Chapter 18

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   "How can I help you?" Sodapop asks when he opens the door.

   "Yes, I am looking for Monroe Winston? Is she here by chance?" My Dad asks.

   "No. Do I know you?," Soda replies.

   "I gave you a chance to be honest. I know she is here. I saw her last night. No point in hiding her. If you just let me see her this will go by much smoother," my Dad informs him.

   "She isn't here. She left with Dally,"

   "Oh, stop with the lies! I saw them leave and she wasn't with them! Let me see her. I am her father," my Dad is getting frustrated.

   "Get off of my property or I will call 911," Sodapop says sternly.

   "Like hell you will. I just want to see her. That's all,"

   "She isn't here. Go away," Sodapop tells him.

   "Do I have to do everything myself?" A thud rings out in the house. Did he hit Sodapop? I peak around the corner. Sodapop is rubing his jaw where my Dad hit him. They are both in the house.

   "Get out of my house. Now," Sodapop tells him. My Dad pushes him back. Sodapop stumbles but catches his balance. I pull the knife off of the counter.

   Sodapop raises his fist and throws it at my Dad. There is a cracking noise and blood streams from my Dads nose.

   "You son of a bitch!" My Dad yells.

   "I'm just repaying you for what you did to Monroe. No hard feelings," I can almost see Sodapops smirk.

   My Dad straightens up and takes a step back. Then he runs at Sodapop. Sodapop does a good job at keeping him back. He hits my dad several times, but if there is one thing I've learned, nothing will stop him. He is angry and probably drunk or high. He can't see logic. He will do whatever it takes to get to me. 

Slowly, painfully, my Dad manages to push his way into the kitchen. His eyes land on me. 

   "Aw. There you are. I almost thought I was going to have to kill your boyfriend," I tighten my grip on the knife I'm holding behind my back.

   "Why are you here?" I spit.

   "Don't be like that, Mon,"

   "I am not your Mon. Never call me that again. What you are going to do is leave." I see Sodapop grab something from the corner of my eyes. I refuse to look at him fully. I don't want to give away his plan. My Dad takes a step forward.

   "I've missed you. Truly I have," he lunges at me and my reflexes take over. I pull the knife out in front of me and my Dad stops. He is inches away from the knife.

   "I will stab you. I will!" I yell. He takes a step back.

   "Do you not want to see me? I thought you loved me," he says.

   "You thought that I loved you? Ha! That is the most absurd thing that has ever come out of your mouth and you have said some pretty stupid things. Get out. Right now!" I scream.

   Sodapop gets closer behind him. He raises his arms and crashes a frying pan onto my Dad's head. He falls to the ground with a thud.

   "Oh my God." I mumble. "Oh my God!" I'm screaming and I can't stop. The shock of the situation must be hitting me. Its too much. This is too much. Sodapop runs over to me. He wounds me tightly against me.

   "Its okay. Its okay. I'm sorry. He was going to hurt you." he tells me. I sob into his shoulder.

   "He could have killed you!" I yell against his shirt. My screams are muffled. Sodapop pulls back

   "I need to call the police. Its okay, Roe. I promise," he says. I clutch on to him. He grabs my waist and picks me up. He carries me to the phone and then sets me down. He hold onto me protectively while he dials the number.

   "What is going on?" Dally asks. He catches sight of Dad's body on the floor. His face contorts in anger.

   "That son of a bitch!" He runs over to him. Sodapop speaks softly into the phone. I look at Dally. He is kneeling next to my Dad. My Dad's hand twitches.

   "Dally, look out!" I yell. My Dad opens his eyes and throws himself on top of Dally. Dally manages to flip over and punches him in the face, over and over again.

   I turn to look at the other boys. Two-Bit and Steve looks confused. Ponyboy and Johnny have a shocked expression. I turn back to Dally.

   My Dad never stood a chance against him. Dally's rage and adrenaline are enough to beat my Dad over three times. Even after my Dad is passed out Dally continues to hit him. I do nothing to stop it. Instead, I like the thought of my Dad being hurt. I enjoy the feeling it gives me. I never knew how much rage consumed me until now. Every punch Dally gives him sends a wave of pleasure through my body.

   "Alright, Dal. That's enough," Steve says. Dally lets up and stands next to me.

   "Are you okay?" He asks. His eyes search me for any injuries. I was lucky enough to leave that battle unscathed. Sodapop however has a bruise forming on his jaw and blood coming from his lip. 

   I walk closer to my Dad. I pull my foot back and kick him as hard as I can in the ribs. Over and over again until Sodapop pulls me back.

   "The police are almost here. Hear that?" He asks. I listen. Sirens are going off in the distance.

   I think my fear was put off because of the joy I felt when Dally was beating him. It is coming back now. Little waves at first but I can feel them getting stronger and stronger.

   "Are you all right?" Sodapop asks me. Everything around me goes black.

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