~Chapter 3 ~

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(A.N): sorry for any grammar mistakes.

"Alexia, what were you doing?" My mother asks as she stares at me.

"I went to visit George." I say. "Did you need something?" I shake my head as a no. "I haven't talked to him in a while so I wanted to say hi." I lie. The sword starts to slip downwards. I need to get into my room quickly.

"I need to clean myself up now. After walking in the gardens." They nod and walk doen the hallway. I run inside close the door and sigh with relief. They didn't see the sword. Thank goodness.

I stuff the sword with mine in the compartment then quickly change. I slip into the shirt and jeans and replace my awful heels with sneakers. How can my mother possibly like wearing those. Its like wearing a pair of death traps. Honestly, how can anyone walk in these?

I walk through the wardrobe and to the window. Several more guards are walking past. I lean out and see if anymore will come after them. No one.

As soon as the current guards turn around the corner I maje my way down. When I'm about halfway I hear more guards coming. Should I stay and wait for them to pass or should I quickly jump down and run before they see me.

The latter seems like the wiser option here. If I stayed they might spot me and recognise me. I rush down nearly slipping but I quickly regain my balance.

Two metres left and I cam already see the shadows of them from around the corner. I take a deep breath in. Don't think. Just jump.

I jump the remaining way and sprint to the maze. I dart through it and slow down once I reach the woods.

I walk to the spot I have practised in for three years.

Shane is already there. "You cam earlier then you said." He says as I sit down next to him. "They increased the guards because they spotted me last night." I pass the new sword to him and try to catch my breath.

"You actually got it?" He asks as he takes it iut of its sheath. "Of course. What would I gain from lying?"

He looks at the handle of the sword and frowns. "There's a note here." He takes it and reads it then passes it to me.

You better not hurt her or I will kill you.

Enjoy the sword.


"Who's george?'' I scrunch up the note and toss it into the depths if the trees. "The blacksmith who made the sword."

"How old is he?" I turn to him with a questioning look. "Nineteen. Why do you ask?" He shakes his head and looks at the sword again.

"So want to start practise now?" He nods and I set up the usual logs and targets.

"Why are there targets?" He says pointing to the boards.

"I want you to practise knife throwing as well. So you can gain more skills."

He practises for about an hour and I can see that with a bit more practise he will be a very skilled swordsman. "How am I doing?" He asks as he takes a break. "Really well." While he has a break I set up the logs again since he knocked most of them down.

I nearly finish the last one when I hear footsteps. I gesture for Shane to be quiet and walk over to the source of the noise. The footsteps get louder and my grip on my sword is tight.

I put my sword up against the person's neck. I look at the face and see a woman. I lower my sword. "Mrs brione what were you doing in the woods at night?" I put my sword in its sheath and sit down next to Shane. "I went to see where Shane is your majesty." She looks around the clearing and at Shane's new sword.

''Where did you get the sword?" She asks. "I gave it to him. He came upon me practising and when he helped me I wanted to give him something to show him my appreciation and thanks."

She still doesn't look convinced but I know she won't argue with me.

"Your Majesty, would you like to come to our house?" She asks. "No thank you. I can't burden you with my stay. Your family has already helped me enough."

She comes forward with an insisting face. "I insist your majesty. It would be a great honour." I sigh and stand up.

"Okay. But not too long." I inform her. She nods and heads to the trees. Shane stands and follows with his sword placed firmly in his hand.

We walk through the trees til we reach the edge of the woods. A small hut is placed there and Mrs Brione enters. I let Shane go in first then follow after him.

Its a very small home with one bedroom and a small room to eat aend cook.

Shane sits at the table where a man, probably his father is doing some wood carving and a girl probably a year younger than I chopping some vegetables.

"Paul, please put that wood away we have a very important visitor." He reluctantly places it under the table and looks at me. "She doesn't look inportant." I laugh at his comment whereas Mrs Brions scowls at him.

"Please take a seat your majesty." She offers. "I'm fine standing. Do you want some help with your cooking?"

"Majesty?" The girl asks. I walk over to her and offer my hand. "Alexia." She stares at the hand wide eyed before she takes it.

"Kat. Your majesty I'm sorry we are not dressed formally_" I cut her off by putting my hand up. "Its okay Kat. Don't worry about anything. I'm a normal sixteen year old girl."

I look over at her chopping board and knife. "Here let me." I place the chopping board in front of me and pull out one of my daggers. I wipe the blade on my shirt then start chopping the vegetables.

Once I'm done I wipe the blade again on my shirt then slip it back into its position. I look up and see everyone staring at me weirdly. "Is something wrong? Am I bleeding or something?"

"No no its just a surprise a royal would do something like that." Mr Brione replies. "I will bring new kitchen ware for you tomorrow. But for now you can keep this." I hand the dagger to Kat.

"Why are you helping us?" Shane asks. I look at him. "Is it illegal for a royal to be nice and converse with others?" I ask.

"No. But your family tends to..." "Be rude and think they are on top of everybody and drain money from everyone? Yeah I wish I didn't live with them."

"Well your majesty. You are welcome here anytime." Mr Brione offers. "I can't keep bothering you." I look at their kitchen like area and look through the cupboards and drawers. I find only a few plates and cups.

"I have to go now. It was very nice to meet all of you but I need to get back before someone notices I'm gone." I close the cupboards and walk to the door.

"Miss. You said you need to get back before someone notices? How did you leave without anyone noticing?"

I turn to them with a smirk. "I escape. If you want I can tell you tomorrow." Without waiting for a response I got through the door and dart through the trees. Soon I am at the maze exit.

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