Part 20: Ink?!

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Dream's POV:

               I slowly open my eyes to the sight of me and this person cuddling. I never got his name. I look up to his face, and he seems to be very peaceful at the moment, then I give him another hug before standing up. Had we really fallen asleep in the living room? I use my magic, and his soul has a tint of a really pretty yellow. I was using my soul magic. I carry him to the couch, then head upstairs to look for a blanket. Going up the wooden stairs, I swear I heard breathing coming from my room. W-Who's in there? I don't really want to check, but as a Star, I thought I should go see who it was. Before I was able to grab the doorknob, someone had taken me into the room. I heard the door slam shut before turning to see who it was. "B-Brother? Why are you here?" I ask, not believing he was really here. I felt happy- but scared at the same time. I felt happy because there was a chance he came to talk to me, but I also felt scared because there was a chance he wanted to harm me, and finally kill me. But I was not prepared for what he said. "I need your help." Nightmare said while holding a hand out because I had fallen. I took his hand, and stood myself up. "Brother, I have two questions first." I said giving him a stare. He looked like he was in a hurry, but I still wanted my answers.

           "Who was that skeleton I was cuddling with earlier? He said he worked for you.." He looked angry. Uh oh.. What did I say?! What did I say?!?! He eventually spoke up. "That was Cross... But you CUDDLED with him?!" he says in disbelief. "I know you trying to protect me, but I'm fine!" I say giving him a happy face to see if that would calm him down a little. "I'm not trying to protect you." He said crossing his arms and looking away. He looked.. sad... in a way. "I'm going to go back to 'Cross' now.." I said reaching out for the door handle. I grab the handle and look back at Nightmare. He was staring at his old crown I had kept. I smile, and leave the room. I quickly walk down the stairs to check if Cross had awoken. And he indeed had. "It's already morning." I say approaching him. "Wait.. Really?" Cross had stood up and came closer to talk easier. "Mhm! Would you like breakfast?" I was really eager to cook. I hadn't done it in a while. "Oh! Uh.. Sure! I-Is it alright.. If I bake with you..?" He said looking nervous and shy. "Of course!" I say. It would be nice to have someone to cook with again. I pulled out two pans and put them on the stove, when I heard Cross questioning behind me. "What's that for?" He asks approaching. 

Cross's POV:

           I had never cooked before, so I had no idea what anything was for. He was facing the stove, and was turning on the heat underneath the pots. I walked up behind him to see if anything was happening to the pots, but nothing happened. "Nothing's happening.." I say making a pouty face. He cracked the eggs, and the yolk dropped onto the pan. He kept stirring the egg around, and eventually they turned into scrambled eggs. "Cool!" I say, clearly amazed. He turned around to face me, but he didn't know I was behind him. "U-Uh.." He had a pretty golden blush dusted onto his face. His face was so close to mine... "U-Uh! M-My apologies!" I basically yell while backing away. "It's fine!" He says, looking completely honest. Was he really that trusting and forgiving? Eventually we got the eggs and bacon on plates, and we sat down at the oak table. We began eating, and that is when I remembered something from the night before. From when Dream had a mini panic attack. 

           "Yesterday, what did you mean by you couldn't cope with the fact he left.. Who is 'he'?" I ask after finishing a piece of bacon. He looks at me wide-eyed, at least for a second. "I'm sorry, I barely know you.. Maybe if I knew you more, I could tell you." He looked back down at his food, but with a more upset face. "That's fine." I say picking up another piece of bacon with my fork. "Ugh..." I look up to see Dream clutching his head. "You alright?" I ask while putting my fork down. "If I tell you, will you stop being so negative..?" Was THAT the problem? I mean it makes sense.. Nightmare and Dream are the Guardians of Negativity and Positivity, and Nightmare's weakness is positivity, and he's stronger with Negativity, so it should be the opposite for Dream, right? Dream told me his and Nightmare's backstory, then sighed. "I'm going upstairs to my room.. Cya'.." Dream proceeded to sit up from the table, then head up the wooden stairs.

Dream's POV:

       I headed up the stairs when I heard vicious knocking on Ink's door, I turn to face his door, but no one was there. It sounded like the banging was coming from the inside of the room... "H-Hello..?" I ask, and I'll admit, I was scared as fuck. I slowly approach the door, and stare at the golden and shiny doorknob. I reached for the handle, as more banging came from the inside of the room. "HELP!! ANYONE!!" I heard a voice scream from the other side. From sudden surprise, I jump back, startled. Does anyone else hear this banging?! Or is it me just going crazy?! I reach for the doorknob, once again, with beads of sweat on my face. I could still here the screaming pleads for help on the other side, but I didn't react this time. I had to help whoever was on the other side of this door. But then again, the voice seemed so... familiar... I clutch the handle in my hand, and start to twist it. I open the door, and someone seemed to have been flung back from the force I used to open the door. I heard from Cross that Ink was missing.. 

So how is he sitting right in front of me?!?!

(1074 words)

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