~Chapter 32~

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King Neil and Nicholas stand in the middle, holding Nina and George with swords to their necks. Nina has tears spilling down her face and George looks over at her in a comforting way. "Nicholas!" I shout once I have properly taken in the situation. The cold look I receive from him makes me flinch. "What are you doing with your father? He's a traitor!" Anthony shouts to get over the screams of fear around us. "I'm his son Anthony, I'm just like him. I want my revenge in a malicious way." He shrugs as if it's nothing and pushes the sword into George's neck slowly, cutting him a little.

I yell at him to stop and he does, temporarily. "He's your friend Nicholas, how could you do this to him? Remember the good times, don't stick to the negatives. We all accepted you; we didn't think of you the same way we thought of your father."

Instead of an understanding look like I expected, his face hardens and he looks at me in disgust. "I was wrong to think you were all still my friends. Every one of you is wary about what I might turn into." He spits out. I clench my sword to stop myself from snapping at him physically.
"Well maybe because they didn't want this to happen! Look at you! You have a sword to one of your best friend's neck!" He looks down at George, maybe I have gotten through to him. "Too bad. This is who I am now." He tightens his grip on the sword and gives him one last look. I throw my dagger at Nicholas, digging right into his neck. George scrambles away and pulls Nina with him. Nicholas pulls it out and the dark red liquid drips off of it.

He falls to the ground, holding his neck with a pained look on his face. "Now look who hurt their friend." He chokes out before falling in a heap. I drop my sword, tears threatening to spill. "No." I mutter. I run to his body and turn him over. "Nicholas?" I whisper. I tap his cheek lightly but get no response. "Nicholas!" I shout. I put my head on his chest. I let out a sob as realisation finally reaches me. "No, no, no, no, no" I bury my head in his chest, my tears drenching his shirt.

I feel someone pulling me but I push them away. "No! Let me stay with him." I cry. "He's gone Alexia. He won't come back." I sit up properly and glare at my hands. All my fault. I killed one of my closest friends.

"Aw Alexia, he loved you. How could you do such a thing?" King Neil asks in a mocking tone. I stand up and grab Thomas' sword. "You," I say while pointing the blade at him, "you are the traitor, you influenced your own son into hurting others and overall you don't care that he died!" I shriek at him. He laughs a ghastly sounding laugh. "Dear dear Alexia, do you not understand? He came to me, I didn't ask him to come."

He bears a smile that I know will forever be imprinted in my mind; the smile that tells me he's right. "Do you want me to explain more? He came to me because he wanted to kill Thomas." I shake my head not wanting to believe it.

He's lying Alexia, he's just trying to get to you.

"No, he wouldn't do that. He was our friend." I attempt to control my breathing now as I try to convince myself. "He's been a bit angry recently hasn't he? I know you noticed the change Alexia, you're the only one here who can interpret him properly; so open your eyes and realise. He came to get revenge. He was angry that you chose Thomas not him. He was angry that he got left out because of me. He was angry because of you."

He was angry because of you.

He was angry because of you.

He was angry because of me.

I look at Nicholas, with mixed emotions; anger, sadness, guilt, regret and sympathy.

"And do you know why this all happened? Because of you!" Anthony shouts and in as quick as a flash stabs King Neil from the back. King Neil's eyes widen and he falls to the ground in a heap.

I look at both dead bodies now with only one emotion standing out; hatred.

Nicholas was gone a long time ago and I should have noticed since the day he arrived. His father surely tormented him all this while and then he thought anger was the way to get things across.

Goodbye Nicholas, may you find peace wherever you go from now on.

And with that thought I turn around and leave the ballroom, letting the rest deal with the problem.

I look once more at my hands, death may as well be forever imprinted on them.

(A/N): This chapter made me upset and I have a feeling that someone may murder me in my sleep for killing off Nicholas.

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