Part 12: A Confession.

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Ink's POV:
      Cross leaves the room and I'm by myself. I didn't like being by myself, and I was afraid of it. But I have to deal with it. I'm not a kid. I'm not a child. I sigh and the sickness lessened and lessened overtime, until it was no longer there. I eventually was able to stand up but I was still giddy. (You can look up the definition if you don't know what that means.) I eventually got to my bed and later down on it. I pulled out my phone, turned it on, and went on MonsterTube. It's exactly what humans call YouTube, but for any monster in any au! I saw my favourite MonsterTuber had posted a new video, they never fail to make me laugh. Sadly they haven't shown their face, so I can't go to their au and ask them questions. Eventually Dust came in with some soup.

(Dust) Boss told me to bring some soup for you.

(Ink) Oh! Erm- thank you Dust..

(Dust) I didn't do much, but your welcome I guess.

(Ink) Still, it's the thought that counts!

(Dust) I-I guess..

(Ink) Your acting very... timorous..

(Dust) I'm just worried about Blue, ever since I heard what Dream has been doing to you guys, I'm hoping what happened to you doesn't happen to Blue..

(Ink) I... can check on him later today!..

(Dust) Oh no no no. Your in no condition to do that, if anything we could just start scaring people in an AU so then Blue and Dream will come. Me and you could check on Blue while the others fight Dream..

(Ink) That could work, yeah!

(Dust) Is there a way.. to talk to him now?

(Ink) Gimmie a second..

I close the MonsterTube app and go to my contacts list.. Blueberry.. aha! I press the call button and put it on speaker. It starts to ring and soon enough, Blue answers.

(Blue) Ink?! Oh my goodness! Are you alright? Have they hurt you?

(Ink) Blue, I'm fine! They haven't hurt me, so far they've taken care of me.

(Blue) Oh thank goodness..

(Dust) H-Hey Blue..!

(Blue) Is that Dust?

(Ink) Yep!

(Blue) Well hello Dust! How are you?

(Dust) I.. was actually going to ask YOU that... You know, with Dream and all..

(Blue) I'm fine! Just some shouting here and there, but rarely any physical damage.

(Dust) Is it possible... we c-can maybe m-meet u-up?

(Blue) Of course! Where?

(Ink) How about you two meet up in CherryTale? (Idk if thats an au, i just thought of a random word, also the description im about to give is just off of my imagination.) Specifically where the echo flowers are! You guys can sit on the birch bench under the cherry blossom trees! The leaves constantly fall, and are always replaced with new ones that take a second to grow! The echo flowers are also a pretty shade of pink, and I'm sure you can find one to fill you own echo with!

(Blue) That place sounds beautiful! How come I haven't been there?

(Ink) I'm the only one who knows about it. I've kept it a secret because I didn't want the moon gang to destroy it. I have a house there, and the monsters their are like my family. I thought if they knew, they might destroy one of the most important places I had...

You could hear a sob in between words. For example there were a couple of sobs in between the words "to" and "destory". In between "my" and "family". I was tearing up and getting emotional. CherryTale is one AU me and Gin liked to hang out at. Everyone there accepted him too. Eventually sobs turned into weeps and I was full on crying.

(Blue) Ink I can hear you crying! Are you alright?!

(Ink) I'm fine Blue, just head over there right now, alright?

I could tell Blue was hesitant after hearing me cry about the place. He could tell it was important to me.

(Blue) ...Alright...

Blue hung up the phone and Dust teleported away. Eventually it was dinner so I slowly made my way to the dining room. I was still crying. I just couldn't stop. Before I took the last turn, I called myself down and wiped my tears away. Acting was something I was good at, and it always came in handy...

Blue's POV:
        I got really worried after hearing Ink cry about this place. It obviously meant the multiverse to him. I teleport there and I could see why Ink loved it so much. It was beautiful. Just like he said. I sat down on a nearby bench and listened to the echo flowers while waiting for dust. Eventually he came into view and I called him over. He sat next to me, and we talked for a long while. It had been about 3 hours already, so we both needed to go home. Before we decided we needed to leave, we looked at the echo flowers and listen to the adorable messages.

(Blue) I love this place! It's so.. wonderful..

(Dust) Yeah, I get why Ink loved this place so much..

I turned to Dust and looked up at him. He was holding two echo flowers. One didn't have words, and the other did. It sounded like Ink talking to someone. Probably that 'Gin' person.

(Ink) Gin.. do you promise to always be my best friend? To listen to my problems?

(Gin) Of course. Why wouldn't I?

(Ink) Thank you Gin..

(Blue) Gin seemed to be close to Ink... but what's the empty echo flower for?

Dust looked timid and flustered, but he soon lost that expression. He now looked confident. That doesn't help the fact he was stuttering though.

(Dust) B-Blue... I-I like you!

He didn't look like he was lying... I could trust him, right?

(Blue) I like you too!!

I hug him and I could hear the echo flowers repeating our confession towards each other. Dust holds his hand out with the echo flower in it, signalling I should keep it. I take the flower out of his hand and he pulls me into a soft kiss. We part and we're both blushing a lot.

(Dust) If My feelings for you was sudden, I apologise..

(Blue) It's fine! If I thought it was too soon, I probably would've told you so.

We hug once more then we say our goodbyes. I clutch the flower in my hand and teleport back home. I truly do love him...

Dust's POV:
        I had done it. I had finally told him! It did feel good to get that off my chest, and it felt even better knowing Blue accepted my feelings for him! I blushed just thinking about his adorable face. We were official now! Boss doesn't care if we were to date the star sanses, as long as it doesn't get in our way of our jobs. So I don't have to keep it a secret from my gang! Or should I say family? That's how they treat me so... yeah! It feels better to say family than gang. I still had the other flower. The one with the conversation of Ink and his friend Gin, It seems no one even knows who Gin is, except for Ink, obviously. But, just from the way Ink talked about him, it sounded like he was no longer avaible to him. So I was thinking of giving him this as a gift. I enter his room and he wasn't there. I walk in and place the flower on one of the bedside tables. I hope he enjoys it.

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