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wow. has it really been that long?

one year ago on this exact date, March 13 where i live, i decided to post my first ever dreamsmp book after coming out of a depressive episode that lasted 4 months.

one year ago on this exact date i was so happy to come home from school to see an email that someone commented on my story

(since my wattpad notifs were linked to my email)

one year ago on this day i decided i would shed off all my depression onto this book and leave it at that

but then i wanted more

so i made more

and here we are at about 10 dsmp related books :)

it's sad to see that the fandom has dwindled down in numbers and it's getting harder to keep up with ccs, what's trending and what not.

it's harder to get that same inspiration i once did and spent hours typing out my thoughts.

it's rough seeing friends go because we're losing interest.

i think this really hit us like a cement block because this was the biggest fandom in a while.

i've made promises i couldn't keep, such as updating as often as i could and responding to comments :/

but here is one i guaranteed.

no matter what, no matter how much time i don't have, i would make a sequel to this book when i hit 100k reads.

this was when kids hit 10k and i never believed this book would get past 60k.

but here we are.

so sooner or later, hopefully sooner, i will be posting small chapters in a sequel to this book, where you can get y/n's back story and other surprises :D

this books is very very messy since i tried to cram so much stuff in here, and a lot of grammar mistakes i think about editing a lot

but i'll do it some justice !

thank you, so much. it means everything to me


don't leave the game just yet, right? :)

3-13/14, 2022

--ʚKIDS⚠︎︎ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ sᴍᴘ®Where stories live. Discover now