~Chapter 23~

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I open Anthony's door in a hurry. "Anthony!" Anthony is talking to Felicia and she looks at me in an annoyed way. I ignore it. "There's someone in the maze, he's following a map." Anthony leaves Felicia's side. "What?" "Anthony, we need to go, now!" I pull his arm out of the room and to mine. I pass him my old sword and I pick up icicle. "I guess I have to fight in a dress." I sigh and we go to the stairs. "Felicia, tell Thomas and Nicholas." Anthony says. We go down the stairs and to the maze.

I hold my sword tightly. "Let's go." I say to Anthony. He nods and we go through the maze slowly. I scan the path ready to fight the intruder.

I stop Anthony and listen. "Those blasted royals will pay for capturing you Neil." I hear someone mumble. Their footsteps sound louder. I turn the corner and point out my sword. I glare at the man in front of me. "What is your reason for invading our palace without permission?" Anthony asks. "Vengeance, this wretch is the reason my uncle is in your jail." I look at him in the eye to distract him. "Your uncle is a weak and greedy man." "He is not! He just wanted to get the power he deserved." I lift my sword up slowly. "I wouldn't be surprised if he stole his way to power in your kingdom." Before he can reply I cut his map and slash at his arm. He groans and holds his arm.

"I've heard of your skills from the hopeless knights in the castle. But I can take you." He pulls out a sword of his own. "Sure you can." I dodge his hit and jump behind him. I pin the sword to his neck. "When men have no armour they are all hopeless." I push the sword in to draw a little blood.

"He turns around. "Why you_" He freezes on the spot. Anthony has his sword in front of his neck.

The man glares at me. "You, you will pay." Anthony pulls him away from me. "Left, left, right, straight until the end then right." I say. "Left, left, right_" Anthony recites as he walks off.

I continue through the maze, he may have reinforcements. I reach the turn before the end and get ready to deepen my voice. "It's clear, we can go through." I shout in the deepest voice I can. I hear walking, I was right. "Where are you Liam?" "Over here, don't be so loud. You'll never know if that wretched Alexia is lurking around." More than three people start walking closer. "Just turn left." I get my sword ready.

I hope I'm not outnumbered.

Four men all without armour stand before me. "Where's Liam?" A burly man asks. "On his way to our dungeons, you will join him soon so I wouldn't worry." They all glare at me. I spin my sword in my hands. "Come one, I'm just a Princess; imagine the shame and humiliation if you were added to my list of defeated opponents." I say to them.

One of them comes forward. "Hello Alexia, remember me?" My eyes widen and my jaw slightly opens. "It can't be, you are supposed to be dead." I exclaim. "Well, do I look dead to you?" He gestures to his perfectly fine body except for the large scar running down most of his face.

"I was content with just going to challenge him, but our current circumstances allow me to take away the last of his family." He walks forward and we start circling. "What makes you so confident that you'll beat me?" I question. "You saw me fight, I am not weak. And you know that." It's true.

Christoph has always been skilled. His fighting is swift and he's alert. In many ways, he is similar to me and I am similar to him.

"I have heard of your growing fame. The cowardly Princess turns into a King defeating sword fighter. To be honest, I never thought you would turn out like this." I narrow my eyes at him. "What did you expect?" I ask. "You to be less cowardly but to be a quiet pretty Princess, that's what I expected. Not," he looks at me sword, "this."

"Sorry to disappoint." I go for his thigh but he easily blocks. "Smart move, but as you have grown in skill, I have as well to make sure I don't get another painful reminder of loss." I bite my lip at the mention of his scar.

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