Part 16: Scavenger Hunt. (Nightkiller at the end!)

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Dust's POV:
       Ink fell through a yellow portal. One that looked so familiar, although I couldn't put my finger on it. But I should probably tell Boss.. I travel through the halls and eventually find myself in front of the office door. I get ready to give a light knock in case he's busy, and I hear him from the other side of the door.

(Nightmare) Enter.

I open the door a crack before opening it fully.

(Dust) H-Hey Boss..! Um.. We got a problem with Ink..

(Nightmare) What happened.

(Dust) Yeah, so, Ink was dragged through a portal.. It looked familiar but I can't quite figure out whose it was.

(Nightmare) Describe it to me.

(Dust) Erm.. Yellow with a teal outline?

Nightmare didn't look to happy after hearing that. He had a mixture of anger and shock on his face. Wonder why..


Oh. So that's why I recognised it.

(Dust) Shit.

Both of us quickly ran out of the office to round up everyone for a meeting. We had to help Ink! He was part of the team now! I managed to round up Killer while Nightmare found Horror and Error.

(Dust) Okay guys!-

(Nightmare) Dust, I'm the boss. I'll tell them.

(Dust) ...Fine...

(Nightmare) Short story shorter, Ink was kidnapped by Dream.

Everyone took a second to process.

(Error) WHAT!?

(Killer) I thought you didn't care for him?

Error's POV:
       My face has a tint of yellow blush. In all honesty, I'm starting to get attached to the small dork. He's so clingy and he won't leave me alone. We were starting to get along bit by bit, but if Dream somehow convinces him to turn on us, we won't be friends! Or friends anymore. I'm not really sure if we're friends or not. But back to the main focus..

(Error) I don't really, Its just because of how clingy he is, it makes it hard not to care for someone that constantly annoys you.

(Horror) Uh-Huh~

(Error) Shut up you lying abomination!

(Anyone get the reference?)


(Killer) No Boss. We haven't.

(Nightmare) GOOD! Now, Dust and Horror, I'll need you to get the Stars into a certain au, and keep them there until we give a signal!

(Dust) What kind of signal?

(Nightmare) I'll get Error to send a line of his string to both of you.

(Horror + Dust) Okay!

(Nightmare) Killer, I'll need you to follow the Stars as the other two are fighting them. If they leave, you can get the coordinates from the portal, if they stay, just make sure they stay. Alright?

(Killer) Of course Boss!

(Nightmare) Good. And finally Error. Me and you will hack into the star sanses base while they're out defending the AU. We'll grab Ink, then leave.

(Error) Alright.

Good, now everyone had an idea on what they were doing. All I had to do was hack into their base? That seems easy enough! When I save Ink, I'll make sure I treasure that moment forever. J-Just in case I want him to owe me a favour! The others leave and me and Nightmare are alone.

(Nightmare) Get to it.

(Error) Why are you in such a rush? Do you like him or something.

(Nightmare) What?! No! You know I already have my eye on Killer!!

(Error) Pfft. Finally got you to admit it!

(Nightmare) AGH! Just get to your part of the plan!

(Error) Fine. Fine.

I pull up the magic files, and the magic keyboard, and start typing. First thing I typed in was the names of Dream and Blueberry. I look through their coding and after half an hour of work, I found out where their base probably is. I check the au's coding to see what characters were in the au currently, and it said no one was there. At least the others did their job right. Wait.. if there's no characters in the au... where's Ink?! I tell Nightmare about this and he said we should check his room for clues. We both adventure to his room and open the giant doors. We look around until I find a peace if paper with handwriting that definitely isn't Ink's.

(Error) Hey. Check this out.

Nightmare comes over and looks at the paper. He starts to read it aloud.

(Nightmare) "What au does Ink call his other home? Search there and maybe you'll find the next clue." What is this?! A friggen scavenger hunt?!

(Error) That seems pretty childish. Ain't gonna lie.

(Nightmare) Whatever! Who would know the answer to that question!?

We sit in silence thinking of aus he could call his home. I swear, any au could be his other home! I read over the paper and turn it over, not wanting to be taunted by the words. That's when I notice something. In the corner of the paper, it says "Hint: one of your teammates know the answer." I yell Nightmare's name in excitement and he turns his head to look at me.

(Nightmare) What.

(Error) Look at this!

I hand him the paper and he looks it over. He pulls out his cellphone and calls Killer. He puts it on speaker so I could hear too.

(Nightmare) Heya candy cane, do you know what Ink's "other home" is?

I start to whisper to Nightmare to make sure Killer can't hear me.

(Error) Candy cane? Are you guys dating or What!?

Before Nightmare answered, Killer started talking after making flustered noises.

(Killer) Hmph. No I don't. But I thought I heard Dust talking to Ink about an AU, so ask him.

(Nightmare) Thanks candy cane!

And before Killer could protest against the nickname, Nightmare hung up.


Just wanna say, the reason these updates have been so slow is because I'm working on a different sans au book. It's a Halloween Special, and this holiday is coming up pretty fast, so I want to be done all the chapters so I can post all chapters on Halloween.

I'm really excited about Oct 5th though, because that's my birthday! Happy Birthday Me!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter though!

(1046 words)

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