Part 4 - The Dream

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"Where were you, y/n?"

You whirl around. It is your dad. "Answer me, y/n."

You try to sound natural. "I was out..." you start to say.

"With who? A boy?" your father says, tone sharpening

You sigh. "Sí, papa. But not like you think."

"Which boy was it?" asks your dad sharply.

"Camilo Madrigal. But papa, I do not  like him. He was just wondering if I was okay after earlier."

"You promise that was why?"

"Sí, papa," you answer. He sighs and leaves you to go to your room. You slip into your pajamas and quickly fall asleep.

The next morning,

"Ai, mija! Wake up!" you hear. Your mother is shaking your shoulders.

"What, mama?" you groan, getting out of bed.

"Time to get up!" she says. Your mother hugs you and leaves your room. You sigh and dress yourself. After eating, you decide to go for a walk. You reach the same stream you went to for the picnic, and the stream you talked to Camilo by. 

You sit down and hug your knees. You start to cry. Nothing makes sense anymore. Why did Camilo start bugging you now? You've known him for years. What was that bang? Why did your scar burn? How did you even get that scar? And why, just why, did it make you think of your tío?

You hear a twig snap. You quickly wipe your eyes, and turn your head around. It is Mirabel. "Hola Mirabel." you say. She sits down beside you.

"What's wrong?" she asks. You sigh and brush it off. She looks concerned, but smiles and helps you up. "Hey, y/n, do you want to have a sleepover tonight?"

You squeal, "Yes!!!!"

Mirabel laughs. The two of you hang out for the rest of the day, giggling and talking about boys, complaining about parents, the usual. Finally, it is time for the night. You sit at the table with the Madrigals. Since you are sitting on Mirabel's right, you are right across from Camilo. You try to avoid eye contact for the whole meal, which is hard, because he is staring right at you. 

Mirabel notices, and as soon as the meal is over, she jumps up. "Abuela, y/n and I are going to my room," she explains. Abuela Alma nods, and Mirabel takes me by the hand, leading me to her room. You can't help but notice Camilo looking sad, but you ignore it.

You close the door to the nursery. "Mirabel, I need to tell you something. I need to tell everyone something."

Mirabel nods. "Not now," she says. "Right now we are having fun!" she orders. You giggle and allow her to braid your hair. The two of you quickly tire out.

"Want to play truth or dare?" you ask. The two of you are lying on one of the beds, staring up at the ceiling.

"Sure," Mirabel answers. "I'll go first."

"Who decided that?"


You giggle. "Truth or dare, y/n."


"Do you like Camilo?" she giggles. You roll over, pushing Mirabel out of the bed. The two of you giggle. "Do you?" she repeats. You shake your head.

"Never," you say. She laughs.

"Yeah, right," she says. The two of you continue to play the game. The best dare was when you dared Mirabel to colour her hair, the juiciest truth was when Mirabel asked you who you liked. You didn't answer that one, because you weren't quite sure. Soon, Mirabel falls asleep in her bed, leaving you staring at the roof in yours. You close your eyes, and start to dream.

 You dream about falling. Endless falling. Then thunder. Suddenly, you see the same symbol on the rock, glowing blue. You hear a voice.

"Listen closely, y/n," it says. "You are going to die. Very soon. When your time comes, you will die. But, until then, you mustn't tell anyone. If you tell someone, not only will it cost you your life, but it will cost them theirs."

You wake up, shaking. You quietly slip out of the room, close the door, then start sobbing. You don't know what to do. Will Camilo die? You have to tell Mirabel, but you can't risk her life. You walk along the balcony, to the stairway down to the main floor. Crying violently, you know you need to get away. Before you hurt anyone.

You suddenly hit something hard. Camilo. He grabs your shoulders, steadying you. "What's wrong, conejita?" he asks. You look up at him. When he sees your pale face, his look goes from concerned to scared. His gentle eyes look soft, and his face isn't smug. You decide you like this, then quickly push the thought out of your head.

"Let me go, Camilo," you say, tears building up in your eyes. Camilo is just a little taller than you, but in your despair, he feels like he is towering over you. You try to go around him, but he blocks the way.

"I will if you tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong," you say, trying to push past him.

"If nothing's wrong, why are you refusing to tell me anything?"

You feel the tears burn the back of your eyes. Suddenly, it all bursts out. The tears pour down your face as you explain everything.

"Camilo - cave - die - Mirabel - tío - useless," you say, your words mixed because of your sobs.

"Calm down," Camilo says. He looks really worried. His soft, light brown eyes pierce you. 

You take a breath. "I had a dream, about the cave and the glowing symbol, then I heard a voice that said I would die soon, and not to tell anyone or else they would die as well," you say, sobbing. Camilo puts his hand in your hair. You grab it, and push it off.

Camilo half-smirks. "Listen, conejita. Why don't you go get some more rest, and we'll talk about it in the morning, okay? Everything will by fine." 

But you can tell from the look on his face that everything will be far from fine.

You nod your head and allow Camilo to walk with you back to where you were sleeping. You quietly open the door, and Camilo turns to go to sleep. "Um, Camilo?" you ask timidly. He turns around. "Thank you,"

Camilo smiles as he turns around to go to sleep. He knows that was the best you could do with your pride.

You didn't have any other dreams that night, but the voice and its words still haunted you.

Mi conejita. [Camilo x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now