Chapter 39

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A violent jolt in my stomach makes my eyes snap open. A groan escapes my lips. I curl into a ball.

It's been three days since we went to get Johnny's things. He is now settled in Two-Bit's extra room. He says he likes it there.

Another pain stabs through me. I was a little sick yesterday. Nothing too bad. A headache and stomach pains that I confused with period cramps. I know now that they were not cramps. I really didn't want Dally to be right. I place my hand on my forehead. I definitely have a fever.

Suddenly, liquid raises in my throat. I jump out from under Soda's arm and run to the bathroom. I flip the toliet seat open and throw up.

Someone grabs my hair and holds it while I am basically puking my guts out. I hate throwing up. Always have. I can't handle puke very well. The smell itself makes me gag.

Once I am done I flush the toilet immediately. If I smell the bile it will send me over the edge again. I lean back against the bath tub.

"Are you okay?" Soda appears in my field of vision. He has a concerned look on his face.

"Yes. I'm fine," I tell him.

"I just saw you throw up everything you ate in the last 15 hours. Don't tell me you're fine."

"I am! I'm just a little sick, that's all." I shrug.

"Okay. Do you want to go back to bed?" He asks kindly.

"Yeah," I whisper.

He helps me get up and everything instantly gets dizzy. The room spins and I feel as if I am falling. I guess the combination of losing iron on my period and being sick does that. It takes me a minute to be able to see straight. Soda just holds me up.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're awful shaky."

"I'm okay. I just needed a minute." I explain.

"Should I stay home from work?" He asks.

"No. You didn't go yesterday. I'll be fine here." I smile at him.

"Are you sure? I can get Steve to cover for me-" he starts.

I cut him off. "I'm okay, Soda. If anything happens I'll call you. Okay?"

"You promise?" He asks.

"I promise." I say with a smile. He helps me sit on the bed. Part of me doesn't want him to go. I want him to stay and hold me and kiss me. The other part of me knows that he has to go. Darry can't pay the bills by himself. I really need to get a job.

Sodapop still looks worried. "Are you sure? I don't want to leave you here,"

"I'll probably just be asleep all day anyways," I tell him as I throw the blanket back over me.

"Alright. Go back to sleep. I'll be home as soon as I can," he gives me one of his heart-breaking smiles.

"Okay, Soda. I love you."

"I love you, too, Roe. Very much." He lands a kiss on my forehead. He looks at me and then leaves.

I realize that there isnt much for me to do. I don't want to go into the livingroom in case Dally is here. I know he is going to rub in the fact that he was right, and I was wrong and that I will have to listen to him next time.

I stay in my room for the majority of the morning. Except for when I have to throw up. Then I run to the bathroom as fast as I can. Ponyboy and Johnny stayed home from school today and they are keeping track of how many times I've thrown up. Apparently, I'm at four. And its only ten in the morning.

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