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 You sat there in silence listening to the car drive. Hank and Christoff didn't say a word to each other. Christoff readjusted his sunglasses and cleared his throat. "I am terribly sorry but I must leave for the time being." Christoff said. You just raised an eyebrow and gave him a confused look. "What do you mean you have to leave? You just joined us a short while a go!" you asked. "There is something else I must attend to." he responded. 

 "Hank, would you pull over." Christoff said. Hank was more than happy to obliege and immediatly stopped the vehicle. "Wait you want us to leave you on the side of the road?" you asked with a look shock. "I will be fine on my own. For must I have my own issues at hand." Christoff said getting out of the car. "W-where are you going?" you asked. "That is something I must hold from you for your own safety." he said. 

 "I will return back into the near future. You two should make haste before night befalls." he said. "So then, this is good bye for now?" you asked. "Yes, but for a short amount of time." Christoff said. "Wimbleton, if you lay harm upon this child. The last thing you will see is my sword in your head." Christoff said to Hank. Hank just looked at him said in a mocking tone "'You have my word.'" 

 Christoff just mumbled to himself and looked at you. "(Y/N), I wish you the best of travels." he said. "You too." you said back to him. Christoff than closed the door and started to walk the opposite direction you were driving. Hank then started to press on the gas and take off. You saw the silhouette of Dr. Christoff dissapear over the horizon. "Will he be okay on his own?" you asked Hank. "He'll be fine." Hank said bluntly. 

 You looked back forward and let out a sigh. "So, how far are we?" you said. "A hour and thirty minutes." he said. Just just gave a slight nod and clutched your stomach. Your stomach gave a growl and you realized the last time you ate were those hotdogs Deimos gave you. "Um... Hank do you have any food?" you asked him. "I have hotdogs." he said. "I'll take one." you said to him. 

 Hank opened the glove apartment and pulled out a hotdog. He handed it to you and to your surprise it was warm and fresh. You didn't question it and scrafed it down. Hank just looked in the mirror to see what you were doing and looked back at the road. "Don't choke on it." Hank said. You finished it and wiped off your mouth. "Thanks Hank." you said.

 Hank didn't say anything. After about another five minutes of driving you saw something in the distance. Multiple cars were parked and A.A.H.W. units stood there with there guns drawn! Hank stopped the car and it spinned in circles causing you to yelp. You were tossed around and it came to a stop about 29 ft away from the units. "WE'RE HERE FOR YOU AND THE KID HANK!" a voice said coming over the speaker. "Hank, whats the plan..." you said to him.

 Hank just sat there quietly and looked at you. He then looked at the A.A.H.W. units and rummaged through his coat. He pulled out a 1911A1 pistol with a scope on it and opened the door. Hank immediatly shot a Agent and blood splattered onto the ground. "OPEN FIRE!" a engineer yelled. All the units started to get their weapons ready but Hank was already running over. Bullets were fired at Hank but he dodged them and fired back at them. Engineers were brought out of the trucks and rushed out. Hank jumped over the little barricade and took out his sword. 

 You peaked over the dashboard to watch some of the action. Hank swung his sword and started to decapitate Agents and Engineers. Hank even ripped a head off a Agent with his hand! He then used the head as a weapon swinging it around. Hank than through it a another Agent and the throw killed said Agent. Hank than grabbed a automatic from a Soldat and opened fire at the units. 

 "YEAH! GO! KICK THEIR ASSES!" you cheered on. The A.A.H.W. units desperately fired at Hank but he just dodged the shot. Hank than grabbed a Soldat eye piece and ripped it off their face! Part of the Soldats face was ripped off in the process and yellow blood sprayed. Hank cleaned out most of the units. 

 You heard a helicopter approaching and you looked at the direction it was coming from. You froze in fear and shock at what you saw that was hanging onto the bottom. It was a giant Agent. It had a standard agent suit, a giant black visor that had tubes connected to a backpack, and a giant Desert Eagle. It was around 21'6" ft tall.

 The helicopter than lowered for the giant Agent to drop down. Hank looked at the giant and rolled his neck. The giant than let go of the helicopter and landed with a loud THUD! When it landed it shook the ground and you almost lost balance. "FINALLY! KILL HANK WIMBLETON!" the giant yelled in a loud voice. Hank than started to run at the giant Agent and fire bullets into it. The giant Agent didn't seem to show any signs of pain as it started to move. 

 Its steps shook the ground and the giant agent aimed its pistol. It started to fire giant shots at Hank but he easily dodged the shots. Hank finally made it to the giant and stabbed him with the sword. Hank then ripped the sword out of the Agent and climed up to its head. The agent tried to pry Hank off but Hank made it to the head. Hank then started to stab it in the head multiple times! 

 The giant just grabbed Hank and threw him at the ground. When Hank hit the ground he let out a grunt and skidded. "I'LL RIP YOU INTO TWO!" the giant yelled. Hank stood back up and clenched his fists about to fight again. The giant Agent just laughed while pulling out the sword in its head. "H-Hank! You can't beat him!" you yelled. Hank didn't seem to hear you as he started to charge again. 

 Hank made it back to the giant Agent but the giant just grabbed Hank! The Agent just laughed and slammed Hank with its pistol! The giant Agent than threw Hank onto the ground was about to stop him.

 You then heard a loud explosion to see the A.A.H.W. helicopter blow up! "HEY BOZO! WHY DON'T YOU PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE!" a familiar voice yelled over a speaker. Looking up you saw Sanford and Deimos in a helicopter! Sanford had a minigun and Deimos was pioliting it. "ORDER UP!" Sanford yelled. Sanford than started to shoot at the giant Agent. The giant Agent tried to fire its pistol at them but it just stumbled back at all the led it was taking in. Hank stood back up and looked at them. 

 Sanford then aimed the gun at the remaining A.A.H.W. units and opened fire on them! Limbs started to fly everywhere and chunks of them were ripped off by the bullets. Sanford than focused on the giant injured Agent and opened fire again. The giant dropped its gun and fell to the ground. Its body fell to the ground with a large THUD! Deimos than started to land the helicopter and it finally landed. 

 You got out of the car and shut the door. The helicopter finally landed and Sanford jumped out. 
"You suprised to see us." 


Part 18 is out! I hope you enjoy this chapter. This one is longer than the usual one I write.

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