🎇Love Beyond Limits-35🎇

Start from the beginning

When Dad had to go to Spain, he wanted me to be in a good and safe company. So, before going, he forced me to accompany him to a dinner at Rajveer's house. He also called Rehaan. The sole purpose was to make me meet them. So, it happened. I met them for the first time in this mansion only, Rajveer's Mansion! (So, here one thing is cleared that the mansion in which Riddhima is living belongs to Rajveer) In the very first meet, they both had started developing a bond with me. After leaving you and coming to Delhi, I never felt comfortable in anyone's company. But with them, I felt comfortable and safe. Dad used to go to one of their house daily and always accompanied me with him. Gradually, I started developing friendship with them. I started coming back to normal. I, once again, started living life. And then, Dad went to Spain. I knew that I couldn't talk to him when he is on mission but I was satisfied that still they both are with me. I started taking interest in everything once again. I started going to medical college and study for my dreams again. Rajveer and Rehaan also were engrossed in their profession. Time passed this way and within 9 month, we three became the best friends. We used to share each and everything with one another. Dad used to visit after every 2-3 months and we all used to have a great time together. Rajveer had a family including his parents, his Bua, one brother and one sister. He was a very loving and caring person. He was very naive and selfless always ready to go to any extent for his family. He loved them alot. And Rehaan! His parents were living in a broken marriage just for their son. He was the only son of Vikram Malhotra. He lost his parents when he had joined intelligence. So, he used to live alone in Delhi. Being the only son, he had always got what he desired for. This had developed a kind of....possessiveness and proud in him. Though there were alot of similarities in both of them, Rajveer was selfless and Rehaan had always a desire to be the best. He was a man of high temperament. He used to get angry on small issues......

We were the best trio. I was known in the intelligence bureau for being their best friend. For me, they both were my best friends. But for them...... Well, that's the point, when the things started messing up. We went to Rajveer's hometown for his sister's wedding. There, Rajveer's family misunderstood me for being his girlfriend. Though the misunderstanding was cleared soon but that misunderstanding developed some new feelings in the hearts of the two. I never knew when and how both Rajveer and Rehaan had fallen in love with me. Their care, protection and respect towards me was not an act of kidness and friendship anymore. They both had started loving me secretly and I was not at all aware of that. Even they both were not aware of each other's feelings towards me. I considered both of them just best friends. Even I used to share everything with them so, they both knew well about you. Each and everything about me. They even knew well about Dad being Ajay RaiSinghania and all the happenings in our life. They both had started being possessive and protective towards me and this often led to small arguments between them. They were always in a competition of impressing me. But I was so dumb that I kept on thinking it just friendship. Rajveer was a really understanding man. He never confessed his feelings to me because he knew that I love you and only you. But Rehaan! He wanted to confess his feelings to me. And he did it too. On the night after the marriage of Rajveer's sister, Rehaan confessed his feelings to me. And he did it infront of Rajveer.....I was shocked....I didn't react to anything. I had only you in my mind. Rajveer understood my condition and for the first time, he became furious. And for the first time......They both had a serious fight because of me. Rehaan was fighting for his love and Rajveer instead of fighting for his love, He was fighting for your love. He never said that he loved me. He always used to say, "Riddhima only belongs to Vansh" and that day....everything changed.

Flashback starts,
Rehaan was sitting on his knees and presenting a ring to Riddhima. Riddhima was shocked and so did Rajveer who was standing a bit away from them. They all were present on the terrace of Rajveer's house that was beautifully decorated. Rehaan had a broad smile on his face while Riddhima was neither speaking anything nor moving. She was just shocked and staring at the ring Rehaan presented him. All the memories of Vansh was going on in her mind. Not taking it anymore, in shock, Riddhima stumbled a little and stepped backward. Rajveer ran to hold her and supported her. Rehaan looking at Riddhima got up,
Reh(Confused): Riddhu! Are you alright? What happened? Look! I know it might be a little shocking but Riddhu! I really love you!
Riddhima stares him in shock. Rajveer in anger spoke,
Raj(furious): Are you in your senses Rehaan? A little shocking? It was completely out of the box! You know well that she loves Vansh only.
Reh(serious): It was her past Rajveer! Vansh is no more in her life. One day or the other, she has to move on.
Raj: Are you even looking at her condition? She was not ready and you just.....What do you think you are doing?
Reh: Oh come on Rajveer! I have not done any sin. I had just confessed my feelings for her and proposed her.
Raj: Rehaan! Stop it! You are hurting her!
Reh(pissed): Why are you coming in between? This matter is between me and Riddhima. Stay out of it!
Rajveer was shocked as he never behaved this way.
Reh(furious): And when Riddhima is not saying anything, why are you arguing so much? Why is it affecting you so much?
Raj: Because I am concerned about Riddhima. (Gritting his teeth) You know well how sensitive she is about this topic.
Reh(angry): Right now! Only you are looking sensitive to me about Riddhima. Is it just your concern or are you also in love with her. And now jealous that I proposed her first?
This came like a shocker to Riddhima and Rajveer.
Raj(furios): Shut up Rehaan! Just shut up!!
His voice was extremely loud that even shocked Rehaan.
Raj(loud): I am not going to listen a word more. Riddhima belongs to Vansh. She loves him and no one has any right to claim his love on her.
Reh(furious): Don't raise you voice so high Rajveer! I know well how to put it down.
Rajveer held him by his collar.
Raj: What will you do? Huh? Will you punch me? Will you hit me? Huh? What will you do?
He pushed him backwards and as a reaction, Rehaan furiously punched him on his face. They both started fighting. Riddhima who was standing there in shock, ran to stop both of them. She started pushing them in opposite direction to separate them.
Rid: Rajveer! Rehaan! Stop it you both! Have you gone mad! Stop it!
In the fuss, Riddhima shouted,
Rid: Enough!!!
They both looked at Riddhima.
Rid: What do you want? Both of you? Have you forgot all your manners? What love huh? I made it clear on the very first day, that I love Vansh and only Vansh! Then why Rehaan!
She tried to calm herself,
Rid: Look! Rehaan! I respect your feelings! But you know well it's impossible. You know well that this one sided love will lead nowhere. I will never accept this proposal. So, its better you both stop fighting over a useless thing.

Reh: Useless thing? Riddhima! You are disrespecting my love! I know you don't love me but still I am far better than that Vansh!

Rid: Rehaan?

Reh(furious): And what Vansh? That Betrayer! Who had no respect for his love? I don't think he had ever loved you Riddhima! He was just a rich spoilt brat who was spending his time with you just to satisfy his desires.

He held Riddhima by her waist and pushed her towards him,

Reh: You are just mine Riddhima! Neither Vansh nor Rajveer could separate you from me. I want you and no one can stop me from this.

Riddhima couldn't listen anything against Vansh. Listening to these words, she became furious, pushed him and slapped him tight on his face.

Rid(loud): Do I look like a toy to both of you? That if one person has left me then I am ready to be proposed by another? Am I a joke to all of you? That whoever can say whatever he wants!...Rajveer! Vansh is not in my life anymore! Though I still love him, that is not going to change the fact that we are no more together. I don't need anyone's support So, stop it!! And Rehaan! (Pointing him with her finger) Don't you ever dare to talk about Vansh this way again! I will not tolerate this. Vansh is the most beautiful memory of my life. Don't you dare to disrespect my memories. Stay in your limits! Or I will forget mine!

And doing this, she left from there in anger. Rajveer aslo left somewhere and Rehaan was standing their burning in anger. Evilness was visible on his face. He gritted his teeth in anger and punched the ground.

Reh: Riddhima! Today, you insulted my love. You have to pay for this! And Rajveer even you are going to pay a big price for whatever you did.

Flashback ends.

Riddhima continues,

"That day I realized that it was not love. It was his obsession for the things he wanted to achieve in his life. For the first time, I felt a negative vibe coming from him. He was possessive about me. Obsessed in my love. His nature was like that once he desired for something, he would get it by hook or by crook. That day, I also realized Rajveer's feelings for me when he was defending and protecting me. And I was not in my senses. I was feeling guilty that because of me, the two brothers like best friends were fighting violently. Being angry with both of them, I left and came back to Delhi. I didn't contact them for a week. Neither anyone of them did. After a week, One day, Rajveer came to my house to convince me. Though I was extremely angry with them but somehow I was guilty too that I made them fight. I was the reason for all of that. So, I got convinced with him. We had a normal chat trying to bring back things to normal but we both never knew what's the fate has kept in for us. After sometime, when I asked him about Rehaan's whereabouts, he replied,

"Rehaan is missing since the time you left from the wedding!"

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