Chapter 8: The Date

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A/N: For the video, don't play it until the story tells you to. 

(Noah's POV)

In the morning, I got woken up by the smell of food. I was very confused. I opened up my eyes to see me cuddling Y/N. I took my arms off of her and I sat up on the couch. I turned my head towards the kitchen and I saw Sadie making pancakes. Everyone was up eating them except me and Y/N.

(Y/N's POV)

I felt a light shake and tap from my shoulder that woke me up. I opened up my eyes to hear Noah say "Hey Y/N, wake up, let's eat the pancakes Sadie made before they get cold." I replied back "Ok." We got up, said good morning to everyone and then Sadie and Millie said "Morning love-birds. We saw you cuddling when we woke up." Noah and I just ignored them and started eating pancakes. After a couple hours everyone left and went back to their apartments. Noah and I sat down on the couch and watched a couple random episodes of iCarly (the 2007 one not the reboot) and the last episode we watched was the One Direction episode. At the end of the episode when they sing "What Makes You Beautiful", Noah started singing the song at the top of his lungs. I started singing along too. Then we looked up a bunch of One Direction videos and when we watched "Best Song Ever", we started doing the "Best Song Ever" dance. It was a fun day. I was so tired, and it was about 10:00 pm. We had an early day tomorrow so we went to bed. I told Noah goodnight and I gave him a kiss on the cheek, and I went to sleep in my sleeping bag that was in Noah's room. I woke up at 4:00 am which was really ahead of schedule cause we didn't have to be at work until 7:00 am. I got ready and it was 5:00 cause I took my time. I went out into the living room and watched TikToks until 5:45. I woke up Noah and told him we had to be to work for 7:00 and that it was 5:45. He got ready quickly and we got in his car and went to Starbucks for breakfast. We both got cinnamon buns. Noah got water to drink cause he doesn't like coffee, but I got a y/o to drink. We ate our food quickly and then we got back into Noah's car and made a couple TikToks. We posted two on his account, but one was friends only, and then we did the exact same thing on my account. We then started driving to get to work, but of course we got stuck in traffic. I texted Millie to let the Duffers know that Noah and I got stuck in traffic and that we apologize that we will be late. 20 minutes later we were still stuck in traffic. Noah asked me "Hey Y/N, wanna go out tonight, like after work?" I obviously said yes because Noah is my crush and used to be my celebrity crush.

(Time Jump - after filming)

I got a text from my parents saying that they were about to be back but wouldn't be in time to come pick me up. So, I went into Noah's trailer to tell him. He didn't notice that I was there so I decided to scare him like he scared me the other day so I sneakily went up behind him and touched his shoulder. He jumped and screamed until he turned around and realized it was me. I told him that my parents were gonna be back soon and that I just needed to grab his stuff from his apartment to bring back to my hotel room. We went to his car and got back to his apartment.

(Noah's POV)

My phone went off. I saw it was a text from Y/N's mom. I have her number because she gave it to me in case of an emergency since I'm Y/N's best friend. She said that they secretly didn't go out of town, and that they were just buying furniture for their new apartment. She said that they were moving into the vacant apartment next to mine and that Y/N should be over at 4:15 pm. It's 4:00 now, so we have 15 minutes. I replied back and said okay, thanks for letting me know.

(Y/N's POV)

I got all my stuff that was in Noah's apartment and put it in a pile by the door so I could grab it when we left. Noah and I played a couple rounds of Just Dance and I beat him in every single round. Noah told me to grab my stuff because we were taking a walk and then going to my hotel. Noah knocked at the apartment door next to his and I was so confused because I thought it was empty. My mom and dad opened up the door and screamed "Surprise! We got this apartment for when you're down here in Atlanta." I thought that was so sweet of them. Noah gave me a hug and went back to his apartment. I got a text from Noah about 30 minutes later asking if we were still on for our date and I said yes. He told me to bring a bathing suit and put it on underneath the outfit I was wearing. I got ready and sat for 5 minutes until I heard a knock on the door and it was Noah. I said bye to my parents and then I left. I met Noah at his apartment. Noah took me down to a diner by the beach and we got milkshakes with fries and burgers. We then went swimming and surfing and we kept falling off of our surf boards. All of the sudden we heard thunder and ran out of the ocean and went back into Noah's car. We made TikToks in the car. PLAY SOUND ON TOP NOW

(Noah's POV) 

I got the "Electric Love" audio up on my phone and put the timer on for 10 seconds so I had time to prop my phone back up and get all of the jitters out of my body, I mean, I was excited, I had a crush on Y/N ever since I met her for the first time. The sound started and I got butterflies in my stomach. I pulled her closer to me and leaned in.

(Y/N's POV)

Noah started to lean in as the Electric Love sound was playing. He kissed me on my lips and put his hands on my cheeks, as I put mine on the back of his head. As we kissed, lightning struck like 3 feet in front of the car. About 10 seconds after the TikTok was done being filmed, we stopped kissing. It was just what I expected my first kiss to be like. Noah saved the video to his drafts with the date it was made to post when he feels ready if we start dating. We then went and got buckled up in the car to go back to my apartment because it was close to my curfew time. The car ride was silent for around 5 minutes until Noah and I said at the same exact time "what are we?" I replied back and said "I don't know. What do you want to be?" he replied back and said "boyfriend and girlfriend maybe. Do you feel the same?" I responded back and said "Yes, ofc Schnapp, I feel the same. I loved you since before you even knew I existed and I was just a nobody. You were literally my celebrity crush and I can't say that anymore because you're just my crush because I'm like best friends with you. Except now we're kinda best friends who kiss each other sometimes, but now we're not because I want to be your girlfriend." I leaned over the second the stop light turned red and kissed Noah for a second and then I stopped so he could pay attention to the road. We got to my apartment and Noah and I hugged and said goodbye to each other and then I walked into my apartment and I told my mom that I was officially dating someone. It's kinda epic not being single anymore.

"The New Castmate" Noah Schnapp x Female ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz