Take 45.1 - Our KickAss Submarine 2.0

Start from the beginning

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Take 45

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Take 45.1 – Our Kickass Submarine 2.0

Simultaneously as Arnav steps into the BCCI

(Imagine this following scene below in unfolding at the same time as Arnav's one on one with the BCCI officials in the previous update)

Sundar Nursery(Heritage Park+ UNESCO World Heritage Site) – New Delhi

Khushi continues to take calm deep breathes as she walks to the spot with a little picnic basket in hand and her backpack. She was extremely stoked within with her choice of location that she had decided to be the meeting spot for the day not just because the ambience was extremely refreshing and calm – it was also because it was going to serve as a food for thought for the rest in the meeting – during the one on one – with her choice of words. She was also super glad that she had gotten into a little text chat with Arnav before he'd stepped in on things at his end – whilst getting this little preparation set for her meeting with Vikram Sir/Radha and Nikhil.

As she is walking her way to the spot – she can't help but wonder about things on Arnav's end obviously in her head and heart! She knew he'd already stepped into the elevator taking him up to his floor – and so momentarily she just continued to wish him all the best in her heart. She believed with full conviction within that he'd be able to put forth his point forward with complete honesty and clarity!

HIT WICKET MY HEART 3.0 **COMPLETE**Where stories live. Discover now