"There's nothing you can do until it stops," Obi-Wan stroked his beard. "How long's she been at it?"

"Too long," Anakin fumbled for his commlink. "I need to call a healer."

"Anakin, wait," Obi-Wan grabbed his arm. "You called me as soon as it happened, right?"


"Don't call a healer until it's been more than 5 minutes," Obi-Wan instructed.

Anakin thought hesitantly for a moment. He watched Ahsoka jittering on the floor.

"Look, Anakin, she's slowing down," Obi-Wan said.

Ahsoka's violent shaking gradually reduced to twitching. She stilled completely after a few moments. Her face looked dusky and her skin turned a bit clammy.

"Come on, Ahsoka, wake up," Anakin rolled Ahsoka onto her back, revealing a small puddle of reddish liquid. The same substance covered the edge of Ahsoka's lips.

"Blood. She must've bitten her tongue," Obi-Wan decided.

"She's not breathing," Anakin said, pressing down on Ahsoka's stomach a little.

Ahsoka's eyes fluttered open and she squinted up at Anakin. A look of disparity flashed through her eyes and she shot up, gasping and choking.

"Master!" Ahsoka pleaded. "Can't... can't breathe!"

"I know, I know," Anakin wrapped his arms around her. "Take a deep breath. Breath with me." He took a deep breath in and let it out slowly.

Ahsoka continued hyperventilating, so Anakin reached down and squeezed her hand.

"Hey, hey, breathe. Come on, breathe with me," Anakin encouraged. "I don't want you to pass out again."

Ahsoka went slack against his chest. She still hyperventilated against him, desperately attempting to breathe correctly again.

"There you go," Anakin praised when her breathing became closer to normal.

"W-what... what was th-that?" Ahsoka stammered breathlessly.

"You had a seizure," Anakin whispered. "It's okay, you're okay now."

"It hurts," Ahsoka whimpered.

"What hurts?" Anakin pressed.

"M-my tongue," Ahsoka breathed. "I'm s-so sore."

"That's normal," Obi-Wan cut in.

Ahsoka looked at him with a bit of surprise. She glanced to the floor where her datapad had fallen and reached for it.

"Ahsoka?" Anakin tried gathering her up against his chest again.

"M-my homework," Ahsoka pushed him away and reached for the device. "I have to finish it."

"Ahsoka, you need to rest," Obi-Wan encouraged.

"My homework!" Ahsoka gasped, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. "It's due tomorrow!"

"You need–"

"Let me finish it," Ahsoka begged, grabbing at her datapad. "Please."

"You need to rest," Anakin repeated.

"I have to finish it tonight. It's due tomorrow!" Ahsoka desperately tried to manoeuvre over the cracked screen.

"What've you been doing this entire time?" Anakin tried snatching the datapad out of her hands.

"D-during the c-campaign," Ahsoka stuttered squeezing the datapad so tightly that her hands shook and her knuckles turned white again. "I-I tried..."

"No, no, that's my point," Anakin pried her fingers from the device. "You were busy fighting a war. You didn't have time for all that homework. Don't you have like... an exception?"

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