Part 22: The Pre-Plan

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Error's POV:

      I heard screaming on the other end, so I teleported there immediately. I arrive to see Dream and Cross crying. "What happened here?!" I ask using my strings to stand them up. "He was taken again.." Cross said while struggling to balance himself. "Do you mean.. Ink?" I ask helping him stand again. "Who else would he be talking about." Dream says, giving me sass in the meantime. "Shut up highlighter." I say staring him down. "We're in a problem, so stop with the damn sarcasm.  Anyways, do you know who took him..?" Cross finally managed to stand upon his own, and he also calmed down. Just a little bit. "He said 'Error' a couple seconds before he was taken back." "Interesting.." I say in thought. That still leaves some suspects. "See, that could still leave to Fatal Error, Anti Error, Template, Error 404, basically any au of me." I pointed different fingers out after listing a name.

         "Can you describe what he was wearing?" I say. That would definitely cross some out. Dream started talking now. "He had a white hoodie, with some blue patterns on it.-" I cut him off. "It's Error 404. It has to be. I'm going to kill that motherfu-" This time Dream cut me off. "Please try to refrain from swearing. You've done it a lot since you've gotten here." "I only said it twi-" "Please, shut up." "Fine. Sheesh." I say ending that argument. "Nah, who am I kidding? I wouldn't stop swearing for*quack*." 


"*quack*" NO. "DON'T *quack*ING TELL ME HE'S HERE." Dream cut in. "Blue invited him over for tacos." As if on cue, IT walked into here. "Yo Yo Yo! Wassup all my radical Broski's!!!" It's that stupid 90's parisite. "Just go to Blue already. I don't want you here." I say giving him a dead-*quack* stare. Once Fresh left, we continued our talk. "We need to get him back. Any plans?" Dream says. I'm honestly surprised he wanted to even see Ink. After all that hurting, he's still taking up the role to save him. "I can hack into Error 404's base. Hacking is my specialty after all." I'm proud of my hacking skills. I've grown so attached to hacking, that it's what I do half the time. Even if it's just stealing chocolates from an au without having to get up. "It may take me a while though, possibly an hour or two." But hacking into HIS base, is a real challenge. Because he's just like me. A glitch, and an extremely talented hacker.

              I start immediately. Pulling up my virtual screen, I start hacking to find his hideout. 

Ink's POV:

           "LET GO OF ME!" I yell while struggling with all my might to get out of these stupid strings. He ended up responding, which I thought he wouldn't do because he doesn't seem to talk much. Only laugh. "H-H-h-HaAa-Ahha-A. I-iii_I knnn0w-W yOOOu t-t-t-t_TooooooLLLd t-T-T-T_thhhheeemmm m-mm-m-m-my plaaaaan~." He says in his creepy glitched voice. It's so creepy because it is WAY more glitchy than Error's. He laughs again. "So what if I did?! I WON'T LET THEM GET HURT!" I yell, my voice echoing against imaginary walls. "Thaaaaaaaa-atJUSt meeee-ee-aaNNNs tHat iiiii HHHH-hAAAve t0 RUuuuuUUin EvvvvEEEErrrRrryyythhhinnngg!!!" He ended off the sentence with a sinister laugh. His laugh was full of murder, and annoyance. I had ruined his plan, but not for long I suppose. He can come up with new idea's with the snap of a finger. It's truly awful. 

            I decide to give up on struggling. For now at least. It's already taken up a bunch of energy, and I hadn't made any process. 404 makes his evil laugh again before forming a gaster blaster. Then everything turns dark.

Dream's POV:

                 I really am worried for Ink. I know I've treated him badly, but I make a mental note to apologize as soon as possible. I hadn't noticed till now, but golden tears have been streaming down my face again. I stopped crying when Error showed up, but now at the thought of Ink, I cry again. I sneak up into my room without anyone else noticing, and back against the wall. I slide down the wall, and wrap my arms around my legs, putting my head down.  Quiet sobs come from my mouth, and I close my eyes. I try to imagine Ink. Scared, maybe angry, and most of all... Disappointed.. Disappointed that we didn't move an inch. Disappointed that we didn't save him. Disappointed... that he was held hostage again. He has many reasons to feel that way. I heard a knock on my door, and I look up towards the door. Wiping the tears of gold from my eyes, I hear a voice. "Hey... You okay in there? I noticed that you slipped away after a little bit. We were going to ask for your opinion, but you weren't there. So I assumed you were in here. Are you in here anyways? Or am I just talking to myself..?"  The voice was muffled because there was a door in the way, so I couldn't tell who it was. "You're not talking to yourself. Come in" I say waiting to see who it was that was talking. They open the door, then.. "Killer?" I say in confusion. He wasn't one to talk to me. He looked nervous.

               "Yeah. Cross and Boss were worried about you, so I decided to save Boss some slack and check up on you myself." He also seemed proud of his decision. "Oh! By the way, Error finished!" I look at the digital clock by my bed. Huh.. It had been 2 hours... I give a small playful chuckle. "I guess time does fly by, huh?" Killer gives a chuckle after my sentence too. "It sure does." I give him a smirk before talking. "And I bet time flies even faster when you're cuddling my brother~." Killer's face began to dust with a rosy red. Blush. I burst out laughing, forgetting about Ink and the plan for a second. "M-Man!! Y-You should see y-your faceeee!" I eventually collasp to the ground on my back, with a hand over my face. I was still laughing. Even Killer gave some small chuckles and laughs here and there. But he was mostly embarrassed. "Let's get back downstairs!" He says while grabbing my hand. He pulled me downstairs, and as he did that he spoke.

"It's time to put the plan into action after all!"


Hey guys! So sorry this took so long! I've been extremely busy with Skating, Skating Competition, School, etc.. But I hope this chapter is good enough to make some of it up to you! I'll try to spend more time on the story, but it may be hard with the stuff I listed previously, along with not having my laptop with me on some days. But yeah, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Want any certain things to happen next chapter? Comment on this sentence!

(1163 words!)

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