Chapter 6: Period, bestie... or temporary roommate

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⚠️TW: Mention of Blood (If you are uneasy with the topic of blood, go to the next chapter, there will be a quick summary!!) ⚠️

(Y/N's POV)

Noah put on IT and I was super scared cause I can't stand scary movies. There was a part with a jumpscare and I jumped next to Noah and put my head in his chest so I didn't have to see the movie. He gave me a big hug and turned off the movie cause he could tell that I was scared. He could tell that we were both tired. He told me I could sleep on the couch so I did. Two hours later I could not fall asleep. The couch was so uncomfortable to sleep on. I went to Noah's door for his room to ask if I could sleep on the floor because the couch was uncomfortable, but as I went to open the door he opened it up and went "I was just about to see if you were still awake." I told him how uncomfortable the couch was and he said "You could just sleep in my bed. Let's just put a couple pillows between us and call it a night." I said "okay" and I woke up a couple hours later, it was 10 AM, and Noah was still sleeping. I walked out of Noah's room and I went to the bathroom. I saw that I got my period. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't gonna ask Noah and be like "Hey, Noah could I have a pad? I just got my period." That would be so embarrassing, and I don't think he has any anyways. Good thing I had my phone on me, so I texted Sadie.

                                                                                    Sadie 🧡

Y/N: Hey, Sadie. I slept over at Noah's apartment and I got my period. Could you somehow put some pads into my purple backpack?

S: Yes, ofc! I'll be over in like 10 minutes cause I had to run to the store. I'm just about to walk into the building now. I'll put my groceries away quickly and then bring you a couple pads.

Y/N: Ok! Thank you! You are the absolute best friend possible rn <3

S: <3

All of the sudden, I heard a door open. Then I heard a knock at the bathroom door. "Hey, Y/N, is that you in there? Are you okay?" It was Noah. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I replied back. "I saw a couple drops of blood on my sheets. Did you accidentally cut yourself or something? I just wanna make sure you're okay." SHOOT. "Uh uh, y-yeah. I'm fine." "Okay?" He replied back. I heard a door open and it was Sadie. She knocked at the bathroom door and dropped my backpack there, screamed hi to Noah, and then ran away.

I was finally able to leave the bathroom. I walked out and I saw Noah was playing Fortnite. I put my bag down and got milk out of the fridge and I poured myself a bowl of cereal. I ate my breakfast and I saw Noah quit the Fortnite game he was in. I ran over to Noah and I gave him a big hug.

(Noah's POV)

All of the sudden, I just felt Y/N come over to me and she gave me a big hug, I hugged her back. Sadie texted me earlier on why Y/N was acting so weird and why Sadie had to come over to my apartment. It wasn't even that big of a deal in my opinion cause it's something all girls have to go through at one point in their life, but I understand why Y/N didn't tell me cause it could be really awkward and embarrassing talking about it, especially with the other gender. I do kind of understand what she is going through though because I have a twin sister, and I had to go and learn this in health class. I didn't bring it up at all just because I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.

(Y/N's POV)

Noah and I talked for a couple hours. It was amazing getting to know him. Some questions we asked each other were "What is your favorite band?' I said One Direction and he said Panic! At the Disco. I don't really listen to P!ATD's music. I've only heard songs that came on the radio and songs that were on my fyp, but he brought up that he was in one of their music videos for LA Devotee, which I thought was cool. We also went over our favorite solo music artists, we both said Harry Styles, and I was so happy because Noah is my celeb crush (now technically IRL crush because i'm friends with him) and I'm happy we have things in common with each other. We both went over our favorite songs, he said his was Kiwi by Harry Styles and I said mine was either Kiwi by Harry Styles, anything by Olivia Rodrigo, all of One Direction's discography since I couldn't choose just one song by them, the entire 1989 album by Taylor Swift and then I just couldn't think of anymore songs cause my mind just went blank. We also found out or favorite colors are blue (Noah's) and purple (Y/N's) then my parents texted me and said they had to go out of town and since I had to be here in Atlanta and I wasn't capable of being home alone for a week or more, I had to stay with Noah. I told him the news and he looked super happy. Since I only had a small bag of stuff, Noah had come with me to my hotel room so he could help me carry things to his apartment that I would need for at least a week. We got everything I would need and we went back to Noah's apartment to drop everything off, and then we went shopping. We went in different directions, he went to go get groceries, and I went to go get a sleeping bag, so I wasn't hogging up Noah's bed. We went back to Noah's apartment and put all the groceries away. Then, I heard my phone go off. It was the group chat with Millie, Sadie, and I.

                                                   Sadie 🧡 Mills and Y/N/N (The three amigos)

S: Hey girls!

M: Hey!

Y/N: Hi!

S: Hey Y/N, Mills you already know this but, guess what!

Y/N: What?!?!?!

M: Sades and I caught you and Noah meeting for the first time on video. We set up a hidden camera and we have proof.

S: Yup!!!


M: NO!

S: NO ARE YOU INSANE? If you and Noah ever start dating, you could give that to him as an anniversary present of the first time you guys ever met.

M: It would be SOOOO romantic.

Y/N: Shut up lol.

"Hey Noah?" I asked "Yeah Y/N? What's up, you can ask or tell me anything. You're my best friend." he replied back. "Aww, you're my best friend too. But anyways, when is the first day we are going to set?" "Tomorrow, I think. Lemme look on my phone. Okay, the first table read is tomorrow. We were only at the set the other day because the Duffer's just wanted us to be used to the set dynamic again cause we haven't been here since we filmed season 3." "Oh. That's cool that you got to see your castmates again." I replied back.


We got to the set of Stranger Things. I really didn't get to see it cause I got put in this random room away from everything else. "Wow, the set is amazing." I told Noah "Yup! And as your best friend, I'm gonna give you a tour of the set!" "Ooh, okay, yay!" I said.

(The tour happened)

"And here is your trailer." Wow! This is really nice. Thank you Noah!" "No problem, and also I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable or anything, but there's blood on your pants. An-" "Are you kidding me right now?" "No, but the thing is, Y/N, I kinda know what you're going through. My best friends are Millie and Sadie, and I have a twin sister. I always have to deal with them going through it. But every girl has it at one point or another in their life. But, so no one sees the blood on your pants, just take my sweatshirt and put it around your waist. If blood gets on it, no big deal. I could just put it in the washing machine, and if the blood doesn't come out, you could keep it. It's no big deal and I 100% don't mind." "Thank you so much Noah, you are the absolute guy best friend a girl could EVER ask for." I gave Noah the biggest hug possible cause he really deserves it.

&quot;The New Castmate&quot; Noah Schnapp x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now