Quentin gave this hypothesis some serious consideration before saying. "I think it's more than that. I think it's you that brings that trait out in them. There's just something about you."


Billie fidgeted a little under the intensity of Quentin's gaze. He was trying to figure her out and she'd rather he didn't. After all, it's been decided, he's not sticking around. All of this is pretend, and if earlier was an example of his talents, he's damn good at it. Something she really needed to keep in mind.

After dessert, they took the long way back to New York City. Riding with the top down both of the car's occupants had settled into a comfortable silence. Until...

"You know I really ought to take you home. I doubt your father would have waited around for you this long," Billie said and Quentin turned to look at her but seemed a little lost in thought.

"Come again?" he asked.

"Home? I should probably take you home. Where do you live?"

"Home is outside of the city. I'm currently staying with a friend. My mother would love that I stay at the house but having that much exposure to my father is not healthy for our relationship."

"So, where to?"

Quentin rattled off an address involving Lexington Ave and the Upper East Side.

"Your friend lives in The Burton?" Billie asked, getting a sick feeling in her stomach. It was a huge co-op. Quentin could be friends with anyone in that building.

"Are you familiar with the place?"

"A little, yes," Billie said but even she could hear the tension in her voice.

"You okay?"

"Fine, Lexington Avenue it is," Billie said expertly navigating the city. Soon they arrived at their destination. Billie pulled up right out front.

Quentin wished there was a way to lobby for more time but knew he'd have to let her go. "I really enjoyed this time with you."

"I did too."

Quentin grinned. "You sound surprised by that fact."

"That's because I am," Billie admitted. She really expected to find a complete narcissist, a self-absorbed, spoiled brat who only cared about himself but instead, she found him one of the most interesting men she's met in a long time.

"Well, here's hoping that I continue to surprise you," Quentin said and he leaned in to kiss her but Billie pulled back.

"It's been a pleasure, Mr. Harrison." Billie held her hand out to him.

Quentin grinned. He was now more determined than ever to win Ms. Dupree over. It's been years since he's enjoyed a woman's company this much. He wasn't sure how far he was going to take this little experiment of his but he knew giving up wasn't an option.

He took her hand in his. It was warm and his large hand enveloped her petite fingers. Just that simple touch sparked something in her eyes. Quentin could see it, but he refused to pounce. Instead, he said, "The pleasure was all mine, Ms. Dupree," as his thumb lightly grazed over her hand.

He'd seen her swallow hard as she stared at him but she hadn't pulled her hand away. Ever so slowly, almost in perceptible, he pulled her closer. She was drawn to him like a moth to the flame. It was almost a gravitational pull; it had such weight behind it.

As he drew her closer, he saw how she subconsciously wet her lips in preparation for them to kiss and found it vexing. Billie Dupree was both sensual and seductive and she wasn't even trying. So close was she now he could feel her breath brush his lips. Just a fraction more and...

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