An Night with Sanford and Deimos

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 "Oh hey kiddo!" Deimos said giving you finger guns. "Oh hey there bud!" Sanford said. You just awkardly waved at both of them. "The two of you finally showed up. You're five minutes late." Doc said standing up taping his foot. "The reason we're late is cause this guy jumped off a building!" Sanford said pointing to Deimos. "Hey! C'mon it was cool!" he said in response as he pointed his thumbs towards himself. Doc just put his hands on his temples and shook his head. Doc then looked at you and said "This is what I have to deal with. Everyday." 

 You just chuckled at what he said and Doc looked back at them. "I need to run too H.Q. in Nevada Central. I need to grab something. Could you two watch over (Y/N) and the house." Doc said. "Yeah! We can do that!" Deimos said smiling. "That won't be a problem." Sanford said. "Alright good. I will be back in the morning." Doc said as he started to walk towards the door. Both Sanford and Deimos slightly moved for he could get through. Doc opened the door and stepped outside then closed the door. You could hear his foot steps going down the ramp as they got quieter.

 "Well... know what?" Deimos asked. "I do not know." Sanford said. Both of them started to walk towards the table you were sitting at and they sat down. "This is akward..." you thought. "Hey kiddo you hungry? We brought you some (favorite snack)." Deimos said. "Yeah... a bit." you said. Deimos than took it out of his coat and placed it on the table. You grabbed it and opened the container than took a bite. "So (Y/N). How was the trip with Hank?" Sanford asked. You looked at him and scratched the back of your head. "I mean we ran into a man named Tricky and he taught me how to use a sword." you said. "Wait! You ran into that clown?!" Deimos yelled. "Yeah. He almost killed me." you said as you shuddered. "He whooped our asses the last time we fought him. We made it out alive luckily." Sanford said. "I'm glad to see you unharmed. Tricky is insane and is a force to reckon with." he added.

 "Yeah..." you said. You took another bite out of the container. "Hey kiddo you wanna see something cool?" Deimos asked. You made a "hmm" sound. Deimos lifted up his left hand and made his hand into a fist. He then put his thumb inside of it and then he quickly pulled it up. A little flame was on his thumb! You jumped back at what you just saw. "JESUS!" you yelled in your head. "How did you do that?!" you asked in awe. "It's something I taught myself to do." Deimos said smiling. Sanford just chuckled and added on. "Deimos doesn't carry around a lighter for his cigarettes so he does that." Sanford said. "Could you do it again?" you asked. "Yeah sure!" Deimos said.

 Deimos then repeated what he did and another flame was on his thumb! "Does it hurt?" you asked. "Nah." Deimos said. "It doesn't feel like anything." he added.  You just nodded to what he said and you sat there in silence for a bit. You realized something after a couple seconds "I haven't gotten to know both of these guy's really well. I asked Hank alot but not Sanford and Deimos." you thought. "So Sanford. How did you get to know Deimos?" you asked. "How did I meet him. Mmmm... well we meet when I signed up for S.Q." he said. "Yeah me meet when Doc approached me after I quit the A.A.H.W." Deimos said. "Wait? You were in the A.A.H.W.?" you asked. "Oh yeah! I forgot to mention that!" he said.

 "I quit due to the poor working conditions and stuff." he added on. "Also did Doc mention that he was also in it?" Sanford asked. "Yeah he did." you said. "We talked how S.Q. was established and stuff like that. I even found out that Hank likes kittens." you said while chuckling. "AHAHAHAAHHAHA!" Sanford then immediately started to laugh and bang his right hand on the table. While Deimos just let out a short yet loud laugh. 

"Never thought good ol' Wimbleton would be soft for something!" Sanford said trying to regain his composure. "Oh god! That's funny (Y/N)!" Deimos said. Sanford finally regained his composure and looked at you. "Hey bud you want to see me and Deimos do a arm wrestling match?" Sanford asked. "Yeah sure why not." you said while shrugging. There was really nothing to do and you were bored. 

 "Ok bet! I'm going to take you down! Watch this kiddo!" Deimos said putting his arm on the table. "This is going down in the history books and everyone will remember the name Deimos." he said. Sanford leaned towards you and said something quietly. "I'm going to absoulety destroy this guy. Deimos is built like a stick compared to me." Sanford said. Sanford then put his arm on the table and put connected both of their hands. "Alright (Y/N). You do the count down." Sanford said.

 "Alright. Three. Two. One. GO!" you said. Both men started and Sanford was immediatly going. Deimos hand was almost touching the table and Deimos was straining to hold it up! "HOLY SHIT!" Deimos said. "You give up?" Sanford said with a smug look. "NEVER!" Deimos said trying to lift his arm. Deimos arm just violenty shook while Sanfords was still. Sanford was easily going to win in a long shot. Sanford than slammed his hand into the table and Deimos cursed. "Dammit!" Deimos said. "What happened to going in the history books?" Sanford said while smiling. "Ok! I want a rematch!" Deimos said. "Nope. I can't I'm to tired." Sanford said.

 "Oh you!" Deimos said. "Well. That was really fast." you said. "Told you bud. I could easily beat him." Sanford said. Then out of nowhere you heard multiple foot steps going up the ramp. Sanford got up and looked through the boarded up window. "We got some company..."


Chapter nine is out! Sorry it took long to write I had school stuff going and my schedule was full. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter! Next one will be nutty!

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