At the comment both Shoto and Denki had to stifle their laughter with their hands as they choked on their own held in shouts of laughter, before responding to Izuku's comment, though the male looking at the two questioningly

Pikachu: Oh, Gods I'm using that one! Oh, that's too perfect!!

Denki responded as he snickered quietly, rereading Izuku's comment while Shoto laughed quietly.

Green bean: I don't get it? It looks more like a dandelion that a Pomeranian and why is it funny?

Cany Cane: Don't worry about it Izuku, just know that you have created something beautiful in this moment

Pikachu: yes indeed, something beautiful that we will use against that angry dandelion

The rest of the car ride was filled with silence, except for the quiet giggles and snickers coming from the very back of the car, Shoto nor Denki being able to stop laughing at Izuku's comment.

Though once they stopped the three looked out of the car and saw that they had stopped at a gas station. Denki immediately grabbed his phone and prepared his camera, just in case something were to happen.

The Omega's then jumped out of the car and ran inside, the three having grown tired of being stuck in the back seat, despite their very comfortable nest. Once the three were inside they all quickly grabbed their desired snacks and lunches, paying for their food and drinks as they sat outside on a shaded bench area.

"Okay, I'm getting some déjà vu here, so if history repeats itself, then Hitoshi, Bakugou, and Kirishima are going to come wrestling out of those doors any second." Denki stated as he pointed to the doors to the gas station.

"Denki! Please I just wanna eat my lunch it peace! Don't jinx us!" Izuku whined as he then took a large bite of his ramen to emphasize his point.

"I doubt it will happen, Tenya would stop them, and Hanta would most likely help him unless he found it too entertaining." Shoto stated while Denki groaned.

"Izuku! Shoto wasn't here for it the first time, we can't let him miss the beautiful opportunity to see something that funny." Denki stated while Izuku only shook his head.

Just as the three fell into a comfortable silence Sero then came running over, only to lose his breath as he reached the three, laughing hysterically. "O-Oh guys! S-Shinsou and Katsuki got into again! Eijirou and Tenya are trying to break them up now, but I got it all on video!"



After Bakugou and Shinsou were once again scolded, not only by Izuku, but by Iida and Shoto they began their trip to Creati's temple once again. And soon everyone fell asleep, all except for Kirishima and Bakugou, the two keeping each other company as the trip lasted far into the night.

Though they all woke up when they heard Bakugou slam the trunk, the blonde carrying in the last of the bags into the small hotel they stopped at. "Hey guys! Come on, we're stopping here for the night so we can all get cleaned up and have breakfast in the morning!" Kirishima stated as he opened the backseat door.

Once everyone had gotten inside the hotel, Bakugou passed out the room keys, though Denki looking to the blonde confused when he noticed Izuku wasn't given the same on as one of the other couples, or his own.

"Hey! Where's Izuku's?" Denki asked while Kirishima and Bakugou looked at the blonde Omega questioningly.

"Obviously he's with us Duracell."

"What?!" Shinsou and Denki shouted while Kirishima only grabbed Izuku and pulled the smaller male to his chest. Already regretting not listening to Bakugou's idea to just take Izuku out of the car and bring him to their room before waking everyone else up.

"Don't worry guys I don't mind. Besides we're all tired, it's not like it's going to kill anyone" Izuku stated as he grabbed Kirishima's hands that were wrapped around his shoulders, resting his head on the red heads arms, the Omega's head still fogged from his fatigue. Both Kirishima and Bakugou rumbling quietly to Izuku at the action.

"I-. Are you sure Izuku?" Shinsou asked while Izuku only nodded his head as he tried to drag Kirishima to the elevator, wanting nothing more than to just get in bed, while the red head only laughed quietly as he allowed the smaller male to drag him by his hands.

"You heard him. I'm tired, we are going to bed." Shoto stated as he grabbed his mates hands and followed after Izuku and Kirishima to the elevators. Bakugou only giving Shinsou and Denki a smug smirk in response.

Denki only rolling his eyes fondly at Bakugou as he followed the rest of the group, though Shinsou glaring at the God for a moment in response. Bakugou returning the glare full force. Both of the Alpha's then walking away to join their mates, still continuing side eye each other until their mates took away their attention once again.

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