Chapter 2: The Result

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(Y/N's POV)

I woke up to the noise of my annoying alarm. I looked at the time, it was 5:45 AM. Ugh. At least it was Friday, but I was annoyed by the fact that I had to get ready for school. It's my last day of school for the year because of summer break., so we have a half day today. I layed in bed because I was too lazy to get out. 15 minutes passed and I saw that the time was 6:00 AM. I immediately got out of bed, went downstairs, and made myself breakfast. I had some plain old cereal. I went upstairs and got changed into some jean shorts and a blue tie-dye shirt that had my school shirt design on it. I put my hair into two braids. I looked at the time again and it said 6:30 AM. I grabbed my phone and I had to run downstairs before I missed my bus that comes at 6:35. I  put on some sneakers and a jean jacket. I waited down by my garage until my bus came to my house. I sat down at my assigned seat, which was 11 which is pretty ironic considering my favorite show is Stranger Things. I connected my airpods to my phone, and started scrolling through TikTok. My for you page got pretty boring after 5 minutes so I decided to go onto Instagram. My parents forced me to make my account private, which I don't mind. I saw that I got a follow request from @noahschnapp. I couldn't believe my eyes, even though I literally talked to him almost 8 hours ago. I accepted the request. Noah sent me a DM just reminding me on how I'm going to nail my audition tape that I have to film later. He also sent me a couple of tips on what the Duffer Brothers are looking for in auditions.

(Time Skip to after school)

I got home from school, put my phone on my tripod, turned on my ring light and started filming."Hi, my name is Y/F/N, and I'm auditioning for the role of Lisa Jones" I finished my audition and emailed it to whomever Noah said I was supposed to; Matt and Ross Duffer, Shawn Levy, and Carmen Cuba. I was bored so I decided to put on music. I ended up putting on music by Y/F/M/A. 1 hour later I opened up my laptop and decided to look at my email to see if anyone replied back to me yet, no responses. I decided to watch Good Luck Charlie on Disney+ cause that was a really good show. I watched 10 episodes and then I decided to go on TikTok. My parents called me down for dinner around an hour later. I told them how I auditioned for season 4 of Stranger Things and they were super happy for me. After I ate my food, I went back upstairs and started scrolling through Instagram. I saw Noah sent me a message. He said that he overheard the Duffer brothers talking to Carmen Cuba and she said she sent out an email saying whether or not the people who auditioned by sending in tapes today got into the next round of casting. I told him "Thank you for letting me know and I'll check my email." I propped up my phone and started filming my reaction to whether or not I made it to the next round of auditions. I opened up my email on my laptop and saw there was an email from Carmen Cuba. I was so scared to open it up. After a minute I finally opened the email. She said that I got into the next round and I screamed because I was so excited. I ran downstairs and told my parents. The only thing is I have to go down to Atlanta, Georgia. I live in Y/H/T. The good thing is I don't have to go down until June 7th, so I have a couple days to prepare,  but I hate planes so I'm gonna have to get my parents to drive me since I'm only 14, 15 in November and I can't legally drive yet. Carmen said in the email that we would have to stay at least a week so pack everything you would need. I layed down in my bed and I dozed off.

"The New Castmate" Noah Schnapp x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now