticed how he took a sort of protective role over the girls, Cassie especially. 

"This is exciting." Suze commented with a smile. Lexi sat in the passenger seat, with Cassie and Ashtray in the back. 

Ashtray cleared his throat, nodding. "Yeah, yea it is." He was nervous, could you blame him?

Sweat dripped from the boys head, he could feel his hand shaking, it stopped suddenly, he realised Cassie took it and relaxed. 

He squeezed it gently, letting her rub her thumb over his knuckles. 

Lexi looked back at them subtly. She gave them an odd look, then looked back out the window in confusion.


The building was freezing, unfucking livable, Ashtray was pissed. 

"Fez really gotta spend how many years in this shithole?" Ash whispered to Cassie as they walked through the halls, making there way to the visitation area. 

"Ash, we just have to talk to him, we don't have any information yet-" She reasoned, he grumbled.

A cop led them to a room full of different inmates on the other side of a glass window, like fifty of them. 

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