Yota part #2

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I wasnt so sure when Sakura ended up coming to the hide out. I watched at a distance as they played in the snow. She seemed different from school, not as timid and shy. But that may because she met Ino...cause Ino can be really out going..

"What do you mean you 'found him wandering around the village'?" i heard Sakura shout.. Damn girl got some lungs. Sakura was gripping on to Naruto's shirt and was in his face. I quickly jumped up from where I was sitting.

"I mean what I said! I was minding my own damn business and he came up and asked me to show him how to whistle. I could tell he wasn't from around here though because... Well, anyway, then he said he asked if I wanted a snack and I was like 'hell yeah' because I was hungry! I thought he was going to bring me to his house, or better yet to Ichiraku's! But then we started walking and walking and walking and then we arrived here 'cos that's where he said he lived," explained Naruto, not bothering to take more than two pauses of breath. "What's with this place anyway? It's sooo far away from downtown."

I face palm... I just relieved Yota wasn't with us, what good babysitters we are. When them d-ranked babysitting missions come we are going to fail.

"Naruto, you can't tell anyone about Yota, okay?" shikamaru stood in front of him being very stern but slouched slightly . "He's not supposed to be here, and if anyone finds out he'll be taken away." Naruto' eyes widen. "What? Why?" Naruto looked at Yota with slight concern and curiosity.

Yota shifted from one foot to another. "It's 'cos I'm not from around here! And I don't have any family! Don't make me go away Naruto-kun! Please! Pleeasseeee!" I inwardly freaked out as his eyes started to water. I grab on to a tree to hide from any incoming rain.

"'Course I won't turn ya in!" Naruto shook his head furiously and may have given himself a head ache, I could tell by the glint in his eyes that he was determined.

"Why don't we play a game?" Ino grinned. "Let's play tag!"

"Not it!" she and Shikamaru said at the same time touching there nose, I followed suit and the last to do it was Sakura.


"Masuyo, did you tell anyone about Yota?" Sakura poked at my chest as I entered the clearing. My eyes widened and I shook my head.

"Why? What what happened?" I waved my arms around franticly, over the past week I was really starting to like the poor kid.

"Yota's gone! An ANBU came and took him away what are we going to do!" Ino cried. I covered my mouth, the poor kid could be interrogated. Naruto slams his hand on to his fist, "We got to save him!"

We look to him. "But how we are just kids!" Shikamaru sighs and puts his fingers together and crouches. We all looked to him, "Well?" I ask him. He opens his eyes and stands up.

"I got a plan..."


Yota was being held by the ANBU for questioning so we headed to the interrogation tower, a shinobi goes to stop us.

"Mr Shinobi please let us in." I cried trying to get past only to be pushed back. Shikamaru turns and drags me away.
"Stick to the plan!" Shikamaru hissed at me. I nod and watch as Naruto runs past and distracts the masked Shinobi. Naruto acts a decoy as Shikamaru, Kiba, Akamaru, Ino, Chōji, Sakura and I sneak in. I hear shouting as we climb up into the vents and laugh as I see Naruto run past followers by six more masked men.

We start to crawl through the vents. I stop, "Guys I-I hear crying..." I turn down a different vent as I lead the way, As we start to grow closer I feel the hurricane like chakra...now I understand why it disturbed me! I stop but am pushed forward.
"Hurry up Masuyo!" I nod and continue.
The chakra leaves a full throb in my head, the hurricane like chakra slips and feels slippery like a snake....

I freeze as we come to the end, I motion to everyone that we are here.

Naruto some how ends up tuning into the room causing everyone to try and get him out.

Shikamaru places his fingers together and a shadow snakes out the vent, he manages to temporarily paralyse the ANBU. we pushed the vent out of the way and go to grab Yota.

I run into the area straight for Yota, but the ANBU break free from the shadow possession. Soon gaining the upper hand I was grabbed. I kicked and screamed trying to get free. I pry at his hands it freeze as I see another ANBU about to attack Naruto, Yota acts jumping of his chair and and strikes the ANBU with his lightning.

I cheer as the lighting hits the ANBU holding me and I'm pulled back into the vent. We race through soon out and helping Yota across a stream.

"Yota quickly!" I balance as we cross a river trying to get back to the hide out. I slip and fall in soon followed by Naruto and everyone else.

I push up to breath and am soon dragged away by a current. We all end up in different places. Kiba and Akumaru follow down with me.
"KIBA!" I pull the poor boy from under the water and try to hang on to something.

The current speeds up and we soon reach a bank, I drag Kiba on to the shore and he shakes the water of.

"Thanks Masyuo I owe you!" He grins to me. I shake my head and grab his hand.

"No time now must find Yota and everyone else." we run to a different section and see everyone climbing onto the bank.

"Guys.....where is Naruto!" I scream and go and look back at the rushing water trying to make out the blob of blonde. I see him.

"GUYS OVER HERE!" I point and see Naruto is drowning.

"GUYS HE IS DROWNING!" I cry out and tears threaten to leave my eyes. Yota dives in and saves Naruto. I wait for Yota to come back up as Naruto latches on to Shikamaru's out stretched hand and was pulle on to shore.

"Y-Yota?!" I wait and wait. "he isn't coming back up..."

We rush down stream as he is dragged further into the currents, "YOTA!" Sakura cries.

I see the boys jump into the water and go down to save him supporting each other. I clasp my hands to my chest as me and Sakura huddle and cuddle into Ino.

"GAH! need air!" We turn and see them pull up and struggle to swim with Yota. the drag him onto the shore and we huddle around him as Yota hacks up water.

"He has taken on to much water guys!" Shikamaru grabs his hair in stress.
"B-but we just saved him... IT ISNT FAIR! I crash to my knees and sob.

Not again not another life.... I feel someone hug me and hear Sakura start to go into hysterics. "Guys...h-he wants to," gulp and swallow. "talk to us..."

Yota eyes are half open as he stretches his hand. "Forgive Yota..." I feel something touch my head and there was a bright flash.

I collapse to the ground, and ANBU all come out into the clearing. "Where is he?!" We all look to each other confused.

"Where is the Yota boy?" The masked man crouched in frontof us.
"Who is Yota?" We asked

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