Part 20 - A Calm Lake

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Quick A/N, this is super descriptive to be relaxing idk.

You have ten days. You can relax for just one.

Ignoring the stares of villagers, Camilo and you make your way to one of the peaceful, Zen gardens Isabela planted. You notice Camilo subtly move to block you from the villager's piercing stares. When you finally reach the garden, you collapse under a tree. Camilo towers over you, blocking the Colombian sunshine from your eyes.

You pat the grass beside you. "Camilo," you say. Camilo plops down beside you. You lean sideways, allowing your body to rest on Camilo's chest. You peacefully synchronize your breathing to Camilo's rising and falling chest.

"So..." Camilo says, stroking your hair. He looks at you with eyes full of love and peace, and despite the red rim around them, you can feel the sincerity. With a small pang you realize that Camilo thought you were gone. He thought he had lost you. 

He thought he would never see you again.

You close your eyes shut, willing the thought to leave. Camilo's breathing pattern switches. "You okay?" he asks slowly.

You nod. "Just overwhelmed."

Camilo's hand flies to your cheek, tracing a tear track leftover from when you first saw Mirabel. "You'll be alright. The villagers will defend our encanto, and everything will be alright."

For the first time in weeks, you actually believe that. 

You open your eyes and study Camilo's face. His hazel eyes fill with joy, his lips forming a small smile. His hair is messy, so you reach up a hand to fix it. Camilo smiles at you. He leans down and kisses you, sending you into another mini-explosion. You feel giddy, happy, excited. 

Camilo makes you happy.


Author's Note:

Short 'n sweet. 

Mi conejita. [Camilo x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now