Part 3: Friends

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Ink's POV:
     After Error said it could be my new nickname I decided to call him something else. Error.. what could be a nickname for Error? I mean, I could call him Glitchy because of all the glitches surrounding his body. Error... Ro.. Ru? Ruru! That's perfect!

(I) Fine, if I'm Inky then your Ruru!

(E) wHa-

His face turns pure yellow then he crashes.

(Picture Made By Me, the reason they look so different was because I used a bigger brush for Ink)

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(Picture Made By Me, the reason they look so different was because I used a bigger brush for Ink)

I guess it was too much for him. No matter! He'll get used to it! Eventually he rebooted but he was still blushing.
(E) wHy Ruru?

(I) Well because is the name Error there's Ro, then change the O into a U and repeat it two times!

(E) i GuEsS tHaT mAkEs SeNsE.

I heard footsteps coming closer from behind and see a large rock right beside us. Error shoves me behind it and uses his blue strings to cover my mouth and to the my hands together. He then just sits down like nothing ever happened.

Error's POV:
      I heard someone coming so I shoved Ink behind a large rock and strings to tie his hands behind his back and to cover his mouth. I see Dream coming so I hold a finger to my mouth as to tell him "be quiet".

(Dream) Where is he.

(Error) hUh?

(Dream) Ink. Where is he.

(Error) He IsN't HeRe HiGhLiGhTeR.

(Dream) Well one, NEVER call me that again. Two, I sense his negativity here.

I hear Ink's muffled talking from behind the rock, and sadly Dream heard it too. Dream started to walk towards me and I knew it would be bad because if you were to stand in front of me and turn your head to the side,  you could see Ink clear as day. And if Dream were to see him wrapped in my blue strings, it would be even worse. Eventually Dream was standing right in front of me and I was trying anything to make sure he didn't turn his head. My hands still on the ground supporting my weight, blue strings came out of my fingertips and made a blindfold for Ink. I made a portal behind Ink and used more strings to shove him in. I know Ink hates white, and I pushed him into my anti-void so that's why I made a blindfold for him.

(Dream) Strange.

(Error) wHaT iS sTrAnGe?

(Dream) I can't feel Ink's negativity here anymore.

(Error) wElL iF hE wAs HeRe, He PrObAbLy LeFt. NoW lEaVe Me AlOnE.

I watched Dream and was waiting for him to leave when he suddenly hit my skull with his staff.

(Dream) That's what you get for calling me highlighter. Next time it'll be more painful.

Dream then left.

 I pull Ink back into Outertale and make the blindfold disappear. I help him up, and he dusts off his clothing. Me and Ink stand up and walk over to a stone bench still near the cliff. I close my eyes for a second and next thing I know I hear Ink screaming.

(Ink) L-Let me g-go!

I open my eyes and I see ﹰNightmare pulling Ink towards the cliff with one of his tentacles. I run over to them as fast as possible. They aren't far from the edge now.

(Nightmare) Stop Squirming. And don't worry! The fall is much farther then it seems.

(Ink) It's space! It goes on forever!

(Nightmare) Exactly.

(Error) Nightmare! WhAt ArE yOu DoInG?!

(Nightmare) Oh, don't worry about him.

I'm just a couple steps away from them when Nightmare throws Ink off the cliff.

(Ink) RURU!!

I lean over the edge of the cliff and send blue strings after Ink.

(Nightmare) Error! What are you doing?!

I ignore his question and I see the strings just caught him. Phew. I pull him back up, and I see Nightmare stare at me in disbelief. Ink hugs me while crying and I try everything to not crash. If I were to crash, Nightmare might take advantage of it and hurt Ink.

(Nightmare) That's it.

I see Nightmare's tentacle grab Ink and he pulls Ink to his direction.

(Nightmare) Error. What is he to you.

(Error) He'S mY EnEmY!

Nightmare hits Ink in the head with one of his tentacles. I see black blood coming from one side of Ink's skull.

(Nightmare) For everytime you lie, I hit him.

(Error) i'M nOt LyInG! hE iS mY eNeMy!

Nightmare hits Ink again, but more violently this time.

(Nightmare) I saw how you were talking to each other like pals.

(Error) sO?! wHaT's WrOnG wItH bEiNg FrIeNdS wItH hIm!?

(Nightmare) So you admit it. Your friends.

(Error) i'M OnLy AdMiTtInG iT bEcAuSe I dOn'T wAnT hIm tO gEt HuRt!

Nightmare hits Ink twice at full force. I look at Ink and he's bleeding a lot. But he also seems to be unconscious.

(Nightmare) If you didn't raise your voice at me this wouldn't have happened.

Nightmare drops Ink onto the hard stone floor then teleport away. I run to Ink at full speed and crouch down beside him. I was right. He was unconscious. He was bleeding on the side of his head, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. It was a small cut but it seemed to have done some damage. I make a patch out of blue strings and wrap it around his head. I pick him up and think of where I could take him. Ink probably wouldn't want anything to do with Dream, and me and Blue have been friends for a while now, so I guess I'll drop him outside of US!Papyrus house. I remember Blue telling me he was going to see his Paps, so I guess Underswap it is. I carry Ink through a portal I made to Underswap, and I ended up in the middle of a battlefield between the Stars and the Gang. They all saw me carrying Ink and Dream shot my leg with one of his arrows. I drop Ink and I go to grab him again. The Gang looks confused and so does Blue. Dream and Nightmare look upset or angry. Hard to tell. I managed to grab Ink again, and I hold him in my arms. I look down at Ink and it seems he's waking up. I walk over to Blue and tell him to grab Ink. Blue grabs him, and Ink looks confused. I hear Killer talking from behind me.

(Killer) Why are you helping him..?

(Error) wHaT fUn WoUlD iT bE iN bATtLe If My EnEmY wAsN't ThErE?

Nightmare reached a tentacle at Ink and hit him on the head.

(Nightmare) I thought we already talked about you lying.

(Killer) Wha-

(Nightmare) In Outertale those two were talking like friends. And Error even admitted they were friends.

(1152 words)

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