~Chapter 22~

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(A.N): So, this is going to be a short chapter but I'm going to update the next chapter a minute after this so don't kill me.


I change back into the aqua dress from earlier and redo my hair.

I check my appearance in my mirror and then walk down the hallway. I hear laughing from Nicholas' room. I lean against the door. "_she does, I'm telling you." I recognise Thomas' voice. "She doesn't!" That's Anthony. I knock on the door.

Nicholas opens it. I see Anthony with a red face. I ignore it and look back at Nicholas. "We should all go downstairs now." He nods and everyone leaves his room. Anthony lags behind and I slow my walk. "What were they laughing about?" I ask him. "Felicia." Just that one name explains a lot.

I start laughing and Thomas and Nicholas turn around. "I can't wait to see what she'll do this time." I start laughing again and I walk next to Thomas.

"Are you sure she still feels the same, it's been years." Thomas nods. "She still does, trust me." Nicholas replies.

I smile and we go to the entrance. "Please welcome Princess Felicia of the Stonian Kingdom." The doors open and a girl who I can't recognise walks in. My mouth hangs open, she's changed.

She walks tall and her shoes create echoes. "It's good to see all of you again. It's been too long." I look at Thomas and he looks the same. Both of us don't recognise this regal looking girl. "It's a pleasure to see you again Felicia." I greet, she smiles but it's fake.

"Alexia, long time no see. You look," she looks me up and down, "nice." I try not to pull out the dagger and manage a smile. When she passes me I glare at her head.

I absolutely hate her, and she hates me as well.

"Thomas, it's nice to see you." She sounds much more enthusiastic, that's because she was friends with everyone, everyone except me.

"It's nice to see you too." He replies. He looks at me and smiles. I glare at him too.

"Anthony!" My eyes widen as she wraps her arms around my brother, "I've missed you so much." I snort and turn around. Nicholas coughs and I realise he's trying to contain his laugh. He points at Anthony. I look at him and smile. Felicia is embracing Anthony whereas he is trying to push her off. "Uh, I've missed you too." She smiles and lets go of him.

"Thank you for inviting me." She flashes a smile that shows most of her teeth. A look of distaste settles on my face. "No problem. I'll show you the room that you're staying in." They walk to the stairs, just before they go up Anthony turns around and a look of fear makes me laugh.

When they're out of sight completely I sigh in relief.

Nicholas and Thomas look at me. "What?" I ask in an annoyed tone.

"You look happy to see our old friend." Thomas replies. "She's your friend, not mine." I reply. "I see she still hates you and still adores Anthony." Nicholas says. I glare at him. "You noticed?" I ask sarcastically. I sigh "I don't even know why I bothered changing for her." I mumble. I go upstairs and go to my bedroom. I sit on the bed.

Someone opens the door, "You should have knocked. What if I was changing?" I say. "Sorry." Nicholas sits next to me. "I'm sorry about Felicia. I don't know why she doesn't like you." "Well, if she annoys me again I am going to pull a dagger." I take the dagger from my sleeve. Nicholas jumps back. "Are you serious?" He asks. I look at him and put the dagger to his neck. "No." His facial expression makes me laugh and I put the dagger back in my sleeve.

"She just picked on me because I used to be an easy target; I was always afraid and cowering in my room. I will show her that I've changed." I say. "Okay, just don't hurt her." I nod.

"Can you ask her why she despises me?" He nods and stands up. "I'll check on her now." He leaves the room and I walk to my window. I gaze at the maze and my eyes wander over the path out. I feel my heartbeat go faster and I run out of my room and to Anthony's.

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