Chapter Two

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They slipped as quietly as they could through the cover of the Kassa field and followed Nesrin as she inspected the fields. She stopped and pulled a random ear of Kassa from a stalk and held it out to one of her men.

"Check it," she demanded. The man performed some sort of test on the Kassa then nodded. "Good." She continued down the path that led between the fields.

"She only has four guards," Lee whispered.

"I can see that," Mal replied. "My problem is there could be more somewhere else."

"They're probably back at her ship."

"I think Lee is right," Van said.

Mal watched Nesrin move further from them. "Is she that confident that she'd walk around with only four men to protect her?"

Lee shrugged. "They've burned an entire village and killed all of its residents to prove a point, I'm sure she thinks everyone is afraid of the Alliance at this point."

"Excellent reasoning. All right, let's do this." He moved off through the Kassa to follow Nesrin and get close enough to take a shot. She stopped again to have another ear of Kassa tested and he lifted his gun and took aim. The sound of the shot echoed across the fields and birds took flight, startled by the noise. Nesrin turned slowly in the direction the shot came from.

Mal cursed. "I missed."

"No, you didn't. Your shot was dead on. She's wearing a shield, probably one of Goa'uld design," Van said.

"The kind Apophis used?"

Van shrugged. "Could be."

"Want to show off those knife throwing skills?" Mal asked him.

Van looked to where Nesrin stood, her eyes narrowed on the Kassa field. He pulled his knife and took aim. When he released it the blade went spinning through the air and bounced harmlessly off the shield. He cursed. "It would appear that she's done some modifications."

"I know you're in there SG-1, come out and I may spare your lives! Continue to plague me and I'll be certain your deathes are long and painful. Then I will resurrect you and do it all over again."

"Someone has a high opinion of herself," Lee muttered.

"She probably got her hands on a sarcophagus," Van told her.

"Come out now or there will be no mercy! Come Colonel Hughes, do you want to watch your companions die?"

Mal arched a brow. "How does she know it's us?"

"She's probably guessing. After that shot she probably knows it's someone from Earth, why not blame us?"

"Good point. I think it's time to retreat before she sends her men into the field to drag us out." He slipped back through the field in the direction of the Gate. Lee and Van followed. He cursed when he reached the end of the field.

"What is it, sir?"

He looked back at Lee. "Our path between here and the Gate is blocked. I guess we know where the rest of her men are now."

Lee moved up beside him. "This makes no sense. How did they know when to move into place? It's like they waited for us to follow her then blocked our retreat."

Mal cursed again. "This was a trap."

"Right, and how do you think they knew we'd intercept that message?"

He shrugged. "How should I know? Maybe the Alliance has friends on that planet and they let the Alliance know that SG-19 had remained to monitor things to see if they could intercept another transmission."

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