Part 14: A fight between two.

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Error's POV:
    I hear Ink ask if I was here. Isn't he afraid of white and empty spaces? Why is he here? I huff and get up from the beanbag. I turn around to see Ink on the floor and he seemed to be fainted. Did that vial thing happen again? I pick him up and teleport to the castle living room. Everyone just so happened to be there, and they asked what happened. I told them it might be been the vial accident, and everyone agreed to come with. We set Ink down on his bed and went to get his vials. We gave him a quarter, like last time, but nothing happened.

(Error) HeY. wAkE uP.

Nothing happened and we started to worry. It had to be at least an hour before he came around.

(Ink) Ugh.. Hold up.. why do I feel so.. emotional?

(Horror) Yeah, so we thought that vial thing happened again so in the end we feed you an entire set of vials. But, I don't know anything that could have caused your emotions to be that high. Maybe it's because you just woke up?

Ink agreed, but I could tell he was disagreeing at the same time.

(Error) Ink, BeFoRe YoU fAinTeD iT sEeMs YoU wErE tRyInG tO tAlK tO mE. WhAt DiD yOu NeEd?

(Ink) I was hoping to talk about that to, JUST you, for now..

Nightmare gave a deep sigh before talking.

(Nightmare) Of course. Everyone out!

Everyone started leaving one by one, except for me and Ink. Ink looked confused but also upset. What was up with him?

(Ink) To start things off, I-I'm...

Ink paused. He kept opening his mouth to speak, but then continued to not talk.

(Ink) Soulless.

(Error) Ha Ha. That isn't possible. Just tell me the reason.

(Ink) That IS the reason!

(Error) Squid, I don't have time for games. Tell me the reason!



It had been at least 200 years since I've called him by his real name. I would just call him by a nickname I made up. So I think he could tell he's getting on my nerves. He was shocked. But he would confess.



By now Ink was full on screaming.


Wow. After I first told him my name when we were young, he had always called me Glitchy. Never called me Error. But hearing him scream my name in anger, was something I wasn't prepared for.

(Error) S-Squid, I...

(Ink) No. GET OUT.

I make my way to the door, making it look like I was upset. In truth though, I was really upset. Even though it was one of the shortest arguments we've had, it had to be the most brutal one too. We had both called eachother by our actually names. I open the door and make my way to my room. I shouldn't have pushed it. Dumb glitch.. Dumb glitch..! Dumb glitch! DUMB GLITCH! I really did care for him!

Ink's POV:
           Error leaves and I finally take a breath. I wasn't planning on calling him by his name, but it felt like the only choice since he wasn't co-operating. The sudden event kept playing in my mind until I felt small tears dribble down my cheeks. Due to the gang feeding me my entire vial, I felt extra emotional. Probably why I snapped. I still can't shake off the feeling. I eventually give into the sorrow and let myself cry. It's harder to get away with things when you live in a castle with a guardian of negativity. Nightmare seems to have gotten the hint I was upset and he had teleported here.

(Nightmare) So?

(Ink) Me and Glitchy just got into a fight. Nothing else.

(Nightmare) Hm. I'll talk to him about this.

(Ink) No! No! I-it's fine! I'm fine!

(Nightmare) Huh. Whatever.

(Ink) Haha, yeah! Whatever.

I think I convinced him to not talk to Error. Er, for now at least.

Nightmare's POV:
      Yeah, I'm definitely talking to Error. I don't want any of my gang members to fight. I exit the room after that short conversation with Ink, and head out to find Error. He ended up being in his room sewing.

(Nightmare) Hey.

Error looked up to show he's listening.

(Nightmare) What caused the fight this time

He looks back down and continues to sew like I didn't say anything. Very mature~.

(Nightmare) Don't ignore me. I'm your superior.

He sighs and places his artwork down slowly.

(Error) We just had a fight about him being "soulless" what a stupid lie. I was TRYING to get him to tell the truth, but he just wouldn't co-operate!

(Nightmare) Heh. You do know that being soulless is a thing? It's extremely rare, and you need to have the creators give you a second chance.

(Error) So.. He wasn't lying?

(Nightmare) Nope. He also was trying to make me not talk to you about this. It obviously didn't work, but he still tried.

(Error) Huh..

(Nightmare) Go apologise to Ink. I don't want any of my boys to start fighting.

(Error) Alright.

I head towards the door and take a quick look back at Error. He was looking down playing with his fingers. He seemed in thought, or perhaps he was just blanking out. I left him to deal with his own mind, and I set out to Ink's room. I knock before entering and I look around. It looks like Ink isn't anywhere to be seen. I take a second, and I just thought of the perfect plan. I do want to witness them making up, but they're probably going to want me to leave the room. The bed in Ink's room, or to be exact, all beds in the castle, are big enough to fit one person underneath them. I crouch down and crawl under the bed. My tentacles still stick out, but I have another plan to fix that. I have a passive form, but it's extremely painful process, I'd also have some broken bones, but I tend to use my passive form to mess around with the others, or to sneak into small spaces, so I had already bandaged the bones. After a painful 5 seconds, I was in my passive form, and my negativity had lowered a bit. I teleport the microphone (connected to the speakers) to myself, and spoke into it.

(Nightmare) I heard Ink and Error had an argument, so I would like both to report to Ink's room to make up. All must respect their privacy. Thank you.

I giggle to myself a bit until I hear the door open. I can see brown shoes, so I'm assuming it's Ink. A minute later, the door opens once more and I can see red slippers.

Ink's POV:
      After hearing Nightmare's announcement, I head out to my room from the kitchen. I had been baking cookies with Dust. I enter my room, but there's no Error yet. I wait and wait for what felt eternity, but it had been only been 60 seconds. The door opens and I look behind me. It was Error. He did look upset, but he also looked proud.

(Error) Ink...

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