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The days are coming anear. It's been a few days prior my depart from kosair. I'd continue my routine, normalizing going out of the palace during the afternoon for a break from work to do anything but work. But during those few days rashta and sovieshu had healed their wounds well enough, a few broken and fractured bones, scars, and bruises but not extremely noticeable. Though demented and crazed they could still wield a knife properly enough.

I and kosair met up around a certain village near the palace, talking. It was a bright morning so as scheduled in my routine, I had sent a replication of me to do the paperwork while I do some business around town.
The whores were in the carriage sleeping for once. I quickly create a few copies but altering it's face and features before kosair let sovieshu and rashta out of the carriage with a knife. He whispered something to them, which sent them running for the copies to attack.

I pulled kosair up a tall tree to watch from a distance as everything plays out. The carriage was hidden behind trees and bushes so no one would find it easily, atleast before I'd notice they'd seen it.

Rashta and sovieshu had one thing in their minds and it was to kill.
Commoners were screaming when they saw kosair with the mistress running up.

"Everyone!! It's the traitors!!!" People screamed. Sending brutes grabbing anything they can to throw, only to be sent aback by few patrolling guards. "We must inform the empress!" A guard says. And he along with another runs for the palace. But of couse not long, screams were heard as rashta and sovieshu slice the copies open with a blade. I made sure to make enough not to get innocent commoners or nobles hurt. The other guards left tried holding them back getting cut up in the process.

I get a sense that my replicant has been notified of the two and sent orders to bring them to the palace immediately. So me and kosair watch as more backup guards come running and knock the two out before dragging them to the palace.

The few others on duty cleaned up the cadavers as I and kosair got on the carriage to drive back to the palace.

Once we reached the back, we said our goodbyes before he drove off. I met up with my copy in the empty halls. We walked through eachother, merging, and continued walking like it was nothing. Now that I have full consciousness of what, I, the empress is doing I headed for my room to take a nap since all the paperwork was finished.

A few hours later aria knocks before coming in my room and waking me. "Your majesty, the food has been prepared." She bows. I nod in response, brushing a hand through my disheveled hair while I left for the dining hall.


Knock knock

I wake up as aria walks in, wheeling the tea cart into the room. I get out of bed to do my routine.

Coming out of the bathroom and aria leaves the room after a low bow, gently closing the door behind her.

I had decided that maybe a little more torture before a death sentence wouldn't hurt anyone. Except rashta and sovieshu, of course. After the people were informed about the public show of twenty lashes to the back for each whores, they gathered around on the platform in due time. I watched from crowds view and listened to the cheers and and remarks made towards the two.

After the lashes, people celebrated in their houses. The two being thrown back into their respective cells, bleeding out, and chained up. A few days later articles with theorys about what probably happened and what will probably happen were being sold in every library.

Because of the whore's return, most of the people opposed to me being a woman taking the emperor's work practically forgot about it in their angry haze.

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