Part 2: The Meet

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Blue's Pov:
I heard a knock on my door and assumed it was Dream since Ink was distant because of the fight he once had with Dream. He came in and asked what was wrong. He can feel positive emotions, and he probably didn't feel any from me so he came to check. I told him I was taking my daily walk when I encountered the bad guys. Well, actually I only encountered Dust. No one else. But, thanks to that encounter, me and Dust get along pretty well now. After me and Dust were done talking, he saw Killer spot him, so he cut me with one of his bone attacks to make it look like we were fighting. He left with Killler, but before he went through his portal he mouthed the words 'Sorry Blue!'
I snapped out of my little flashback when Dream poked my skull.

(D) Blue? Did you zone out?

(B) H-Huh? O-Oh! Sorry, I think I did.

(D) Oh, well did you hear what I said?

(B) No sorry, what did you say?

(D) I said I may not be able to heal it.. The wound is too deep and it reached a certain part of your rib where if I try and heal it, it may hurt the rest of your body..

(B) W-WHAT?!

(D) I'm sorry Blue..

I sat there in disbelief as Dream left my room. Once he was completely out of my room, I heard him apologise while walking down the stairs. I can't believe it.. This stupid cut! Why did Dust have to hit me so hard?! Ugh! It's not fair!

Ink's Pov:
I stood up and took one of the canvases and put it on the floor next to the cup of paintbrushes. I put some paints on a palette, then picked up a pencil from my desk. I traced out a picture of me and Dream. We were put in poses to make it look like we were arguing. I hardly ever see Dream without his cape, but I have seen it once. So I decided it would be better of without his cape. I finally get the tracing done after about 12 minutes, I wanted to get the lines perfect so it took longer then it would usually take. After about an hour it was done and dry. I looked at it, then looked at the picture of us on the wall. What happened to us? Why are we constantly arguing? I leave it on the floor and head back downstairs. Dream is sitting on the couch watching some television. He likes to watch the news because of all the human stuff involved. I honestly thought that would be a Blue thing, but I guess not. Dream was to busy watching the tv to even notice me a couple steps behind the couch. I reached the front door as quietly as possible and turned the doorknob a little bit before hearing a voice behind me. It was Dream. He was asking what I was doing, or where I was going. I just told him I would go to the doodlesphere, then he put his main focus back on the tv. I opened the door, then closed it behind me. I opened a portal and I could see outertale right through it. Every time I want to hang out in Outertale, I have to tell Dream I'm going to the doodlesphere of else he'll keep rambling on how it isn't safe because Error likes to hang out there. I step through the portal and sit on the edge of a cliff. Pretty risky but no one comes up here. Or so I thought.

(?)WhAt A-aRe YoU dOiNg HeRe..?

I jump at the sound of the voice. I didn't look over to see who it was though. Dumb mistake of mine. Instead of looking over to see who it was I told them the truth.

(I) I came here to escape from my friends Blue and Dream. You may not know them but.. me and Dream tend to get into arguments about the smallest things. He always wants to know where I am, he doesn't trust me! And I'm starting to get sick of him!

(?) tHaT sOuNdS bAd. HaS iT aLwAyS bEeN lIkE tHiS?

I turn around to see who I'm talking to. I see a face I would recognize anywhere. It's almost impossible not to miss him if you know who he is. With his black skull and Blue tear looking things falling from his eye sockets, his glitch signs surrounding him, and what gives it away most is the ERROR signs that are all around his body constantly moving from one place to another, but still on his body of course. His name even takes after those ERROR signs. That's his name. Error.

(I) Why are you here? And have you come to attack me?

(E) N-nAh, I cOmE hErE tO reLAx SomETiMeS.

(I) So, you aren't going to harm me..?

(E) agAiN, nO.

He told me to stop acting so surprised. But then he gave a confused look.

(E) wHY arE YOU hERe?

I explain how it makes me feel safe when looking at the stars. Even the shooting ones. He tells me he agrees on the Star part and how it's just fun to examine them.

(E) AbOuT wHaT yOu SaId, YOu cAme hERE tO gEt AwAy FrOM tHe STar SaNsEs?

(I) Yeah.. But I have a question..

(E) ShOoT.

(I) Why are you being so nice to me? After all I have hurt you plenty of times..

Error looked up to the stars in the sky and then sat down beside me putting his legs over the edge and leaning back putting his weight onto his arms. He then looked over a me with a weak smile on his face.

(E) yOu SeEm NiCe, It LoOkS lIkE yOu OnLy FiGhT uS bEcAuSe Dream TeLlS yOu To.

(I) Dream tells us you and your group are bad people and you want to kill us. He says we should hurt you guys if we see you to make sure we have the upper hand. He says once we attack first, he will feel the anger out of both of the people fighting and will teleport to us straight away.

(E) hM..

I look away from him and stare up. It looked like there was going to be a meteor shower passing by. One of my eyes turn to a soft yellow star as the other one takes shape of a Blue oval. I hear Error give a small chuckle and he watches the meteors go by too.

(E) PfFfT, yOu SuRe Do LiKe SpAcE, dOn'T yA?

(I) Yeah, space is beautiful..

(E) wEll, ThAt'S kInDa CuTe Inky.

(I) C-Cute? I-Inky?

Error's POV:
I finished a mission Nightmare gave me, so I decided to head to Outertale to clear my thoughts. Outertale is one of the only aus I think aren't mistakes. I make a portal, jump through it, and land on a rock near the cliff I love to hang out at. Making my way there, I kick small pebbles until they go to the side. I finally reach the cliff but someone was already there. It was Squid. I ask him what he's doing here and we ended up having a small conversation. But one thing got me embarrassed. While he was talking I was trying to think of a new nickname for him since 'Squid' is getting old. Eventually he said that space was beautiful and I talked without thinking. I said "that's cute Inky" and he looked at me in shock. He then stuttered the two words that was the most surprising to him. 'Cute' and 'Inky'.

(I) C-Cute? ﹰI-Inky?

(E) UhH... Inky CoUlD bE a NeW nIcKnAmE fOr YoU..

I was blushing like crazy. I really said that it loud, Didn't I? The DESTROYER OF AUS calls the CREATOR OF AUS cute? We're totally different! He creates, I destroy! But it shouldn't be such of a big deal.. right? He had some rainbow blush on him probably from embarrassment.

(I) Error, are you blushing?

(E) H-hUh? N-nO. jUsT yOuR iMaGiNaTiOn..

Ink giggled a bit. When I called him cute, I meant it. His eyes that always change shapes, his little splat of ink on his cheek, the way he dresses, the way he talks. Ugh. There I go rambling to myself again about Ink. It's weird.. I talk about him like I have a crush on him. As if. I could never like him.

(1443 words)

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