Chapter 3: Tony.

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I didn’t mean to make her upset; I just had her best interests at heart. This wasn’t going to be an easy case, I was pretty certain of this. Whenever anything happens with one of our own it never is, even when you have all the facts. I mean look at Kate. She was shot by Ari, we knew it was him, everybody knew it was him, hell; the whole world knew it was him. But we couldn’t find him, it took us two weeks. The average case is cleared up within 3 days before we hand it over for trial. Or Patchi. His case was brutal and when it’s brutal it’s worse. Gibbs goes absolutely insane. Never sleeps, relies on caffeine, as does Abby.  

I could only imagine what was going through her head right now, I mean the only person I’ve ever lost who was close to me was Kate. And maybe Paula. Paula Cassidy. Special Agent Paula Cassidy. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I remember we handed it over to the Norfolk team. I remembered something, and then it hit me Georgie was on the Norfolk team. I remembered who she was, and I remembered how close she and Abby were.

If anyone ever says ‘Grace Period’ my mind would always shoot back to that day. Losing your own is never easy but three agents in the space of 3 days, now that is something horrific. Al Qaeda had a terrorist cell working not far from DC and Agent Cassidy was assigned to working the op. however they had double watched, covered for Gibbs’ team whilst they were completing a case. And it had cost two of them their lives. Paula blamed herself and that is the last thing you should ever do. It plays on your mind constantly, and never goes away. And then I got that phone call. They had caught the guy responsible; he was dead, along with Paula. The emotional stress was too much for a number of agents involved so our team took over. I went down to the scene and met Gibbs’ team and it wasn’t under ideal circumstances but Tony was ever so lovely, he was trying to stay strong but his face showed how crushed he was…

However, this case was priority, Abby would not rest until this was solved. I decided to pull McAlister’s phone records in case she spoke to someone before the murder, or if her phone was used afterwards. I also needed to find the phone, but that was a job for the Probie. I don’t get all this GPS-y tech-y smush. I mean I am a senior field agent and I mean that’s what Probie’s are for. I am in fact Gibbs’ right hand man, always one step behind him, always ready when he needs me.

“Tony…Tony!” exclaimed Ziva.

“What?!” I replied a little startled.

“You’re having the whole senior field agent rant in your head aren’t you?” she asked me with a little smirk on her face.

“No, what would possibly make you think that?” I replied spinning around on my chair.

“Because, you had that look on your face, smug, happy, cocky…” she began.

“The usual look then” McGee chimed in.

“Shut it Probie! You are only good for technical stuff, your input was no asked for, and therefore your comment is irrelevant!” I replied in a joking way.

“Tony!” exclaimed Ziva.

“What?! He knows I’m joking!” I replied.

“Yeah sure Tony, but do you really think this is the time for joking?” snapped little Tim.

“No it’s not.” said a voice out of nowhere. I spun around and it was Jimmy. Jimmy Palmer, the autopsy gremlin. Ducky’s assistant of the body-exploring profession. Medical anthropology I think he told me once.

“What do you want Palmer?” I responded.

“Where is Agent Gibbs?” he inquired.

“I don’t actually know.” I replied with hesitation. I looked towards Ziva, who was sharpening a knife.

“Well don’t look at me!” she shrieked.

“Probie?” I questioned looking towards Tim.

“He went into the elevator with Abby, so probably her lab.” He replied bluntly. I could see the little McGeek was hurting. So I thought this probably wasn’t the best time to be making insensitive jokes.

“Wrong, I’m here” said Gibbs entering the squad room. I felt the sharp stinging pain in the back of my head knowing full well what had just happened. The Gibbs Slap. Yeah. That thing was a moment of pure pain that I’m pretty certain could cause brain damage. A sharp, upward slap to the back of the head given to someone acting blaringly stupid. Originated from Special Agent Gibbs who enjoys using this action often. It was what you got if he wasn’t happy with you or if you had done something wrong.

“Ouch! What was that for?!” I questioned, demanding an answer.

“You know what it was for!” he replied sharply. Ziva stood all proud and innocent looking with a smug expression on her face, and McGee just smiled. I shot them both a look of pure evil, warning them I would have my revenge. Practical jokes were my forte so I had nothing to worry about. Gibbs was sat at his computer staring hard at the screen and occasionally punching the screen.

“Tony did you need me to pull the GPS co-ordinates of her cell?” Tom called over.

“Yes McSmarty pants of course I do, being the senior field agent it is not my responsibility to be doing Probie work.” I replied. I quickly looked over at Gibbs to make sure I wasn’t going to get a slap. Which I wasn’t because he was too involved with smashing his PDA on the table.

“McGee can you reboot this piece of crap for me or something!” he shouted in frustration. Ziva looked over at me and I nodded. She got up and went over to the filing cabinet and got out another brand new PDA. That was his third, this month. Gibbs was sat back in his chair thinking, when Tim suddenly took a sharp intake of breath and started shaking his head.

“Has little Timmy got a virus on his hard drive?” I asked sarcastically.

“No Tony, I’ve got the GPS co-ordinates on Georgie’s cell phone.” He replied.

“Well that’s great McGee!” I said excitedly throwing the remote for the big screen to Ziva as I couldn’t be bothered to look at the buttons.

“No, it isn’t.” he said quickly.

“No, he’s right” Gibbs added.

“Why?” I asked as I turned and faced the screen.

“Because it’s in Abby’s car.” stated Ziva.

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