Chapter 4: The Meeting

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(Noah's POV)

Ok, today is the day, I'm meeting one of my new friends that I met through Instagram, and I don't even know her in person. We only ever texted through Instagram. I do follow her Instagram though and from the posts she has, she's really pretty. She has y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes. I can't wait to meet her in person. All I know is she's a big fan of me and Stranger Things, so I might give her a super big hug because she would probably really appreciate it.

(Millie's POV)

I was just in the middle of a conversation with Noah and he just went dead silent and he looked SUPER nervous. I was gonna ask him but knowing him, he's probably just obsessing over a girl. That girl is probably either Zendaya or that new Y/N girl that he was talking about. I might just text Noah to make things less awkward between us.

M: Hey Noah

N: Hey Mills. We're in the same room. What's up?!?

M: Do you like y/n? You look really nervous and you are dead silent. That's literally what you look and act like when you like someone. I have no feelings for you like that just so you know and I am dating Jake right now, and I don't think Zendaya does either. She is like 8 years older than you, and dating Tom Holland right now.

N: Yeah, and shut up about Tom Holland, i'm jealous of him. I like Y/N don't tell her when you meet her or I will be so mad at you Millie. I won't want to be your friend anymore.

M: Noah oh my god. You don't have to be so dramatic. Stop before I start yelling at you in Eleven's voice and not my british accent.

(Noah's POV)

"You're the dramatic one Millie. Stop fighting with me before I get mad in front of Y/N. I will be so embarrassed." Yeah, that's what I told Millie. Hopefully she's not mad at me. I wonder what's taking Y/N so long.

(Y/N's POV)

Ok, so I didn't tell Noah I was out of my audition. I saw Sadie and I immediately went up to her to ask her a question. "Hey Sadie!" I said, "Hi! Are you a new cast member?" she asked "No, I'm not, I just auditioned for the role of Lisa Jones, but I'm kinda close with Noah. We chatted on Instagram DM's a couple times." I replied. "Oh! Are you Y/N? I kinda overheard Noah talking about you to Millie in the cast room when I went to go get my water bottle." Wow, Noah talks about me. "Yeah, I am. By any chance could you help me surprise Noah?" I asked Sadie "Of course I could! I don't mind. Let's go to Noah's apartment. I was just about to leave to go to mine and I know how to get in his room. Also I live right across the hall from him, so it's no big deal for me. Just hide in his apartment and I'll have Millie come help me take Noah there so we could film his reaction. Ok?" "Sure! That would be great. Thanks Sadie!" "No problem! And also, Y/N, I could tell we are going to be great friends, even if you aren't casted in the role, but I feel like you would be an amazing actress, so why wouldn't you be cast. But, let's just get to Noah's apartment cause he gets out in like 5 minutes." "Ok." I replied back. Sadie went on her phone and texted Millie to let her know the plans of what Sadie and I were doing.


(Noah's POV)

Millie is acting super weird. She got a text on her phone and since then she hasn't been acting normal. Something suspicious is going on, and I'm going to try and get to the bottom of this. I'm almost at my apartment, so hopefully Millie tells me what is going on. I walked into the lobby of my apartment complex. There were some fans who saw me and Millie and they wanted to get photos, which I didn't mind. I saw Sadie come down to the lobby using the elevator. She whispered something to Millie and they started acting really suspicious and they had forced me go up the 11 sets of stairs while they went in the elevator. I ran up the steps and I saw Millie and Sadie go into their apartments. I walked into my apartment, I sat down on my couch and I started watching Netflix on my TV. I decided to watch Bob's Burgers because a new episode came out yesterday night, but I was too busy hanging out with the cast to watch it. Mid-episode I got up and went to my fridge to get a drink. While I was debating what I wanted, I thought I heard someone walking in my house, but I thought I was just imagining things, I mean stranger things have happened. I was scared that it was gonna be a crazy stalker fan who somehow found out my address here in Atlanta. I heard more walking and all of the sudden, I felt someone come up behind me and give me a hug.

(Y/N's POV)

I saw Noah turn around after I gave him a hug. He screamed and went "Y/N!!!!!" I screamed back and went "NOAH!!!!!" I saw Noah get a sprite out of his fridge and asked if I wanted one. I said "Sure!" He also got a box of GoGo Squeez out of his pantry and he looked at me and said "None for you, If you want some, fight me." I said "Okay, I'm good for now Noah." and then I started laughing which made Noah start laughing. We hung out for a good 2 hours before my mom texted me saying that I needed to go to the hotel that we were staying at. I thanked Noah for letting me hang out with him. Noah offered to walk me to the hotel, which was super sweet of him, and I said yes. He got to the hotel and gave me a big hug, he walked away once I got into the lobby and FaceTimed me once he got back to his apartment. We talked for about 5 minutes before I got a phone call that could possibly change my life. I hung up on Noah and answered the phone call.

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