Docs Orders

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"We got some company..." Sanford said as he stood at the window. "Oh! Like a guests? Are we having a party!" Deimos said standing excited. "No. The A.A.H.W. is out there." Sanford said taking out his hook. "Oh great! Some bad guys for me to shoot!" Deimos said even more happy. Deimos stuck his hand in his coat and seemed to be searching for a gun. Instead he pulled out a grenade launcher and smiled. Your slighty gapped at the sight of it.

 "Hey kiddo you like explosions?" Deimos asked looking at you. "Uh sure?" you said. "Alright good!" Deimos said making his way towards Sanford. "SANFORD AND DEIMOS! WE KNOW YOU HAVE THE CHILD IN YOUR POSSESION! HAND THEM OVER IMMEDIATLY!" a voiced yelled from the other side of the door. "He fellas! Why don't we dance for another day!" Deimos yelled back. "YOU HAVE THREE SECONDS!" it yelled. "I'm just going to open the door and we shred these bozos into next month." Sanford said. "I like how you think." Deimos said. Sanford then looked at you and said "Hey bud. Take cover under the table!"

 You obeyed and crawled underneath. Sanford then opened the door and punched the agent in the face. The agent fell off the ramp and made a SPLAT as he hit the ground. "OPEN FIRE!" a voice yelled. Sanford then hid behind the wall as bullets started to be shot. "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" Deimos than peaked the corner and shot a grenade from the launcher. Nothing seemed to happ- BOOM! The explosion caused the structure to shake and you heard multiple limbs hit the ground. Sanford and Deimos than rushed outside then started to wreck havoc. You heard shouting and mutliple gunshots.

 Then out of nowhere you saw the table flip! "THERE YOU ARE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" You looked behind you to see a Engineer staring at you while he had a knife in his hand. "WHAT HOW DID HE GET IN HERE!" you mentally yelled. Then it occured to you... there was a basement door. The Engineer stared into your eyes with. "My boss said to bring you back dead or alive. I'm gonna bring you back dead!" he yelled. The Engineer than reared his arm back with the knife in it. Your eyes widened at what was happening. 

 You crawled away on your back and tried to find anything to defend your self. He then tried to lunge at you with knife in hand! You closed looking the opposite way the knife was coming but then you heard a loud crunch. The Engineer yelled out in pain and dropped the knife. You slowly open your eyes to see Doc grabbing their arm while twisting it.

 "You're tresspassing on my property. Also I will not allow harm to a child. That's not allowed here." Doc said while breaking the Engineers arm as yellow blood sprayed everywhere! Doc then punched them in the face making the mask fly off. The Engineer fell to the ground with a loud thud. Doc then jumped into the air and stomped onto the Engineers head. It crushed open as yellow blood splattered everywhere and the lower jaw went flying.

 Some got onto you but most of it went onto Doc. You sat there flabergasted at the sight of what happened. This would have been the third time you almost died. "Holy shit Doc is kinda bad ass." you thought. "Are you alright (Y/N)?" Doc asked giving you a hand. "Yeah I'm good." you said while he hoisted you up. Doc simply fixed his vest and sighed in annoyance at the sight of blood everywhere. "Great. Now I have to clean up." Doc said rubbing his temples. 

 The chaos outside seemed to stop and Sanford came inside. "It looks like ther'ye not coming home for Christmas!" Sanford said. He then stopped and looked around to see the scene. "Well that's intersting." is all he said. "Wait Doc? I thought you said you'd be back by tommorow?" Sanford said. "Wait yeah. Doc said he'd be back tommorow." you thought "I found pieces on the side of the road for the machine I'm building." Doc said simply walking towards Sanford. 

 "Anyways. Where is Deimos?" Doc asked. "Oh he's outside rummaging through stuff." Sanford said. "Will you go grab him." he said. "Yes sir!" Sanford said. Sanford then walked outside to grab Deimos and Doc took off his vest. Sanford and Deimos then walked back in and Deimos smiled. "We kicked their asses!" Deimos said. Deimos than took a look around the room and his jaw dropped. "What did I miss?" Deimos asked.

 "(Y/N) was in trouble so I took care of the problem. Anyways I have a new mission." Doc said rubbing his mask trying to rid off the blood. "Alright what is it?" Sanford asked crossing his arms. "I'll need you two to go to take (Y/N) back to head quarters to see Skinner M.D." Doc said. "After will one of you take (Y/N) around the city and buy them new clothes." Doc added. "We can do that." Deimos said giving a thumbs up. "I'll go get the chopter primed up!" Deimos said. "Wait a helicopter?" you asked. "How else we going to get there kiddo?" Deimos said. Deimos than ran out of the building and disapeared around the corner. "Sanford get going." Doc said. Sanford gave a salute and ran outside as well. 

 You started to make your way towards the door to but Doc stopped you. "(Y/N) I have a mission for you as well." Doc said. "W-what?" you asked. "I said I have a mission." he said. "I don't work for S.Q. though." you said. "I know." he said. "But still I want you too stay safe and have fun." he said giving you a pat on the shoulder. "You should get going. Ther'ye waiting for you." Doc said. You just nodded and made your way outside to see a helicopter going. "Holy shit they were not joking."


Chapter 10 is out! I wanted to do a little chapter with some action in it. Next chapter will be in Nevada Central! I hope you enjoy! 

Madness Combat x Child! Reader (The Horrors of Nevada)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang