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After the events with the Bandits the drive was quite. The sound of the car moving and the wind blowing against it. How Docs driving interrupted that silence every once in awhile. This was mostly due to his tires squealing.

You basically counted the amount of times Doc has almost ran off the road.  At this point it was a game to see if he would crash. Let's just say it was alot.

Turning towards the left you gazed upon the landscape. Nothing but desert and the red sky. Than you looked back out at the windshield staring forward.

Just a quiet boring ride...

Than something popped out of the ground in front of the car! Between the Bentely R and the semi truck. Neither did Hank or you except it. It was hard to get a look at but it looked like a stop sign. Oh no...

Hank turned the wheel as fast as he  could and drove off the road. This made him drive down a hill and tried to stop the car. The car continued to roll down the large hill. After a bit it came to a stop.

"Hank! He's back!" you yelled. "I know, I'm going to fucking kill that clown." Hank said. The sign than trailed down the hill the aswell. "Kid, stay in the car." he said. Hank than jumped out of the car with his katana. The sign than stopped for a moment.

Than the clown popped out of the ground. "HAY HANK! I'M BACK!" Tricky yelled. Tricky looked the same as last time but the top of head was taped on. Plus he wore the same mask but damaged with a dent in it.

"Piss off Hoffnar. Last time I kicked your ass." Hank said. "I'M NOT HOFFNAR! THE NAME TAG SAYS TRICKY!" he said angrily pointing at the name tag. "OH WAIT! NEVERMIND IT DOES SAY HOFFNAR!" Tricky said.

"Crawl back to what ever decrepit shithole circus you came from." Hank said. "WHY DON'T YOU UM... UH." Tricky said. "Beat it for I don't humiliate you again." Hank said. "NOT THIS TIME HANK! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU AND THE KID THIS TIME!" Tricky said. Hank looked back at you and than back at Tricky.

"Than you'll have to go through me you rejected circus act." Hank said. Tricky just let out a manic laugh and gripped his sign. "ALRIGHT THAN! LET THE PERFORMANCE BEGIN!" Tricky said.

Tricky swung his sign as Hank swung his katana back. The two weapons collided and upon impact sparks flew. Hank than head butted the clown.

Hank than did a upper cut and Tricky let out a grunt. In retaliation Tricky punched back at Hank. Upon being punched square in the face Hank stumbled back. Trying to regain his balance Hank stumbled.

Tricky than ran at Hank with lighting speed. Grabbing the back of Hanks head, as he than face planted Hank! Tricky let out a laugh as he repeatedly slammed Hanks head onto the ground. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Every time Hank hit the ground his metal jaw made a clank. It was comedic to hear but the sight of it was horrifying. At this point Hanks goggles were cracked.

Before Tricky could do more damage Hank grabbed Trickys arm. He than tripped the clown and stood back up. Hank than kicked the clown in the face. "Have a taste of your own medicine you 'Doctor'." Hank said.

"OW OW!" Tricky yelled. Hank kicked Tricky away from him. Tricky stood up as his mask fell off. His nightmare fueling face showing as gave a angry look. "ALRIGHT THAN! LET'S PLAY THIS MY WAY!" Tricky said.

Grabbing the stop sign off the ground Tricky charged at Hank. Before Hank could react Tricky launched him! Hank went flying into the air and hit the ground.

His slid for a bit as his jaw scrapped against the ground. Hank lifted up his head and his jaw was slightly unhinged, even slightly dented too. Hank stood up and let out a angry groan. He than fixed his back into place.

Hank than turned towards Tricky and cracked his knuckles. "I should thank you for this piece of metal." Hank said knocking on his jaw. "Works wonders when fighting, especially fighting pieces of shit like you." Hank said.

Hank than gripped his katana charged at Tricky. The clown impaled Hank in the chest with the sign! You let out a gasp seeing it being lodged in there. Last time Hank was fine, but this time it looked more fatal. Tricky pushed the sign deeper into Hank. "AHAHAHAHAHA! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO THIS TIME HANK!!! THIS TIME THE KID IS MINE!" Tricky said.

Hank let out a grunt as he felt the metal impale him. "I'm going to do this." Hank said.

Hank than stabbed Tricky in the chest aswell. Hank lodged the sword deep into the clown. Both of them had pieces of metal in their chests. Hank pushed deeper into the clown.

"You'll never have kid you piece of shit clown." Hank said. Hank than gave another head butt to the clown. Causing Tricky to let go of the sign.

Hank than lifted Tricky up into the air with his sword. Pulling out a automatic Hank fired into Tricky multiple times. The clown yelled out as bullets filled him. Blood flied everywhere as Tricky was basically shredded. Hank than threw the clown off a cliff.

"THIS ISN'T OVER HANK! I'LL BE BACK!!! I'LL BE BACK HANNNNNNNKKKKK!" Tricky yelled as he voice faded.

Trickys body made a thud as he hit the bottom of the canyon. Hank pulled the sign of his chest and fell down. He fell onto his back and breathed heavily. "Hank!" you yelled. Rushing over to him you kneeled down. "Are you OK? What kind of question is that?! Of course you're not!" you said.

"Kid I'm good. I had worse." Hank said. You than heard a truck honk and turned around. You saw the Sedan and the semi truck. Doc stopped his car as he spinned in a little circle.

Sanford stopped the truck and Sanford came running out. "(Y/N) are you ok?!" Sanford yelled. Deimos hopped out aswell and Doc followed in pursuit. "Y-yeah I'm but Hank is not in the best of shape." you said.

Doc walked over to inspect Hank and gave him a glance. "Hank should be ok." Doc said. You gave a little sigh and Sanford helped Hank up. Hank stood up and coughed. "We ran into Hoffnar. I made sure he was toast." Hank said.

Doc let out a little nod and scratched his head. "Um hey. Sorry to interupt but good old Wimbleton has a hole in his chest." Deimos said. "I've had worse, Sanford." Hank said to Deimos. Deimos gave a look and shook his head.

"Yup his brain is functioning fine. Can't tell the difference between me and Sanford. Normal Hank behavior." Deimos said. Hank didn't say anything in return.

"Well than. If Hank is OK. I say we should get onto the road. We don't need more unsavory guests." Doc said. Sanford gave a nod.

"(Y/N) can ride with us. Just in case." Sanford said. "No need. I can drive them." Doc said. You gave a pleading look to Deimos and he gave a chuckle. "Well Doc that is a good idea. I do think that them riding with us more... tatical." Deimos said.

"Well if you insist." Doc said. Deimos gave you a little thumbs up and a smile. "Come on gentlemen. Let us continue." Doc said. All of them made their war towards their respected vehicles. You followed Deimos and Sanford to the semi truck. You entered the back seat and this time Deimos was the driver.

"All aboard the Deimos express!" Deimos said.

Doc started to drive as he took off. Deimos started to drive aswell and Hank followed behind with his car.


A.A.H.W. base_34...

Location disclosed...

The shadowy figure looked his computer. "Clown has been compromised." it read. The figure typed something onto his computer and took a drink from the soda. He shook his head and squinted his eyes. "So be it."
Everyone's favorite clown is back!

Madness Combat x Child! Reader (The Horrors of Nevada)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें