Chapter 53

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It's late. Maybe two or three in the morning. Soda's light snores echo in my ears. I wiggle out from under his arm. I step out of bed and my foot lands on some clothing. I need to clean this room.

I cover myself with a blanket. All I have on is the negligee Soda got me a few days ago. It really is a pretty piece of clothing. It is almost like a nightgown, but it is completely sheer. When I am wearing it I can see everything. The outline of my body, the details on my body that no one besides Sodapop has seen.

When I open my bedroom door, light floods the room. I shut the bedroom door behind me so Soda won't wake up. He has work tomorrow. He needs his sleep.

I walk into the kitchen so I can get a drink and turn the light off. Someone must have forgotten to turn it off.

I fill my glass up with water and bring it to my lips. A shadow in the corner of my eye makes me jump. I catch the cup before it can hit the ground. Water hits my blanket and soaks through it. I shiver and look at where the shadow came from. I tighten theblanket around my body.

"Glory, Darry! You scared me." I say in relief. He looks up at me. He is holding something small in his hands. I see in glimmer in the light as he twists it back and forth.

"Can I ask you something?" He asks.

"Sure," I say. I sit down in the chair across from him.

"I got a ring for Nancy," he pauses. "Do you think it's too soon?"

"You've known her for a long time. I don't think it's too soon." I explain.

"What about the boys? They've only met her once. I don't want to spring something like this on Ponyboy." He tells me honestly. I never knew Darry cared about everyones feelings like this.

"Everyone liked her just fine, Dar. They got along real nice with her. I think you should propose to her," I tell him honestly.

"Are you sure? This house is already so cramped. I should wait until Pony graduates high-school. Its just a couple more years..." he says the last part mostly to himself.

"Dar, you are almost twenty-two. You can make your own decisions. I can move out. That'll help the population issue around here," I say with a light laugh.

"And where will you go? You aren't the issue. You are respectful, patient, and kind." He says.

"But, Darry, staying here isn't helping with the bills. I can get a job and get my own place-" he cuts me off.

"I got a promotion at work. I haven't told anyone yet. Its a good job. I'll get paid a lot more. You don't need to get a job, or move out. Trust me, live the rest of your teen years. You didn't have a good childhood, and I don't want you to have to work hard as a sixteen year old kid." He tells me.

"I'm seventeen," I tell him.

"Oh, yeah." He tells me as he looks at the ring.

"Propose to her. She really loves you." I tell him with a smile.

"You think so?" He asks.

"I know so. Can I see the ring?" I ask.

"Sure," he holds it out in his hand. I take it from him.

It's beautiful. There is a circular diamond in the middle of a square and the band is gold.

"She'll love it." I tell him.

"It was my Mom's." He tells me with a smile.

"It's a beautiful ring." I tell him.

"Thanks, Monroe." He says.

"So, you're gonna marry her?" I ask hopefully.

"Yes." He replies.

I grin at him. "When are you going to propose?" I ask.

"In a couple of weeks. I'm taking her out after work. We're going to a nice place for dinner." He admits almost embarrassingly.

"That sounds perfect." I reassure him. Any girl would be lucky to marry Darry.

"Go back to bed. It's late." He tells me.

"Okay. Goodnight, Darry." I say as I stand up.

"Goodnight, Monroe." I hear him say as I leave the room.

When I enter the bedroom I let the blanket fall. I was lucky I didn't drop it when Darry scared me.

"Where did ya go?" Soda asks from the bed. The moon shines through the window and hits him. It makes him look beautiful. His hair is messy and he doesn't have a shirt on. I don't even know if he has pants on.

"I went to get a drink," I explain.

"Oh. You were gone for a long time." He says with a smile.

"Yeah. I was talking to Darry. He was awake at the table and he scared me when I walked in there." I say with a laugh.

"You didn't wear just that, did you?" He asks protectively. A wild look comes across his face.

"God, no! I had a blanket around me." I tell him.

He sighs in relief. He reaches his arms out towards me. I go to him and he pulls me close.

"What were you two talking about?" He asks me.

"Do you promise not to say anything? To anyone? Not even Darry." I tell him.

"Lips sealed." He tells me as he pretend to zip his lips closed. It makes me giggle.

"Darry is going to ask Nancy to marry him." I tell him.

"I knew that already. Darry has been a nervous wreck about it all week. I went with him to get the ring resized." He tells me.

"He told me he was going to propose in a couple of weeks. What do you think?" I ask.

"I'm glad Darry finally found someone. Lord knows she's gonna need a lot of patience to live in this house, but she'll be alright. Ponyboy is the one Darry doesn't want to tell." Sodapop tells me.

"Darry told me that, too. I think Pony will be fine with it." I say truthfully. Ponyboy doesn't get bothered by much. I've gotten to know him more these past couple of weeks. He was interested in some of my medical knowledge, so I've started to teach him a few things. He seems to enjoy it.

"I know he will. Ponyboys a good kid." He pauses. "Do you think we are gonna get married one day?"

The question takes me by surprise. I always thought I would marry him. "I would like to." I tell him honestly. A big smile spreads across his face.

"Really?" He asks in almost a whisper.

"Really." I confirm with a happy laugh.

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