Part 24: Blank House

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Ink's POV:
           We eventually reach the newly destroyed au, and I see something that terrifies me. It's a house, but EVERYTHING is white and there's no windows. Error looks back at me and sees me shaking. "Hey, hey, you'll be fine. It's worth it." He pats me on the back despite his phobia. We approach the house, and Nightmare does the honour of shoving me in. "See ya later buddy." Nightmare says, officially closing the door. Now I'm alone. In a White House. And they might forget me. Do they actually know what happens when I'm in white for too long? Maybe not, I don't know. I turn around to look at everything. It's an exact replica of me, Blue, and Dream's house, except everything is white instead of coloured.

      At least I have my vials! I look at my sash to grab them, and notice they're gone. Instead, a note is there. It was from Error. I read it aloud. "Sorry bud, but having your vials would basically betray this entire process. Cya in a week!" I felt scared after the last sentence. A WEEK!? In here!? I look around at all the blank stuff and I felt sick to my stomach. I couldn't help it. I puked. But strangely enough, as soon as the black touched the floor, it turned white too. Great. So now there's a weird curse that turns things white.

DAY 1: So, apparently there was a journal and I found it while looking around. I'm just going to update everything so then it's like I'm talking to someone. I'm NOT looking forwards to staying here for a week.

DAY 2: I don't like this. I wasn't able to fall asleep easy because of all the white. I'm afraid, no. Terrified is the right word. I think I'm hallucinating now. I swear I saw a white blob coming towards me. I fainted then because I was scared. And I felt sick. Why did I agree to this!? Everything is getting blurry!

DAY 3: They came to visit. But it was the most terrifying thing ever. Their original outfits had plenty of colour, so they decided to dress in all white. Which included white masks for everyone. I don't really know why, but that's what they did. It was extremely terrifying because of my blurriness. They looked like white blobs. So just imagine, blurry white blobs, walking towards you. Now THAT is scary. For me, at least. I ran upstairs in hopes to escape them, but they ran after me. GOSH, when will this end!?

DAY 4: I feel sick. Everything is blurry, I'm never hungry, and the white and blue in my eye has increased. It's painful now. I just sat on the couch, and stared up at the ceiling. I forgot to write it down in day 3, but my vials wore out completely. I'm surprised they lasted that long. Ugh... I feel awful...

DAY 5: I finally feel hungry, so I eat a piece of bread. If your wondering, all the food somehow has white food colouring in it, so, haha, no colour for me.. I haven't seen myself this bad before. I'm a mess, and another stage of not having vials has appeared. I always have my vials with me, so I haven't reached this stage before. It's awful. Not responding was the stage. It's basically where I can't talk. It's a pain, that's for sure.

DAY 6: I'm stuck on the couch. I always have my notebook in my hand tho. I can't move anything but my head and wrists/hands now. Thankfully, I can still write. 2 days of no food or water I guess. I'll be.. fine. I'm not to sure if I can even do day 7 to be honest. I don't think I'll be able to move anything tomorrow. The sickness has gotten worse. I've fainted a couple times already, and I'm constantly coughing. I hate this so very much.

DAY 7: ...

It's been a week. Finally. I can't move, so I'm waiting for the others. Still, on the couch. I've began to cough blood here and there, which I was extremely happy about because sometimes it would be red. Which is a colour other than white or black! I've been waiting here for almost 7 hours now. Where are they?

It's now been 13 hours. I don't think they're coming.

19 hours.

20 hours.

24 hours.

Which eventually turned into... 48 hours.

They had forgotten me. In this wicked blank house. I can't move, eat or drink, so I don't think I'm going to survive much longer. Until I heard a knock. I can't say anything, so I just have to hope they'll open the door themselves. Which, they do. It was Error.

"I'm really sorry you were here for two more days then planned. We couldn't find your vials. Blue had lost them, then Horror almost drank them to see what it would taste like." Error sighed." Thankfully we stopped him in time." He looked at me. "What's up with you? I kinda expected you to laugh, just a little bit. But, then again, you were stuck with one of your greatest fears. White. I don't blame you..." He reached into a tan bag, and pulled out my vials.

So colourful... Error takes a glass from the kitchen counter, pours a quarter of each vial, and carefully stirs it all together. He puts to cup to my lips, and tips it up. Just a little bit, to make sure none would spill. I had some more strength, but not much. Maybe enough to mumble, but not speak. And definitely not enough to walk. I would collapse straight away. My eye began to take shape of a yellow star, and I was happy. There was at least some colour. I was right, I could at least mumble.

"H-Heya Error-r." I say tilting my head, just the slightest. I was smiling too. "I don't want to be here anymore. It's scary." He stood up, and smiled back. "Well then let's go! I'm surprised you didn't leave earlier!" I looked down at the ground, my head still tilted. "That's the thing... I couldn't leave... I can't move right now.." He seemed to be understanding. "Alright, I gotcha ya." He picked me up, and teleported us back to the original house. With loads of colours.

After everyone greeted me, I heard corrupted laughter, that wasn't from Error. I looked around trying to find the source of it, when it laughed again. That's when I made my realization. It was coming from me!

I'm sorry if this seems real cringey to some of you. This is my first book and I'm kinda winging it.

(1128 words)

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