Chapter 22

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I can't believe that this is the second time Sodapop has taken me to the free clinic. I still feel off. Its hard for me to think straight.

Sodapop pulls me next to him. He has refused to let me go. In the car ride he held my hand. I think he wants me to feel calmer. Its working. The thoughts of the red-head are slowly disappearing from my mind. A question pops into my head.

"What were you doing at the store? Weren't you supposed to be at the DX?" I ask.

"I was at the DX. Then I got bored and decided to go to the store. I'm sure glad I did." He replies.

"Why were you at the store?" I ask again.

"I got you some rootbeer and candy." He says while holding up a bag. I smile at him.

"Thank you." I tell him. His face lights up at my words.

Sodapop holds my waist as we walk into the clinic. It still smells the same. This time there are a couple of people here.

An old women has her head in her hands. A man is holding a peice of cloth to his hand. He removes it and I catch a glimpse of the nail sticking out of his palm.

"Excuse me, we need to see a doctor." Sodapop says when we get to the front desk. It is the same lady who helped us last time. She has on a pretty blue blouse that makes her green eyes pop.

"Yes, I will need you to fill out some paperwork-" her eyes flicker up to me. "I know you! Have you been here before?" She asks.

"Uh, yeah." I tell her.

"What are you here for today, hun?" She asks.

"I got stabbed." I explain. She frowns.

"Was the knife rusty? Dirty? How deep is the wound?" She asks.

"I don't know if it was dirty. I didn't get a good look at the blade. Its pretty deep. I can see the bone." I tell her.

"Since we already have you in our files you don't need to fill the paper work out again. I'll call a doctor for you." She smiles.

"Thank you." Sodapop tells her. We walk over to the waiting chairs. Sodapop sits down. I go to sit next to him. His hand pulls my good arm down and I fall into his lap.

"Soda!" I cry out with fright.

"I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry." He says.

"Its okay." I lean against his body. My head rests on his chest. He wraps his arms around me. His grip is tight. Tighter than he has ever held me before. I feel like he is scared I'll disappear. Little does he know that I will never leave him.

"Ms. Winston?" A man asks from the doorway. He is a different doctor than last time. Sodapop just picks me up and walks with me to the doctor. Usually I would have put up a fight but I am too exhausted.

We enter the room and Sodapop sits me on the bed. He sits in a chair and pulls it close to me. The doctor sits on a stool in front of me.

"What is the problem today?" He asks. In response I roll up my arm sleeve. Next to me Sodapop gasps. He hasn't seen the cut yet.

"Thats quite a deep cut you got there. What made it?" He asks.

"A knife." I answer.

"Okay. What we are going to do is clean it out, stitch it, and then wrap it up nicely. How does that sound?" He asks.

"Fine." I reply. He nods his head. I notice his name tag. It reads 'Dr. Micheal Henry'. He stands up and leaves the room. Sodapop stands up in front of me.

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