"Scattered pieces"

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Deprived of the wonders in life
and yet still find happiness alike.
They need no more than a caring gesture
to have a smile without measure.

Their humbleness should be admired by all
so that one day we can unite and not brawl.
We should protect them from all evil
for we do not live in times medieval.

Nor child or mother desire the life they have
though they cannot suddenly form a hack.
That is why people like you and me
have the power to liberate and see.

Methods and planning are getting in the way
of taking action and keeping harm at bay.
You and I, we're all it takes
to save everything that is at stake.

The system is corrupted, we all know that.
We must repel at once, it's a fact.
Their voices are drowning in a sea of sorrow
wondering in fear how they'll ever see tomorrow.

A/N: Hey guys, wrote this in a whim just now.
Tell me what you think this poem is about!
Everyone can have different interpretations. :)

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