Chapter 1: Sacrifice

Start from the beginning

"So, this is war..."

Later that same boy attempted to help an enemy ninja by of death. Even after helping this shinobi, he still attacked as the shinobi tried to kill him. With the flick of his kunai, the boy fatally slashed the enemy ninja to save himself. The boy was terrified by what he has done for he had murdered another man. The boy was about cry until he felt someone grab his shoulder. In reflex the boy jumped to see his assailant only for it to be his father.

"F-Father" he frantically cried.

"It's okay son you're safe now" the small boy cried to his father's arms shocked what he has done.

"Why father, why did that shinobi tried to kill me after I helped him?" the child asked.

"My boy Itachi this is what war looks like. This what the shinobi world brings, nothing but constant suffering. We are born to fight in this cursed world, it is important to never show weakness in front of your enemy as you witness" he replied.

"Ohh..." the boy replied down casted.

Fugaku patted his head again." Just because this world is broken does not mean we should give up" he faced him showing a rare smile. "Quite the contrary as long as you fight for what is right in your heart can you establish peace remember that my son" he smiled earning a giggle from his son as they head back to the village.

"Peace and war..." Itachi wondered in his mind as he looks out in the sky.

One month later

People gathered around the cemetery to mourn over the fallen shinobi who all died in the Third great shinobi war. For Minato it was a difficult war that nearly got his students killed on several occasions. Gripped with the realities of war, Obito and Kakashi used their time to re-evaluate their teamwork and found common understanding for one another.

The biggest breakthrough was at Kannabi bridge when Obito finally awakened his Sharingan. They both worked together to win the war. As such they became heroes at the age of 12. The war dragged on so long that many of Uchihas lost their lives, upon those was his father the founder of this village Izuna. Unfortunately, he couldn't save his father who chose to sacrifice himself to help them finish the ongoing war. The pain helped Minato unlock his powers from the Sharingan who used it defeat the remaining enemy forces. Now he has to present the speech something he really isn't looking forward too but is necessary.

"We all stand here to announce the long-awaited end of such a terrible war. Though we now achieved peace it was not without casualties. All of our men fought our bravest against the enemy forces. We hereby commemorate the brave passing of one the greatest man I have ever known and best father a son could ever have, Izuna Uchiha. Ever since this village was forged, he dedicated his life to establishing peace and understanding between clans. He went across the shinobi world to establish lasting friendships with the neighboring village for this he will be greatly remembered for such as well as ending this awful war that not only took the lives of many of my fellow clansmen, but plenty of others even those from civilian all gave their lives so we can finally live in peace and for that is why I come for a major announcement" he gestured Fugaku to join him a little confused he obliges and leaves his son next to his mother as he stands next to his best friend.

"I know that the Uchiha council want me to succeed my father's position, but unfortunately I'll have to reject that offer." earning a gasp from the Uchihas who were certain that Minato will succeed as clan chief.

"Instead, I'll nominate my close friend and teammate, Fugaku to be clan chief." Fugaku was extremely surprised as he always suspected that Minato would be clan chief. This news got crowd murmuring among themselves.

Uchiha Brothers: A Naruto Uchiha Story Book 1: Beginnings Where stories live. Discover now