"I'm sorry Khushi. I should have told you earlier please forgive me. And I know this thing and killing is new to you okay. Please forgive me." He pleaded and she only nodded. He kissed her cheeks and she blushed.

"Come. We need to prepare you for the press." He dropped the bomb and she gulped.

"Being the husband of a Mafia Don and a billionaire expect those kind of unexpected News. Always prepare your mind for that." He informed.

"Get ready we are heading to the saloon. I dropped your dress there." He said caressing her cheeks which was turned red .

"Come." He opened the door for her and they drove to their destination.

East Wing

"What are you doing Shyam?" Anjali asked in disbelief.

"I'm packing my belongings as you can see." He retorts and she gulped.

"Are you leaving me already. If the court hears about that I would be taken to prison." She sang like a high pitch bird which annoyed the hell out of Shyam.

"Yeah... yeah... yeah.. all you care about is the court right? What about me? The human being you chained down to destroy his life? Huh! What about that? You don't care about me neither is your good for nothing grani. If you want go tell her I said she's good for nothing." He dragged his suitcase out and Anjali started wailing.

"Shyam please don't leave me." She said with fake tears as they approach the hall.

"Oh Anjali would you stop the pretends huh! I'm sick and tired of it. I'm not going anywhere I'm taking one of the small rooms downstairs and besides the contract never we should stay in one roof." He retorts and got to the room he chose.

"Don't be dramatic Shyam. Arnav only told Akash to choose those rooms not you." Dadi started and he scoffed. He had have enough of their drama.

"Says by who? I met him on his way here yesterday and I asked him if I could shift to one of the rooms downstairs. He offered me the big one and I declined. I wanted a little space of mine and if you don't believe me ask him. Oh I don't care if you believe me or not, I have had enough of you people. If you could excuse me I have a lot of packing to do." He rolled his eyes and went to his new room. Nk smiled, finally he had gotten sense.

"Hi Mrs ASR, welcome." A lady said with a fake smile plastered on her face. And Khushi  nodded.

"You know what to do? If there is any mistake I would take your head as my dog's food. Get it!" He threatened and she shivered and nodded. Khushi giggled inside.

"Baby I would come pick you up after I'm done." He said for everyone to hear which made Khushi blushed. He kissed her cheeks and left.

"Arnav.." she called and they all looked at her like she came from another planet.

"Yeah baby.. what is it?" He asked softly and they couldn't believe their ears.

"Your coffee and sandwich is in the car. Aman's own is added. Just reminding you to take a break when working." She said and he chuckled before kissing her forehead and left.

"Shall we MRS ASR." She said and Khushi smiled.

She sat down and she could hear whispered but she ignored them.

"Do you know why the head was fuming. She tried hitting on ASR but he never mind her. She was jealous because you received those treatment." A blackhead said and all khushi could say was hum.


Every media in Delhi prepared well for this emergency press meeting by Arnav. They knew there was something important . If not why would he call them.

Everything was set and Cameras were set. Arnav walked in and the hall went quite. He sat on his chair beside him was Aman.

"You're all wondering why I called you here today." He started.

"Since I started my businesses and career. Media have been going crazy to pry in my love life ." He continued

"I have dated a few ladies but so I couldn't find my better half. The one that defines me. The one that when you looked into her eyes you melt down and all your worries go instantly. The one that makes you weak just by her smile only. The one that if she ignores you for a day you become restless and the one who makes your heartbeat go crazy. I never found that person till I went to Lucknow for some business." He said and his voice was soothing and the place was hell silent.

"I found her there in Lucknow. In a heartbreaking event where she was casted out and looked down upon. I fell in love with her just by looking at her tears. It pained me seeing her in tears, so I married her with the consent of her grandfather in Lucknow. All I wanted to say is I am a married Man now. I'm married to someone to which I would introduced this evening at my Friday success event. That's all what I wanted to say. Any questions?" He said in a calm tone. Everyone was shocked, neither have they ever seen Arnav talk in a calm tone or speak in a calm tone.

"What is the name of your wife and is she educated or just a low class behenji.

Arnav chuckled.

"Her name?... Khushi... Happiness right? Khushi Gupta now Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada. And talking about her educational background she's bigger than you think. You know we all have the mind set that someone from a village have no background in education nor are they intelligent but that's where you are wrong. They are intelligent but they do not have the privilege like the way you city Guys have. I bet most of you all aren't from Delhi. And speaking of my wife she can beat you all in accounting. If you would excuse me." He got up leaving a speechless audience.

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