Chapter 2: Gibbs.

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When Jenny called me with the news about Georgie McAlister my mind immediately jumped to think of Abby and how she would react. I knew how close they were and I was worried about her because it was a year since her Uncle died and she thought about him a lot. This made me worry about her more than usual. But whilst I was on the phone to Jenny I said:

“Jen you have to let me tell her, you won’t tell her correctly”

“Jethro I think I know how to tell someone that someone close to them has died. I am the director of NCIS remember. I have made numerous calls to families telling them that their son or daughter has deceased” she said bossily.

“I’m not saying you haven’t. But this has been a really tough time for her and to be honest with you Jen you don’t know her that well do you?” I responded confidently.

“I will not permit you to be here when I tell-…” I put the phone down. I don’t care what she said. I will be the one to tell Abby, if I let her tell Abby then who knows what will happen.

I got up out of my chair, picked up my cup of coffee and walked toward the director’s office. I ran up the stairs, taking them two or even three at a time. I walked past MTAC (Multiple Threat Assessment Centre) and reached the door to Jenny’s assistant’s office. Cynthia was there at her desk and no one was in the waiting room. She saw me and picked up her phone and began to dial. I walked over and put my finger on the receiver.

“I was just going to tell her you were here.” She said innocently.

“She doesn’t need to know I’m here in advanced. She’s sure as hell going to know I’m here in a minute!” I said sternly. Then I looked at her. She said nothing. I then stood up straight and opened the door to Jenny’s office.

She was sat in her chair, staring at her computer screen. When she heard the slam of me closing the door she looked at me and said:

“Jethro, I do not appreciate you hanging up on me”

“I don’t care what you do and do not appreciate, what I do care about is Abby. I’m very worried about her Jen and I think that I should tell her because I am closer to her than you are, plus she trusts me a lot more than you, I’ve saved her life before.” I replied angrily.

“Jethro, calm down” Jenny replied calmly.

“I will not calm down! I am going to tell her Jen, end of” I shouted. I began to walk towards the door, I grabbed the handle but suddenly I heard…

“Special Agent Gibbs!” Jenny called.

I turned around and looked at her. She pressed a button on her desktop phone.

“Cynthia…” she said.

“Yes Director?” she replied through the phone, which was on loud speaker.

“Could you email Miss Scuito please, all you need to say is I need to speak with her at 9.30am” she said sternly.

“Of course Director” Cynthia replied calmly. Then Jenny hung up the phone and looked at me. I looked back at her as if to say ‘what are you doing?’

“You know damn well what I’m doing” she snapped.

“Do I?” I inquired.

“Yes, I’m going to let you tell her. But I’m going to be here as well.” She said as she looked me in the eye.

I looked into her eyes, blue and green. I snapped out of the trance quickly as my phone rang, I reached into my pocket to pull it out. I glanced at the caller ID, but I had to look again because I didn’t pay attention the first time. It was DiNozzo. I pressed the reject button and shoved the phone back in my pocket. Then Jenny’s phone bleeped. She walked over and pressed the button.

“Yes?” she asked.

“She’s here director, shall I send her through?” Cynthia replied.

“Yes, thank you Cynthia” she said and hung up the phone.

She walked back over to me and we both stood facing the door, waiting for the Abby to come in.

As me and Abby were working together on this rape case I was also working alongside the Washington team. Gibbs was their leader. I’d heard stories about him but when I actually got to know him he was lovely. Nothing like what I had been told. Ever since that case I had always invited the whole team over for dinner and things. But Gibbs was hard to convince but with Abby’s help we always managed it...

She came in and I told her what had happened. She didn’t take it very well bless her, I didn’t expect her to. But I didn’t expect her to blame herself for what had happened. I never expected her to do that. I sat down with her while she grieved, I didn’t want to plant this on her being a difficult time of year and all but it was better that I told her rather than anyone else. She fell asleep, so I got up and covered her with a blanket, then left.

I walked out of the office and down the stairs to the squadroom; they were all there Tony, Ziva, McGee, Ducky and Palmer. I turned the corner and went and sat down at my desk.

“What have you called a meeting for Jethro?” inquired Ducky.

“The body downstairs, her name is no longer Jane Doe. Her name is Georgie McAlister.” I replied.

“McGee isn’t that…” question Ziva.

“Abby’s best friend…” answered McGee. The room went silent, even DiNozzo had piped down. They all looked at me wondering what to do.

“We are opening a case to find out how this happened. Abby will be informed and in the loop 24/7. Understood?!” I explained.

“Boss…do you really think she should be working this case?” questioned DiNozzo. I stared at him with cold eyes.

“DiNozzo if you think that she isn’t going to work this case then you don’t know her at all.” I said.

“Jethro we need to begin the autopsy, so that our findings are as accurate as possible.” said Ducky.

“Go on then Duck, I’ll be down in a few hours to see what you’ve discovered” I told him, and then I turned to McGee.

“McGee, phone records, electronic tracking, anything you can find to pinpoint what time this bastard killed her.” I ordered.

“On it Boss” he said sort of sadly.

“David (pronounced Dav-ide) go and get a warrant from legal to search her property and the grounds around her house” I demanded.

“Right” she said as she walked towards the elevator.

“DiNozzo, go and check on Abby she is in the Directors office, if you can convince her about not working on the case then you’ll earn some brownie points” I said sarcastically. He looked at me and walked off up the stairs to the director’s office. Once everyone had left I went over to McGee.

“McGee look, I know this is going to be hard for you as well, but she’s going to need you, more than she’s ever needed you before.” I said quietly

“I know boss, I hate seeing her upset, and it kills me to know I can’t do anything to help her” he said sadly.

“But you can, you catch this bastard for her and for Georgie, I know she was your friend too” I replied

“I suppose you’re right boss” he responded.

“Of course I am, my gut is never wrong.” I replied. I went and sat down back at my desk and began to check through some medical records that Ducky had emailed me. I looked up and saw Abby storm out of the director’s office with DiNozzo behind her. She turned around and shouted at him about working on the case. She glanced at me and then started walking down the stairs. Got down and practically punched the button for the elevator. I got up at this point and followed her. The doors were about to shut but I ran through them in time. I found Abby punching the inside of the elevator. She went to do it again but I grabbed her arm. She looked at me and then collapsed on the floor. So I sat down next to her and put my arm around her to comfort her. I told her it was going to be alright.

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