~Chapter 7~

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Sorry for any mistakes.

Chapter 7~~~

My maids finish cleaning me up and fixing my hair. I thank them and dismiss them. Once they leave I stand up and go to the mirror. I am wearing a dark blue dress that reaches the floor, it lays off my shoulders and has long transparent blue sleeves. My brown hair is tied into a low ponytail and hangs over my shoulder. My feet are in a pair of dark blue heels.

I may not like wearimg dresses but sometimes it does look nice.

I put on my favourite silver necklace then open my door. I close it then walk downstairs and out to the fighting grounds. I go to the raised compartment for us and I sit in between my mother and Queen Amanda. "You look nice Alexia." I smile at her and look at little Joanna. I make a face and she giggles. I notice the two cute little dimples on her face.

"Do you want to hold her?" I nod and Joanna is soon in my lap playing with my hair. The first few fights are boring but then the mystery fight starts. Sir Travis, our best knight, is against a person who doesn't want to reveal himself.

You can tell when you look at the two men that the mystery fighter is much more pour than Sir Travis.

They start circling each other then Sir Travis swipes his sword. Their swords clash together but the mystery fighter is the one who lets go. He spins behind Sir Travis then hits the back of Sir Travis' knees. Sir Travis loses balance but regains it quickly. As they fight I realise how similar the mystery man and I are in fighting. He distracts the opponent then does a hard attack. Most people go straight for the harsh offense.

Sir Travis falls back after being hit on the head. The mystery man points his sword at him. The audience applauds them then he helps Sir Travis up. He turns and bows then plucks a rose and throws it. Many in the crowd try to catch it but it lands in my hands. I look down atthe beautiful red rose in my hands then look at the fighter. He bows again then walks off. Many look at me which makes my cheeks heat up. I hand Joanna back to her mother then run after the man who threw the rose. I find him near George's workshop. He sits on a bench and takes off his cloak.

"Sir. Who are you?" He looks up at me and reaches to take off his headgear. "That's the first time I habe been called sir." My jaw hangs open.

"George?" I walk over and sit next to him. I look at the rose and hold it up. "I thought it would make me seem charming yet mysterious." I roll my eyes. "But you do look nice today Alexia. Well you like nice everyday but you look extra nice today." I laugh at him as he rambles on.

"Well. All the lsdies that were watching have fallen for you so you succeeded in seeming charming yet mysterious." He chuckles and takes off some of the armour. "You were really good." He smiles.

"Why don't you become a knight?" He would be very helpful in battles. "I'm a blacksmith at heart."

I spot my brother looking very nervous. "Thanks for the rose." I kiss his cheek then run to Anthony. His face is pale. "What's wrong?" He looks at me and fear is in his eyes. "I am against Thomas. Normally I could beat him but you killed my arm." I smile sheepishly and look over at Thomas. He catches my gaze but his eyes soon scan over me. I ignore it then turn back to my twin.

"I know where his weakness is." I have kept this to myself for a long time but my brother needs it. "Its here." I jab my finger to the side of his stomach. "His spline and kidney were injured in fight a long time ago. If you hit him here he will be in pain. That will give you time to hit him in the shoulder or something to make him fall over." He nods and I see a bit of colour go back to his face.

"Thanks Alex." He goes to the field for his fight. Thomas is quick to follow. I go over near the field and watch. They just block each other most of the time but then Anthony starts his real attack. He hits perfectly on Thomas' side and Thomas clutches his side. Anthony then goes behind him and strikes his sword at Thomas' head. Thomas falls to the ground. His groans are loud. Anthony helps him up and carries him to a seat. I go over just as Thomas removes his head gear.

"Why are there two of you Anthony?" His eyes wander around. I glare at Anthony. "Why did you hit his head?" He looks guilty and theb removes pieces of the armour. I put my head under Thomas' head.

No blood goes onto ny hand.

"George. Can you get a but of water?" George nods and goes off for water. "Can you see better now?'' He nods and stares at me. I know he may be mean at times but he is hurt. I told Anthony to go for his shoulder not head.

"Anthony?" My brother looks at his friend with genuine worry in his eyes. "How did you know my weakness?" Anthony looks at me. He nods his head towards me.

"How do you know?" "I remember when your spline got injured. I saw a fight and when someone hit you near there and I saw how much pain you were in." An unreadable expression covers his face so I turn away. I can still feel his gaze but I am saved when George comes with the water. He hands helps Thomas up then hands him the water.

When I turn to him again he is still staring. I notice some red on his shirt. I get closer and can definetely see the blood on his shoulder. "Take off your shirt." He looks surprised from my command. I roll my eyes. "Your shoulder is bleeding." He nods then takes of his shirt. The cut is deep. Instead of cutting a bit of his shirt I use his whole shirt. I wrap the white undershirt under his arm then over the wound. I can still feel his eyes burning their gaze as I work on his wound.

I finish wrappkng it around then ruck the end underneath it. "You really are good at fighting. You can notice someone's weakness and can beat your brother." I don't look at him but I nod. "But how do you practise?" I have never practised in the palace. "I practise somewhere quiet." I look at George. He knows I practise in the woods.

"But where?" He pushes. "I practise in my room and sometimes with George." I lie. He nods but looks unconvinced.

At least he isn't teasing me.

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