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Entering the gym you looked at the Sleepwalker Chamber across the room. Rather than Doc accompanying you, it was Christoff this time. "So Dr. Christoff, you made the sleep walker thingy?" you asked. "I did indeed make the Sleepwalker Training Program. To better humanity and Nevada as a whole. The NEXUS Core however used it to make soldiers." he said.

"How did they do that?" you asked. "Extracting the memories of a man named Subject 1v02_6. Tasking him to train his combat skills, they would extract the memories and put them into the Sleepwalker Training. Pumping S-3LF and memories into the person in the chamber. Making them into a soldier called a 'Sleepwalker Patient'." Christoff said. "Ok, making some sense here." you said.

"There is a lot to it, my young friend, don't worry about not knowing it all." Christoff said. You walked to the Sleepwalker Chamber and felt for the gun in your pocket. Feeling the 119A1 in your pocket you gave a thumbs up. You put on your Engineer mask as well.

"Alright, ready to kick ass," you said giving a thumbs up. You hopped into the Sleepwalker Chamber. Christoff gave a little nod and shut the door. It made the hissing sound as it closed. As it finally closed you started to feel sleepy. Like the last time, you used it.
You started to drift off...

"Welcome back, Subject 1v02_6. Let's begin the experiment." the Engineer said. You looked at the button that began the wave and took a breath then pressed it. "Now serving wave 3." the voice said.

A to your left opened and a Grunt walked out. "Come fight me coward!" they yelled. That said Grunt ran at you slowly. You ran at him with full speed and punched him. Connecting your fist into his cranium he falls over. He falls to the ground and you kick him. He let out an "oof!" sound. His smock was stained in blood as it leaked out of him.

Two more Grunts stepped out and you made eye contact. You shot at one making them fall dead. The other one took a simple punch to the head. Putting a dent into their skull they fell to the ground. You shook your fist trying to get the blood off of it. "Oh god it's on me!" you said.

You stood there for a moment. Looking at the Grunt with a dent in their skull. Did you put a dent into that guy's skull? "Holy crap." you said. "Damn... Doc was right about this making me better at fighting." you thought.

You then heard a door to your right. An Agent stepped out and looked around. "Target spotted." they said. As  the Agent aimed the revolver, you ran shot the Agent in the head. More Agents and Grunts came out. You punched a Grunt in the face and sweeped him off the ground.

A Grunt threw a fist at you and you dodged it. The Grunt swung at you again, catching their fist you twisted their arm. You than began to punch the side of their body. Eventually puncturing into their body. You pulled your bloodied fist out of their body.

The rest of the enemies surrounding you jumped back in surprise. The Agent fired a shot at you and you dodged the bullet. Taking cover behind the barrel you hid behind it. The Agent slowly circled the barrel to your side. You tripped the Agent and they let out a grunt.

You than jumped onto their body. Causing their ribs and other organs to fly out. You than heard a door to your right open.

There Stood a A.T.P. Engineer with a wrench. While the wrench wasn't exactly deadly (if used correctly), the Engineer was more than the average Agent. You fired at the Engineer and they dodged shot. The side stepped it a little bit.

You shot at them again the Engineer wasn't so lucky this time. They flinched as they were hit with the bullet. Yellow blood leaked out of their suit. This didn't kill them but weakend the Engineer. They than ran at you trying to land a hit. You dodged the swing from the wrench. Punching the Engineer in the gut you dislodged their wrench. They let out a grunt in pain.

Quickly grabbing the wrench you swung at the Engineer. Connecting a blow to their neck you bent it. Their neck broke as yellow blood spewed everywhere. As you killed the Engineer more opponents stepped out. It didn't take you long to kill the Agents and Grunts.

Often killing them with punches and occasionally hitting them with the wrench. A Engineer walked out and you kicked them. They didn't fall over like the Agents or Grunts. The Engineer just stumbled back a little bit. You shot the Engineer point blank and blew their head into a million pieces. Some blood squirted onto you and got in your mouth. You sputtered trying to get it out. "Ohh gawd!" you said.

You than heard a door a open behind you. "Lay down your weapons and submit." a voice said. You turned around and looked at the who was there.

A G03LM, but instead it was armored. The G03LM wore metal grey armor that covered their entire body (besides their hand and feet). Having fingerless gloves and a visor that allowed them to see.

Shooting at it the bullet ricocheted off the armor. "Oh you gotta be kidding me!" you yelled. The G03LM pulled out a MAC-10. It laughed in a mocking tone and started to fire. You yelped at the bullets flew at you. Hiding behind the barrel you peaked over. The G03LM slowly walked over towards your side. Running around behind him you hit him with the wrench.

"My word." it said. You continued to hit the beast. The G03LM than let out angry roar and turned around. It than picked you up and threw you. You yelped as you were chucked across the room. Hitting the ground you were scrapped a little bit against the concrete. Yellow blood started to leak from your wounds. Your mask fell off your face when you were launched.

'That was a picnic." the G03LM said. You slowly stood up in pain and coughed. You ran up to the G03LM and beaten it with the wrench. The G03LM tried to shoot at you but with no avail. You than climbed onto its back and removed the mask from its head.

"Hey?" the G03LM said. You jumped off the G03LM and started fired a bullet at it. Orange blood flew out of the G03LM. The G03LM just turned around and fired at you. You once again dodged the shots from the MAC-10. You than got behind him and crawled onto his back.

You than stuck the wrench into its skull and pushed it into the neck of this monster. The G03LM let out a groan of defeat and fell limp. "That's... not... good..." it said.

"Wave victory! Yeah yeah. We're impressed." the voice said.

"Excellent work Subject 1v02_6. We'll continue tomorrow." the Engineer said...

The door to the chamber opened with a hiss. You opened your eyes to feel the mask still on your body. You saw Doc standing there looking at you. "So how was it?" Doc asked.

"Everything... hurts." you said. Doc just chuckled and helped you out of the chamber. "It'll do that to you." Doc said.

You just gave a tired nod. "It's 11:55 pm. Time flies doesn't it." Doc said. "Holy cow, it's that late?" you asked. "Yes, it's late. Time for you to head to bed." Doc said. 

You gave a nod in agreement with him. Doc helped you to your room and up the stairs. The bed was already made and you covered yourself up. Doc turned off the light.

"Good night, Doc." you said. He stopped in the door way and looked back at you. His red sensory goggles glowing in the dark. You could see his eyes in them unlike during the day. They looked... happy.

"Night (Y/N)." Doc said.
(Y/N) takes the Sleepwalker Experiment for a spin again!

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