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Nightmare invited Cross over for a friendly chat as soon as he started dating his brother. He was the one who started the conversation.

"So I heard you found yourself a lover."

Cross immediately knew where this was heading.

"I-I'm sorry sir! He was just the perfect being for me!"

Nightmare started to whisper to himself. After a little bit, he stared back up at skeleton sitting at the other side of his desk.

"And why is that?"

"Because he's perfect in every way, he knows how to cheer me up, he knows everything I like, and I love having him around!"

Nightmare have Cross a glare, seeing if any lies were in that sentence. There didn't seem to be any, but of course the guardian of negativity didn't want to admit it.

"Whatever. Anyways-"

His sentence got interrupted by someone slamming his office door open.

"You better not be picking on him again! Just leave him alone for once brother!"

You probably guessed it. Nightmare's brother had waltzed in.

"I'm not."

"Yeah, Totally."

"I wasn't."

"Don't lie to me!"

This bickering went on for a couple minutes before Cross decided to sneak out of there.

The Truce 《Sans AUs Story》Where stories live. Discover now