Chapter 1: The DM

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(Y/N's POV)

Dear Diary,

Today I was bored so I decided to look up casting calls for shows and movies, being me, an aspiring actress. I saw this one call and I started freaking out cause it was a casting call for Stranger Things out of all shows. It was epic when I found out because that's my current favorite show. Also Noah Schnapp who plays Will Byers is cute, like really cute. I wanna marry him so badly, so if I get casted, that could happen and he could end up falling in love with me. We would start dating, end up getting engaged, get married soon after that, and then have kids. But only a girl could dream. I sent in my application for my audition, and made sure it went through. But i gtg to bed cause it's like 10:30 on a school night. Oops. See you tomorrow.

After writing my diary entry, I put my diary away in my secret spot so my family didn't go looking for it, changed into some pajamas and then tried to go to sleep for the night. I couldn't fall asleep for anything, it was 1:00 am; two and a half hours later. I decided to go onto Instagram cause I had nothing better to do. I saw that Noah Schnapp posted on his instagram story 5 minutes prior to me going on instagram.

Like wow, does this kid ever sleep? He's always posting on Instagram late at night. Being the stupid and dumb person I am, I decided to DM him cause I was super bored.

Hey Noah! I'm Y/N and I'm a super big fan. I'm so excited cause I applied to audition for season 4 and it would be a literal dream to be on Stranger Things. And ik you probably will never see this, but I just wanted to let you know, I love you ❤️ p.s it's ok if you say no, but do you want to be friends?



Wait, hold up, did that just say "Seen"? Noah Schnapp saw the DM I sent him. OMG. And he's also typing back. I cannot handle this.

Hi Y/N! Thank you for being such a big fan. I really appreciate it. I'm so excited for you that you're going to audition for season 4 of Stranger Things. Hopefully you get the role! I love you too! Love Noah <3 p.s I would love to be friends! 

What do I even say? Ooh! I know!

Ok! Great, but I gtg to bed :( I have my last day of school in the morning.

Noah replied back, he said

It's completely fine. Ttyl! Gn and just know you are going to do good on your audition for season 4 and I can't wait to meet you if you get in!

That was really sweet of what Noah sent me. Ugh. I can't wait to meet him, well that is if I ever do meet him. I can't process this, he literally replied to a couple of my DM's and we're friends now? Wait until I tell my family tomorrow! I layed down staring up at the ceiling, and just like that, I fell asleep.      *********************************************************************************************** 

Sorry if this is trash. It's my first ever fanfiction I wrote. If you have anything to help me improve lmk, just don't be rude about it!

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