

Izuku saw blue flames as he approached the camp but just as he saw them they disappeared. 

"GET BACK HERE JADE!" Muscular screamed and added a few graphic threats, Izuku just tuned it out and ran faster, seeing his dad's silhouette.

"DAD! QUIRK! NOW!" He yelled and swerved to the side when he heard Muscular's heavy footsteps get closer to them, haphazardly ramming into trees with his damaged eyes.

Izuku saw Aizawa turn back but then there was a flurry of blue flames so the aid from his dad was delayed and there was a threat from a second villain. Izuku swore under his breath and used a tree to change directions, launching himself and Kota closer to the camp.


The remedial students.

Izuku couldn't change his plan, not when Muscular was right on his tail but what would he do about his classmates.

"JADE!" the villain screeched as he lunged for Izuku. The teen narrowly escaped Muscular as he slid across the forest floor.

As they advanced towards the camp Izuku saw the villain with the blue flames turn into mud...?

Nevermind that, as far as he knew that meant the villain was gone and he could focus on the one barrelling towards him. Dodging him would only work for so long and he was getting out of breath.

As soon as the flame villain was neutralized Aizawa sprinted in Izuku's direction and his eyes shone a bright red.

Izuku heard the heavy footsteps behind him come to an abrupt stop, he smiled and turned back, making sure to keep the villain out of Kota's sight.

There stood Muscular in his de-buffed form with confusion evident in his expression, trying to figure out what happened to his quirk.

Aizawa reached them and Izuku handed Kota over to him, before his father could protest Izuku had already sped off to fight Muscular in his quirkless state.

The villain had collected himself by the time he saw Jade approaching.

Well, "saw" isn't the right word since both his eyes were cut up, he could make out a 5'4 figure running towards him and assumed it was Jade.

He realised he wouldn't be able to rely on his quirk. His vision was all but gone.

Contrary to the villain's state, Izuku was in his element. It was dark and the trees helped in making his movements random and quick. He grinned as he shot toward Muscular.

Izuku leapt into the air and kicked Muscular's neck. The brute stumbled forward, holding the base of his neck as he crouched down. He growled and began lashing out at random, hoping to catch the teen using only his luck but with how the night was going
It was clear that luck was not on his side.

Izuku had noticed the glimmer of metal near Muscular's neck.

The dagger.

If Izuku pulled that out then it'd be pretty simple from there. With major blood loss, Muscular would lose consciousness soon enough since his heart rate must be way above average for needing to pump blood to all those extra muscle that his quirk produced.

That could also mean he has more blood than the average giant.

Either way, blood lost from him was a plus for Izuku so might as well.

Izuku narrowed his eyes and used a tree to launch at villain, his small figure shot towards the near blind villain as he flailed his arms around haphazardly.

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