Part 7: A visit to Blue.

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Nightmare's POV:
     Ink got dropped into a portal and I recognised that portal as it was yellow with blue on the edges. As fast as possible I sent a tentacle through the portal and held onto what I assumed was Ink, the portal was closing but it stopped around my tentacle. I could feel a person in my grip and tried pulling them through but all I could do was talk to them saying the portal was to small to lift them through.

(Nightmare) Ink! Is that you?

(???) No. Now get off me!

(Nightmare) WHO IS THIS.

(???) Why would tell you?! Now let go!

I let go of whoever it was and looked through the portal, but they were already gone. I then heard someone talking in the Forest. Everyone else did too and they held up the weapons they had. Cross having his giant red knife, Killer having his regular knife, Horror having his axe, Error having his strings, Dust readying his bone attack, and I had my tentacles. I heard a laugh coming from behind the trees and then a snort came afterwards. I could tell the snort was coming from them laughing so hard but.. who was that?

(Error) oH hArDy HaR hAr. OnE, i WoUlD rEcOgNiZe ThAt LaUgH aNyWhErE. tWo, WhAt ThE hEcK?! yOu ScArEd AlL oF uS!

(Nightmare) Error, I demand you to tell us who that is.

(Error) CoMe OuT yA dOrK.

Wait what? I see Ink come from behind the trees. Didn't he just get taken by Dream? .

(Horror) Wait.. Who was that then?

(Ink) Just some realistic robot I created before Blue took 'Me.' I knew he would do that so as soon as I finished creating it I teleported behind the trees. I made it so I could talk for it and I could see through it's eyes.

(Nightmare) Impressive!

(Horror) Yeah!

(Dust) Mhm.

(Ink) Thanks guys!

(Error) CaN wE gOiNg NoW?

(Nightmare) Nah, let's take this as an opportunity to destroy this Au.

I signal what the others should do and since Ink was the protector it took him awhile to start destroying things. He eventually got the hang of it, but was still hesitant. Understandable, after all, he was the protector and creator of those aus for years. We eventually head back got the castle and everyone got to relax. Error seemed to like Ink even less when we were done. I went to my office to do paperwork, Error and Ink just sat in one of the living rooms, and everyone else went to their rooms to sleep. It was already 11pm.

Ink's POV:
       Me and Error were by ourselves when he seemed to move to the other side of the couch. Was he still embarrassed that he fell asleep in my room?

(Ink) Error.


(Ink) Error.

(Error) ...

This went on for about 3 minutes until he finally broke.

(Error) i GiVe uP! wHaT cOuLd YoU pOsSiBlY wAnT?!

(Ink) Why do you hate me?

I could tell Error was going to be completely honest because of how annoyed he was right now.

(Error) lEt mE lIsT a BuNcH oF rEaSoNs! OnE, yOu NeVeR sToP tAlKinG aNd iT dRiVeS pEoPlE CRAZY! TwO, yOuR vOicE sOunDs IdIoTiC. ThReE, i HaTe YoU bEcAuSE yOu CrEaTe. FoUr, YoU'vE bEeN oUr EnEmY fOr sO lOnG aNd YoU sUdDeNlY dEcIdE iT'lL bE fInE tO jOiN tHe MoOn SaNsEs! FiVe-

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