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 You opened your eyes a little bit, everything was muffled and blurry. You opened your eyes more to try and look around. Your vision became more clear. You saw someone in the corner of your right eye.

Turning slightly you saw Hank. He was asleep in a chair as he had his head leaning backwards. You looked at him for a little bit and called out for him. "H-Hank." you said quietly. He didn't seem to wake up. 

 "Hank?" you said louder. He didn't respond as he just stayed still. You just sighed and laid your head back down. As you did the door opened in front of you, causing Hank to jolt awake. Doc stood in the door way and he was looking at a tablet. He than looked up from it than at you. "Good to see your awake (Y/N)." Doc said.

 Hank looked over at you and back at Doc. "You've been unconscious for about three days now. That blast really did a number on you." Doc said.  "F-for three days?" you asked him in surprise. "That is correct. Hank stayed in here this entire time." Doc added on. You looked back over at Hank who was now looking at you. 

 "Yeah, I did. So what." Hank said to Doc. "Nothing. It's just surprising to see you do something like that." Doc said as he made his way towards you. "I thought you wouldn't care either." Doc said finished.

 Hank didn't say anything while he got up, than he made his way towards the door. "I'm leaving." Hank said in the door way, walking out the door shut behind him. You looked at Doc who was looking at the tablet and he stood on the right side of the bed. He was typing something on it for a minute, than proceeded to put it away. "So... it seems Hank has some sort of soft spot for you." Doc said looking at you. "Really?" you asked.  

 "It looks like it." Doc responded. "Anyways, I need to draw some blood." Doc said. "I thought you weren't a Doctor." you said to him. "I'm not going to be the one pricking you with a needle." Doc said. "Skinner!" Doc said loudly. "Coming!" a loud voice said. The door opened and the giant doctor stood there. He ducked to get in and stood back up when he got in. "I'm here! How is my patient doing?" he asked you. 

 You didn't know how to respond so you just gave a thumbs up. "Wonderful!" he said. "Skinner I need some blood drawn." Doc said. "Will do!" Skinner said pulling out a syringe. The syringe was tiny compared to his giant gloved hand. Hell you could barely see it as he held it in his hand. Skinner made his way over towards the right side, causing Doc to take a few steps back. "Which one do you prefer. Right of left arm?" he asked you.

 "Right arm... I guess." you said. Skinner took out a cleaning wipe and cleaned your right arm. He than stook the needle into your arm without a moments notice! This caused you to yelp as you felt it prick you. Skinner was done drawing blood and took out the syringe. You looked at it and it was full of... yellow blood. "What..." you thought for a second. "This can't be my blood! No way!" you yelled in your head.

 However you looked down to the little spot you were injected in. It was bleeding a little bit yellow. Skinner put a band aid on the little area where you were injected. He than gave the syringe to Doc and started to walk out. The door closed and it took you a couple seconds to register what happened. Doc looked at the syringe full of the yellow blood... no your blood. He than took out his tablet and typed something in. 

 "D-Doc! W-what happened to my b-blood?!" you asked him. He looked up from the tablet and put it away. "I see you found the surprise!" Doc said walking over to you. "Surprise?! What is this some kind of sick science joke?!" you said slightly angry. "No it is not. I didn't change your blood for fun." Doc said. "Than why is it that color!" you said more annoyed. 

 "We are going to genetically engineer you to make you stronger. The blood just gives you some slight attributes." Doc said. "W-what?" you asked more worried this time. "I think you heard me. We're not going to take you apart or anything. We're just going to do some training and special excersises." Doc said. "W-why are we doing this?" you asked him.

 "You have been in danger multiple times, (Y/N). We need to teach you to defend yourself." Doc said. This made you more mad. Was he blaming you for not being able to fight?! You were only thirteen years old! You didn't even have a choice to be in this hell hole! How dare he!

 "It's not my fault that I can't fight!" you yelled at him angrily. Doc just stared at you. "Maybe I don't want to be 'enchanced'! You can't change someone agaisnt their will! It's unfair!" you yelled at him. Doc didn't say anything as he looked at you. He just took a step forward and leaned in. "I know it's not your fault you can't fight. You're only a kid, (Y/N)." he said calmly. 

 You didn't know what to say as he looked at you. "You were kidnapped. Brought here agaisnt your will by some ass hole agency." he said as he furrowed his brows. "But you have to learn. This. Is. Nevada." he said. "The Icon of Sin.

 Some tears streamed down your face as you listened to him. "Things aren't fair here. It's killed or be killed. There isn't humanity and luck. Only madness and improbability." he said leaning back. He stood up and slowly walked towards the door. You weren't able to say anything to him as he stood in the door way. "Get some sleep." Doc said to you. 

 The door closed closed and you laid back down. Tears started to stream down your cheeks. He was right... it was killed or be killed. There isn't any reason here... only madness and combat.

 Somewhere in (state name)...

Location disclosed...

(middle school name)

 "(Y/N) (L/N) has been missing for this pass week. If any body knows the wheres about of them. Please contact the local authorties." a news broadcaster said on the board. It was Social Studies and the teacher turned on the current news. However it was currently on you and whispers could be heard. "Do you think they ran off?" a girl said. "They could be dead." said a boy. Your friend just stared out the window and sighed. "(Y/N), where are you?" they thought.

Somewhere in Nevada...

Location disclosed...

A.A.H.W. base_34

 The shadowy figure stood at the computer and stared at the cameras. A A.T.P. Engineer walked in nervously and stared at the figure. "Sir... there has been a slight problem." he said. "What could it be A.T.P. Engineer #8329." the figure said. "The kid got away after the blast to the car." the Engineer said. The figure turned around and their red eyes glared at the Engineer. "WHAT!" they yelled. Black flames enveloped the figure and the Engineer jumped back. 


Chapter 22 is now out! It looks like (Y/N) is not happy about their change. I wouldn't be either! Stuff is going to get wacky soon!

Madness Combat x Child! Reader (The Horrors of Nevada)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz